Release Notes for Ext JS 6.5.0
Release Date: Wed May 10 2017
Version Number:
New Features
- App (4)
EXTJS-24636 The getApplication method should be available earlier
EXTJS-22819 Router should fire a global beforeroute event
EXTJS-24277 Support hashbang in app routing
EXTJS-16051 Router redirectTo should have a replace option to avoid adding to the history
- Bind (2)
EXTJS-22695 ViewModel setData should always set the data on the called VM and should not climb to parents
EXTJS-22913 ViewControllers should support declarative bindings into ViewModels
- Charts (2)
EXTJS-24239 Pie 3D series should have series and label renderer support
EXTJS-23228 Candlestick series should support the 'renderer' config
- Cmd (1)
EXTJS-24738 All packages in extjs/SDK should be npm- and mondorepo-compatible
- Core (4)
EXTJS-23472 Component should provide maskDefaults config for setLoading
EXTJS-23242 Add Ext.promise.Promise.catch
EXTJS-23158 Ext.Promise - add race method
EXTJS-16563 Modern toolkit should support Ext.Editor
- Data (1)
EXTJS-23231 MemoryProxy should allow its data to be cleared after being read (clearOnRead)
- Documentation (3)
EXTJS-20444 DockingContainer. initDockingItems should be marked as protected
EXTJS-22198 Promote Toolbar trackMenus config to public and document
EXTJS-23353 Document Ext.Component#renderConfig
- Exporter (3)
EXTJS-23512 Exporter should support an exportRenderer config for columns
EXTJS-22627 Column exportStyle should allow width to be specified
EXTJS-20353 Exporter should export grouped data and summaries
- Forms (7)
EXTJS-23235 Date picker week start day should default to Ext.Date.firstDayOfWeek
EXTJS-24437 Include a textfield ui that makes searchfields look good in a titlebar
EXTJS-16530 Modern toolkit should support FieldSet
EXTJS-16528 Modern toolkit should support TagField
EXTJS-16521 Modern toolkit should support TextField triggers
EXTJS-16518 Modern toolkit should support desktop-style ComboBox
EXTJS-20896 multislider setValue method should accept multiple values and create or destroy thumbs to match
- Grid (5)
EXTJS-24163 Paging toolbar should be able to buffer page loads in modern grid
EXTJS-16549 Modern toolkit grid should support Action column
EXTJS-16581 Modern toolkit grid should provide column drag reordering
EXTJS-16539 Modern toolkit grid should support inline cell editing
EXTJS-16548 Modern toolkit grid should support checkbox selection model
- Layouts (1)
EXTJS-23982 Card layout should automatically choose the correct direction when animating between cards
- Misc (5)
EXTJS-24012 Automatically set ripple color based on context
EXTJS-18620 Ext.util.Cookies should be in the core package
EXTJS-22828 ServerProxy should allow sorting or grouping fields and directions to be the same URL parameter (such as ?sort=name%20ASC)
EXTJS-22677 Modern toolkit should support form layout
EXTJS-22943 Allow stores to be used inside formulas to calculate values when data changes
- PivotGrid (1)
EXTJS-22908 It should be possible to configure pivot grid rows and/or columns as collapsible:false
Bugs Fixed
- Accessibility (2)
EXTJS-23171 Ctrl-Up arrow does not work in Grid and toolbar in Accordion child panel
EXTJS-20408 Grid NavigationModel incorrectly consumes F2 key with modifiers
- App (1)
EXTJS-17386 store undefined while loading in a viewmodel formula
- Bind (7)
EXTJS-25137 Readonly fields with labelAlign:placeholder (material theme's default) have label overlapping values
EXTJS-24322 Bind expressions w/minus operators but no spaces are treated as identifiers instead of subtraction
EXTJS-23286 ViewModel doesn't get created if there are no bindings/publishes
EXTJS-23442 Viewmodel formula doesn't parse arguments correctly when using inline named function
EXTJS-19403 Child viewModel saves undeclared root data on parent viewmodel
EXTJS-18892 Calculated field function parser adds dependencies from code in comments
EXTJS-17254 Store should deliver presence while loading to allow loadmasks to be shown
- Button (3)
EXTJS-25032 Improve FAB hover style
EXTJS-23682 Text in buttons is missing in IE 11 modern
EXTJS-22450 Icon only buttons don't always center the icon
- Calendar (2)
EXTJS-23742 [Calendar event] window for create/edit event didn't displayed
EXTJS-22697 eventtap event not fired for calendar day/week view
- Charts (25)
EXTJS-24624 Multiple radar series can not be added dynamically
EXTJS-24594 Charts legend does not implement isFloating() method causing ZIndexManager to crash
EXTJS-24085 Bar chart throws an exception when extending Ext.chart.axis.Category
EXTJS-24106 Modern Gauge example is broken in Safari
EXTJS-24225 Should prevent view scrolling when a D3 component is zoomed via mousewheel
EXTJS-23760 Chart example loads with transparent background
EXTJS-23824 Modern chart dataview legend can neither scroll nor wrap when overflowing container.
EXTJS-23499 addSeries throws an exception
EXTJS-23720 Modern Area Basic example doesn't work on mobile
EXTJS-23218 Time axis: ticks don't match data points in certain cases.
EXTJS-23136 Rotated labels randomly not rendering in Charts
EXTJS-22320 Radar chart incorrectly sets rotation
EXTJS-22111 Gauge chart does not scale properly when min/max are close
EXTJS-22318 Point labels are not positioned correctly when rotation config set in radar chart
EXTJS-20496 Pie chart labels for very small slices can overlap
EXTJS-20426 Chart numeric axis does not respect minimum when adjustByMajorUnit is true & minimum > 0
EXTJS-20807 Radar marker misplaced when value equals 0
EXTJS-22518 Line series with smoothing does not render correctly
EXTJS-22142 Colors for Gauge are not respected in legend
EXTJS-22319 Setting rotation causes style to revert back to default in radar chart
EXTJS-19788 Radar chart shows incorrect data if there are multiple series and no min/max is provided
EXTJS-20109 itemhighlight/change should be consolidated into a single event and fired consistently
EXTJS-15893 Series 'highlight' config should be themable
EXTJS-15671 Column chart - limit line not cleared when store cleared
EXTJS-17104 When a pie chart displays only one slice, the border of the slice creates a vertical line
- Core (5)
EXTJS-25064 Ext.Function.interval does not honour scope parameter
EXTJS-24832 Component keyMap definitions are duplicated on each instance
EXTJS-20525 Resizing elements next to an iframe will lose track of mouse move
EXTJS-21141 Ext.util.CSV.decode doesn't recognize the first column value when it is blank.
EXTJS-22553 Ext.ComponentQuery.query() with no selector throws exception
- D3 (5)
EXTJS-24017 Treemap won't load correctly
EXTJS-23797 Source click doesn't work on mobile phones
EXTJS-23911 D3 components don't respond to shrinking
EXTJS-23877 Heatmap layout is not responsive
EXTJS-23940 HeatMaps shouldn't have layout transition on resize
- Data (9)
EXTJS-23558 Some ChainedStore methods can fail when no source is attached
EXTJS-23647 Model getValidation.isValid() can be incorrect when using cancelEdit
EXTJS-23044 If an associated store is referenced before a model is load, the data is not loaded into the store correctly
EXTJS-23140 data.Reader should not cache extractors when using anonymous classes
EXTJS-23102 Model dependencies are not correctly recalculated in some cases when using replaceFields
EXTJS-23033 Changing the group of a record can throw an exception when using a chained store
EXTJS-20648 Stateful grid with buffered store, autoLoad:true, and sorters loads twice
EXTJS-17728's recordCreator does not update existing, unmodified records with new data
EXTJS-20025 ignores proxy batchActions setting
- DataView (4)
EXTJS-24560 Unhandled exceptions when navigating in grid using HOME/END keys
EXTJS-23685 Horizontal DataView can not be scrolled
EXTJS-23560 Grouped list throws an exception when clearing the associated store
EXTJS-23467 List scrolls to the top when items are inserted or deleted
- Documentation (24)
EXTJS-24801 Documentation of Ext.layout.Box configs is not visible
EXTJS-23960 Options and Parameter are not currently producing documentation.
EXTJS-23869 Documentation - displayfield - submitValue has incorrect default value
EXTJS-23583 Missing pie label display "inside" config
EXTJS-23465 Wrong var name for $form-toolbar-text-field-invalid-border-color
EXTJS-23404 Toast show position does not match documentation
EXTJS-23352 The "beforedestroy" event documentation needs to include a warning about vetoing
EXTJS-23368 Ext.carousel.Carousel directionLock config not documented
EXTJS-23259 Modern Ext.grid.Grid - itemConfig marked as private, but referred to in docs
EXTJS-23484 expanderFirst missing from Ext.list.Tree docs
EXTJS-23384 Grid feature code example incorrectly marked as runnable
EXTJS-23172 Window.floating does not inherit documentation correctly
EXTJS-23092 asUCText duplicated
EXTJS-22730 Ext.util.Filter code example comments have inaccurate comment statements
EXTJS-22825 beforeload and load events should be clarified and referenced to before/prefetch events
EXTJS-22784 Messagebox show documentation has incorrect parameter name
EXTJS-22689 -> exception indicates the request is returned but should be response
EXTJS-23075 Add default to columnLines doc entry
EXTJS-23015 Mashup example documentation should show mixins as an array of strings
EXTJS-19637 Documentation should clarify that BufferedStore is not supported on the Modern Toolkit
EXTJS-21246 Ext.grid.filters.filter.Boolean value shouldn't be quoted
EXTJS-21059 Rating picker limit config default is incorrect
EXTJS-22632 removeAll should make it clearer that it is affected by filtering
EXTJS-23224 Improve documentation for undefined values
- Draw (2)
EXTJS-22883 Draw container with SVG Engine throws uncaught errors when trying to download
EXTJS-22609 Animation modifier throws on Edge referencing triggers on destroyed sprite
- Events (1)
EXTJS-22261 Ext.event.Event.within disregards allowEl paramater
- Examples (14)
EXTJS-24536 Prevent tap event propagation in picker list
EXTJS-24242 Value is not visible when textfield is too small on Triton theme
EXTJS-24070 Ticket App - Icon for button search is not displayed
EXTJS-24071 Update Custom error handling example for modern toolkit
EXTJS-23979 D3 example should not be presented on IE8/9
EXTJS-23996 Wrong functionality for spinners in two-way formulas example
EXTJS-24000 Error thrown when destroying Easing example
EXTJS-23870 Hide then expand code preview in KS leads to unresizable panel
EXTJS-24120 [D3] Pivot Heatmap example is not loaded correctly
EXTJS-23616 Incorrect rounding in two-way formulas
EXTJS-23727 Elements initial position is out of constrained area
EXTJS-23279 Menu fields not disappearing after picking one while window is resized
EXTJS-20922 BoxReorderer plugin doesn't work in RTL mode
EXTJS-22360 Vector icons are not properly aligned
- Exporter (3)
EXTJS-24351 The xlsx files generated by exporter are not visible in iOS Safari
EXTJS-23405 When exporting grid, zeros are exported as blanks
EXTJS-23300 Grid Exporter should ignore hidden columns
- Forms (25)
EXTJS-25009 Selectfield/Combobox should not allow value deselecting when using list picker
EXTJS-25042 Combobox with labelAlign="placeholder" doesn't keep label elevated when value is set
EXTJS-24683 Error thrown as you type to number/email field - Chrome
EXTJS-24699 Number field, enter in value above max value will not update input
EXTJS-24866 Label misaligned when using labelAlign: 'placeholder'
EXTJS-24570 Numeric validator shows invalid when field is blank
EXTJS-24604 selectfield cannot be opened in sheet on touch devices
EXTJS-24538 Picker fields should open on touchend and allow form scrolling
EXTJS-24131 Date is not changed by datepanel picker
EXTJS-23924 Displayfield does not add a line break after commas
EXTJS-24056 Selection doesn't work with two items in selectfield on iPhones
EXTJS-23976 Placeholder label is not visible when switching between fields
EXTJS-23662 Textarea field does not adhere to growMin at init
EXTJS-23677 Selectfield does not properly apply bind value when using a restful store
EXTJS-23692 standardSubmit does not post correctly
EXTJS-23617 When focused the regular placeholder should be displayed even if labelAlign is 'placeholder'
EXTJS-23445 TextArea doesn't propagate enter key
EXTJS-22968 Text field focus method doesn't select text correctly when passed a selection range
EXTJS-22954 DateField getValue() should return a Date with cleared time values based upon format config
EXTJS-23120 Cannot upload a file with form submit on Firefox and IE11
EXTJS-22670 Hidden field crashes when created
EXTJS-21257 Cannot specify a renderer string for display field
EXTJS-21116 Datepicker header background color undocumented
EXTJS-21245 Textarea preventScrollbars disables grow
EXTJS-18335 Field emptyText isn't correctly html encoded
- Grid (52)
EXTJS-25089 Shift+Tab in first editable cell crashes browser tab
EXTJS-24686 Error thrown when you navigate from first or last row in grouped grid
EXTJS-24589 Grid mutates an incoming dockedItems array by unshifting its HeaderContainer into it
EXTJS-24374 Grid scroll partners not in sync in certain situations.
EXTJS-24453 RowBody presence in grid should imply variableHeights: true
EXTJS-24468 Locked grid scrolls to top if you click on a partially exposed cell in normal view
EXTJS-24735 setExtensible does affect a current selection
EXTJS-24496 Columns are offset to the right on tablets and phones
EXTJS-24578 Grid DragDrop#containerScroll true not working
EXTJS-24470 Grid row remains focused after scrolling out of view
EXTJS-24252 Trigger icons of pickers used in celleditors are not visible
EXTJS-24471 Focus error thrown after opening column menu in grid header menu
EXTJS-24102 Modern grid column reorder doesn't update columns in grid body
EXTJS-23865 Grid columns do not get hidden when using Columns visibility menu
EXTJS-23786 RowExpander not getting added to the grid
EXTJS-23695 Rownumberer column is placed at end of columns in locked grid
EXTJS-23687 Missing scrollbar in some pivotgrid
EXTJS-23461 List filter with a non array value doesn't have initial value set correctly
EXTJS-23457 Vertical scrolling by scroll buttons produces abnormal horizontal scroll/jump
EXTJS-23702 Scrolling in buffered rendered grid is broken by chrome 56 release (Classic)
EXTJS-23377 After a load caused by auto-paging, 1 or 2 items are missing on top of the grid.
EXTJS-23453 Hidden column state in locked grid can result in layout failure
EXTJS-23301 Locking Grid: Unable to scroll horizontally via scroll buttons in normal grid
EXTJS-23576 Collapsing a group while editing throws an error
EXTJS-23248 Grid in collapsed container throws an exception while reconfiguring columns when not laid out
EXTJS-23238 Unlocked portion of lockable grid scrolls horizontally when editor is activated
EXTJS-23375 Can't bind store to grid with paging toolbar
EXTJS-23345 Tabbing from a celleditor will move misalign the unlocked portion of a grid
EXTJS-23217 Stateful Grid with enableLocking and no locked columns does not apply column width correctly
EXTJS-23373 Buffered Store reload throws error when holding 1 record
EXTJS-23413 Navigation via keyboard arrows can misalign columns in lockable grid
EXTJS-23127 Non-collapsing grid groups shouldn't have tips about collapsing
EXTJS-23311 Error thrown when hiding column which contains selection extension handle.
EXTJS-23269 Editing plugin crashes when editing and then clicking on a widget
EXTJS-22975 Column header bindings fail on moved grid column
EXTJS-23236 Rowbody throws an exception when reconfiguring columns while not rendered
EXTJS-23178 Summary feature corrupts grid when not docked and used with GroupingSummary
EXTJS-23030 Widget column cannot bind to hidden state correctly when loading a new dataset
EXTJS-23187 Grid checkbox selection doesn't select row correctly with gridviewdragdrop plugin
EXTJS-23212 Grid header does not scroll with view when cellediting is active
EXTJS-22911 RowExpander does not properly display when only plugin used in Modern grid
EXTJS-23152 Ext.grid.filters.filter.Boolean: Filters checkbox does not correctly apply default filter
EXTJS-22822 Column#cellFocusable allows focusing the cell when using a focusable widget
EXTJS-21292 BufferedStore / SpreadsheetModel throws exception when reconfiguring a grid with a selected cell
EXTJS-21488 Header is scrolled into view when trying to resize - IE
EXTJS-22727 RowNumberer does not respond to store insertions/removals
EXTJS-21855 Accesses to should be guarded for cross-domain restrictions
EXTJS-18993 Sorting column removes active filters
EXTJS-20539 Having a grid with greater than 250 columns causes the grid to misalign headers
EXTJS-15537 Property name "value" breaks editors in
EXTJS-20484 Ext.grid.Panel.sealedColumns has no effect
EXTJS-22648 Grid widgets disappear and cause misaligned rows on column sort
- Layouts (4)
EXTJS-24628 Expanding a collapsible panel with hideCollapseTool throws error
EXTJS-23821 Card layout in Modern shouldn't create an animation instance when `animation` config is falsy
EXTJS-23088 Grid with BufferedStore throws error when heighted by viewport
EXTJS-22722 Ext.Msg can produce viewport scroll
- List (1)
EXTJS-25008 Swipe in Pull Refresh list cause error in console in non-material theme
- Menu (2)
EXTJS-24672 Tap won't open child menu of menucheckitem
EXTJS-24170 Menu items do not respect a group value in the menu's defaults config
- Misc (41)
EXTJS-24710 Nested list editor has an extra button
EXTJS-24982 View Options plugin column option indicators are not aligned correctly
EXTJS-24584 Columns cannot be sorted when open View Option
EXTJS-24664 Opening menu throws error on iPhones
EXTJS-24451 Tab badges are clipped
EXTJS-24304 Method signature for Ext.form.field.Picker onTriggerClick is inconsistent
EXTJS-24432 Unbound ripples are clipped
EXTJS-24243 Last item in Picker (Overlays) can't be selected in non-Chrome browser
EXTJS-24100 Toasts not working properly in Safari
EXTJS-24077 Wrong row selection on touch devices
EXTJS-24321 Chained combo - value is not changed when switch first combo
EXTJS-24075 Cannot select row on second time on touch devices and emulation
EXTJS-24133 DrillDown: mask is not hidden when hide plugin
EXTJS-24117 Preview/Download button don't work at Nobel Prize example
EXTJS-24130 Modern Segmented button doesn't handle false value properly
EXTJS-23997 In Right-To-Left RTL example sort icons are not present
EXTJS-24122 Focused spinner field is few px larger, causing remaining content to move
EXTJS-24013 Ripple animations pause when element is hidden, resume when shown
EXTJS-23749 [Datepicker] It doesn't show pickerslots for change date
EXTJS-24055 [Forum Search] Error is displayed when enter text to combobox
EXTJS-24101 [Simple Actions] Message alert is not displayed
EXTJS-24054 Body container is not displayed in Data examples on iPhones
EXTJS-23785 TreeList singleExpand: true doesn't expand clicked node
EXTJS-23781 Expander should be vertically centered
EXTJS-23757 Google map is not correctly centered on initialization
EXTJS-23883 Checkout Form: same billing address doesn't work correctly
EXTJS-23735 BadgeText covers button text in Material Theme
EXTJS-23929 Pivot Grids: horizontal scrollbar is missing on IE/Edge
EXTJS-23882 Reconfigure grid - Error in console after show some grid.
EXTJS-23846 Click events are not being triggered in Firefox/Windows/Touch Monitor
EXTJS-23799 Drag field to Grid - > Drag this date has no effect after action
EXTJS-23771 Error when destroying carousel
EXTJS-23819 Cannot scroll in combobox menu
EXTJS-23758 Charts: preview of SVG charts is broken
EXTJS-23768 Phone viewport should not be scrollable
EXTJS-23339 Remove LazyItems plugin from modern documentation
EXTJS-23125 TextField's content gets selected onFocus when selectOnFocus is false
EXTJS-23159 ensureVisible automatically scrolls element to center not minimum needed
EXTJS-23222 Textfield with selectOnFocus: false puts cursor at end of field, not mouse click position
EXTJS-20073 Store.rejectChanges() after a Store.remove() restores records in wrong order
EXTJS-19856 Combobox with paging toolbar clears input field after next page button is pressed
- Panel (6)
EXTJS-23593 Cannot reorder docked items
EXTJS-23588 Panel.setTitle has no effect in TabPanel
EXTJS-23451 Panel mutates passed tool configuration
EXTJS-23176 Focused accordion header tool outline is too light in Neptune and Triton
EXTJS-23175 Custom Accordion panel tools have erroneous background image in Triton theme
EXTJS-17697 Panel.ShowBy(...) not working if panel.left is not set
- PivotGrid (15)
EXTJS-24319 Pivot should use the aggregator functions defined on the Configurator fields
EXTJS-24237 Pivot grid should be reconfigurable via setMatrix
EXTJS-24129 Tabular pivot: person names duplicate when sort
EXTJS-24128 Export (or Download in Chart) doesn't work on Safari desktop
EXTJS-23674 CellEditing plugin does not work with the Configurator plugin in a classic pivot grid
EXTJS-23806 Outline Pivot grid cells should be empty
EXTJS-23598 Using drag and drop in Configurator plugin should move fields between lists
EXTJS-23669 [Configurator plugin] Sort switch doesn't work
EXTJS-23747 [PivotGrid exampels] They aren't scrollable in horizontal direction
EXTJS-23602 Defining more than two topAxis columns will throw uncaught length errors
EXTJS-23249 Dirty indicator remains visible on pivot grid after committing changes to store
EXTJS-23587 Pivotconfigurer plugin throws error when removing pivotgrid before displayed
EXTJS-23291 Modifying pivotconfigurator can remove labelRender
EXTJS-22844 Pivot grid displays duplicate data after adding new records to the store
EXTJS-23096 setStore on pivot grid does not work correctly
- Scroller (2)
EXTJS-23182 Asking for scroll position after calling scroll prevents scroll partners from invoking
EXTJS-22559 Unable to scroll items in a carousel
- Selection Model (1)
EXTJS-23913 Cannot check rows in checkbox selection model with checkOnly:false - Firefox
- Tabs (2)
EXTJS-24659 Configuring activeItem on tabpanel does not work in modern
EXTJS-23129 Switching tabs during removal causes too many layouts
- Theme (7)
EXTJS-24096 Tree icons are not rendered properly on iOS theme
EXTJS-24461 Action button in a floating toolbar does has same color as background
EXTJS-24168 Incorrect menu width in IE11
EXTJS-24069 Improve error message styling
EXTJS-24021 Incorrect element size in IE11
EXTJS-19641 Triton theme tool icons overlapping
EXTJS-17080 Neptune theme missing required images
- ToolTips (1)
EXTJS-22501 Anchor background positioned wrong on Safari
- Toolbars (2)
EXTJS-24834 Toolbar for audio is not displayed on Android mobile
EXTJS-22566 Cannot check checkboxes when moved into a toolbar overflow menu
- Tree (6)
EXTJS-24869 TreeList nodes expanded when setting selection cannot be collapsed
EXTJS-23842 Nav, Micro buttons and bottom treelist-log are missing in TreeList example
EXTJS-23659 Invalid CSS selector generated for TreeList item
EXTJS-23031 Exception is thrown when collapsing a node in a filtered TreeGrid
EXTJS-23164 Tree List with filtered store causing error on expand/collapse
EXTJS-20650 Expand/collapse an auto height tree with a maxHeight scrolls to top on refresh
- Window (3)
EXTJS-24211 Ext.Msg.alert has wrong position
EXTJS-23592 Modal mask is not expanded to cover the background of a moved window in IE11
EXTJS-23124 of already visible window doesn't bring it to front automatically
- container (1)
EXTJS-24375 setHtml content does not honour component innerElement padding
Known Issues
- Accessibility (13)
EXTJS-10477 HtmlEditor is not accessible
EXTJS-10494 Grid grouping feature is not accessible
EXTJS-10467 Menu overflow scrollers are not navigable using the keyboard
EXTJS-10498 Grid RowBody feature is not accessible
EXTJS-10495 Locking grid is announced as two separate widgets by screen readers
EXTJS-10503 Grid headers cannot be resized using the keyboard
EXTJS-10480 Color Picker is not accessible
EXTJS-10492 DragDrop is not accessible
EXTJS-10504 Grid Headers cannot be reordered using the keyboard
EXTJS-10499 Grid CheckboxSelectionModel is not accessible
EXTJS-10451 Tree component does not support ARIA expanded state
EXTJS-10497 Grid row expander is not accessible
EXTJS-10475 ToolTip is not accessible
- Core (1)
EXTJS-21139 View incorrectly resized when changing screen orientation while the virtual keyboard is shown
- DataView (1)
EXTJS-12345 ComboBox's bound list becomes transparent on second show on iPad
- Tabs (1)
EXTJS-13538 Ext.ux.TabScrollerMenu has not been updated to work in Ext JS 5 and 6
- Theme (1)
EXTJS-17790 Triton should support tree lines
Release Notes for Ext JS 6.2.0
Release Date: August 31, 2016
Version Number:
New Features
- Accessibility (3)
EXTJS-22031 RowEditor should support screen readers
EXTJS-22032 Checkbox selection model should support screen reader announcement
EXTJS-22063 Grid should support announcing dirty cells to screen readers
- Charts (1)
EXTJS-16591 Modern toolkit should provide sparklines
- Core (2)
EXTJS-19839 Configs should be nulled when an object is destroyed
EXTJS-21976 Move plugin creation and management to core package
- D3 (2)
EXTJS-21391 Pack, TreeMap, Partition/Sunburst, Tree/HorizontalTree, HeatMap components should support tooltips
EXTJS-21890 Provide a component that integrates pivot matrix and D3 HeatMap
- Direct (2)
EXTJS-21848 Should be able to set additional headers for Direct remoting requests
EXTJS-21850 Direct proxy and Form actions should support prefix for method names
- Draw (1)
EXTJS-21579 Instancing sprite should support the 'instances' config
- Forms (4)
EXTJS-20517 Ext.form.field.File should support accept attribute
EXTJS-20813 Date field should be able to configure strict date parsing
EXTJS-21205 HtmlEditor should have a buttonDefaults config to configure editor toolbar buttons
EXTJS-21479 Spinner fields should fire a spinend event when value stops changing
- Grid (2)
EXTJS-20407 Add ability to configure locked grid/tree splitter
EXTJS-8111 Add ability to use flex for grid group child columns
- Locale (1)
EXTJS-21729 Update Italian translation
- Misc (1)
EXTJS-18146 Create circular progress component
- PivotGrid (2)
EXTJS-22066 DrillDown plugin should fire events when the view is shown/hidden
EXTJS-22077 RangeEditor plugin should fire events when the view is shown/hidden
Total: 21
Bugs Fixed
- Accessibility (3)
EXTJS-18857 Different behavior of Tab and Shift+Tab in row editor
EXTJS-19718 FocusableContainer does not handle focus moving to its encapsulating element.
EXTJS-21457 activeChildTabIndex of collapsible panel header is not copied to reExpander
- Bind (1)
EXTJS-21849 Bind Stub doesn't remove its store listener when destroyed
- Button (3)
EXTJS-15982 setUI doesn't change the UI of a button
EXTJS-22184 Segmented button has wrong value during change event
EXTJS-22273 Button text is not visible, if text overflows button.
- Calendar (18)
EXTJS-21197 When move events, they disappear on WP 8.1 tablet
EXTJS-21577 Month view dates outside current month range aren't calculated correctly in some scenarios
EXTJS-21646 Button ">" doesn't work, can't change month/week/day to next one
EXTJS-21648 Today button navigate to wrong month in month view standalone calendar app
EXTJS-21649 Created event appear in previous day than it should in standalone calendar app
EXTJS-21679 Calendar App: Unexpected Drag & Drop Behaviour
EXTJS-21712 Layout for Edit or Create Calendar Event is broken
EXTJS-22044 Calendar example not showing logged in state in modern
EXTJS-22052 Events in day view are missing after navigating between days
EXTJS-22055 Create button in Calendar doesn't work
EXTJS-22073 Imported google calendar events aren't shown correctly in Calendar
EXTJS-22107 Calendar - Date is covered by buttons and it is not fully visible
EXTJS-22124 Layout of Calendar box is broken on modern
EXTJS-22246 KitchenSink / Calendar Panel: Not possible to fill up From/To field on Chrome and Edge.
EXTJS-22271 Calendar application - not visible switch menu day, week, month
EXTJS-22312 Imported google calendar events are not shown correctly in Month View
EXTJS-22470 Click the "+3 more" to see events that won't fit. Popup is "stuck"
EXTJS-22472 Cannot create All Day event in calendar
- Charts (18)
EXTJS-19890 Time axis configured renderer not recognized
EXTJS-19891 Gauge chart labels overlap ticks
EXTJS-20491 Can't scroll legend docked to the top (Classic)
EXTJS-20684 Should be able to update series.label.field config dynamically
EXTJS-20759 Adding minorTickSteps to chart should automatically display
EXTJS-21053 sparklineline shows wrong values in tooltips when moving between different charts
EXTJS-21068 Cannot zoom-in on tablets when pan/zoom interaction not initially allowed
EXTJS-21199 [BarChart] Y axis labes missing
EXTJS-21606 Changes to the Ext.chart.axis.Time.dateFormat config do not trigger axis layout
EXTJS-21681 PieChart 3d with Donut fails to render if any data is 0, Null Undefined or False
EXTJS-21740 Chart interactions might get messed if you accidentally hover tooltip
EXTJS-21747 Basic barchart example wrong units in table
EXTJS-22040 Legend is not properly updated when series title changes.
EXTJS-22080 setHighlightItem does not work for pie chart
EXTJS-22091 Polar chart tooltip problem when store has single value of 100
EXTJS-22413 Chart is not rendering axes - when switched from different tab
EXTJS-22423 Switching themes causes shrinking of chart
EXTJS-22454 Client hangs when rendering tab panel having hidden charts containing legends on Modern
- Core (17)
EXTJS-12113 Task Runner repeat doesn't work if args are also provided
EXTJS-21091 Swipe event is triggered when there is no movement
EXTJS-21216 When swipe carousel in Safari whole page is moving
EXTJS-21433 Scroll snapping does not work in modern pickers when using Chrome
EXTJS-21502 Resizing is broken if component is draggable with translated events
EXTJS-21533 inheritableStatics in child can pollute parent values
EXTJS-21835 Configs with cached: true can affect subsequent configs
EXTJS-21876 Resizer grabbers appear wrong,
EXTJS-21991 Typo in Ext.promise.Promise#log()
EXTJS-22079 Unable to get plugin instance from the Pluggable mixin
EXTJS-22186 Widgets throw an error when firing a bubbled event
EXTJS-22188 Responsive updates do not always fire and can stop until page is reloaded
EXTJS-22201 Exception in Ext.plugin.PullRefresh
EXTJS-22368 Viewport autoBlurInput can throw exceptions in IE
EXTJS-22384 Observable onFrame config does not work.
EXTJS-22411 Aligned floaters throw error if their alignTo element is destroyed.
EXTJS-22441 When an overlay is shown, the mask is not shown on iOS 7,8
- D3 (3)
EXTJS-21397 PanZoom interaction should properly support panning while zooming
EXTJS-22151 Double tap provide zoom in iPads and Edge tablet
EXTJS-22194 Pivot treeMap configurator: can't perform any action when tree label is added
- Data (7)
EXTJS-20633 Store.removeAll on autoSync, MemoryProxy store does not remove the unfiltered records.
EXTJS-21359 Store#onCollectionAdd is not called when a synchronous proxy is used with autoLoad
EXTJS-21638 TreeStore changes on a child node cannot be rejected when its parent node is collapsed
EXTJS-21965 TreeStore#findNode contains typo in optimized path
EXTJS-22187 Keyless associations throw errors updating some fields
EXTJS-22189 Store filter cannot be initially disabled
EXTJS-22430 Linear data is treeified with wrong node depth values
- DataView (6)
EXTJS-20703 Ext.dataview.List causes the browser to hang when infinite:true and empty store
EXTJS-21013 Grouped list - Indexbar is not visible
EXTJS-21405 Bound title empty when returning from nested item in NestedList
EXTJS-21588 IndexBar in List is not visible
EXTJS-21825 IndexBar is not displayed
EXTJS-21860 Store remove doesn't correctly remove dataview item
- Direct (10)
EXTJS-16255 Stack overflow exception in Direct proxy with invalid Method configuration
EXTJS-18692 Form submit using Ext Direct does not include params in modern toolkit
EXTJS-18756 Form submit with Ext Direct submits the form.element not the generated
EXTJS-18901 Form load over Ext Direct does not work with modern
EXTJS-19216 Direct form submit ignores timeout
EXTJS-20463 RemotingProvider should not throw exception while handling Response with no TID
EXTJS-21132 Direct proxy unable to cancel requests correctly
EXTJS-21207 Direct Providers do not abort pending transactions upon destruction
EXTJS-21505 Direct proxy sends object instead of array on destroy
EXTJS-5762 Ext Direct doesn't fire an exception event if responseText is empty.
- Documentation (16)
EXTJS-18379 Source Code for ExtJS 5.1.1 - Ext.tree.Panel is not actually of version 5.1.1
EXTJS-18673 Improve hasMany documentation
EXTJS-20380 Broken tag in TreeViewDragDrop plugin
EXTJS-21517 Ext.dom.Element center method should be documented as chainable
EXTJS-21527 Ext.dom.Element.getPositioning accidentally has an h1 tag in the description
EXTJS-21565 Some links from 6.2.0 goes to documentation of other version
EXTJS-21597 glyph config incorrectly states that xf005 is the home icon
EXTJS-21605 Fix Ext.chart.axis.segmenter.Time.step config documentation
EXTJS-21634 UI of index page is broken on IE8
EXTJS-21656 Ext.field.Input declares isFocused as a property but should be a config in Modern
EXTJS-22140 Ext.field.Toggle change event is documented twice in Modern toolkit
EXTJS-22227 Document scrollDocked as a public config option
EXTJS-22228 Evented since version incorrectly states 5.5.0 instead of 6.0.0
EXTJS-22520 Right (and left) padding is missing in example given in documentation
EXTJS-22521 Modern gridexporter plugin psuedo code incorrect
EXTJS-22524 Ext.tip.ToolTip sass documentation wrongly uses Ext.tip.Tip for the class name
- Drag (3)
EXTJS-22130 Drag & drop doesn't work properly in Edge (Configurator plugin and Two Trees examples)
EXTJS-22330 Cannot finish Drag&Drop, drop doesn't work, Firefox
EXTJS-22362 Can't move Element as proxy with revert: true more than one time in IE
- Draw (2)
EXTJS-21580 Surface.add(sprite) should remove the sprite from the old surface (if any)
EXTJS-22348 Updating the image sprite causes the window to refresh
- Events (4)
EXTJS-15735 Ext.event.publisher.Dom#dispatch appends the event target to the args list every time it is called.
EXTJS-18439 Cannot use "element" option with declarative listeners in instance configs with widgets
EXTJS-21953 View controller event domain can't listen to widget events
EXTJS-22024 does not open phone dial pad on Android
- Examples (51)
EXTJS-17175 Auto Detect theme is not working in modern KS
EXTJS-20414 Filter in Grid with Buffered Store doesn't work
EXTJS-20627 Big Data grid dates are not editable in Modern KS
EXTJS-20738 When filtering in Kitchen Sink, navigation Breadcrumb disappear
EXTJS-20902 Text in Treemap is badly formated
EXTJS-20941 Add model validation to KS Model Validation example
EXTJS-21198 Reload and download buttons in Column Charts are not visible (Material Theme)
EXTJS-21355 Icons in Kitchen Sink header do not scale when pinch/zoom used.
EXTJS-21370 Message Box - Waiting Dialog show percentage counter
EXTJS-21489 Rendered charts - Refresh button doesn't work
EXTJS-21617 In MICRO state items in submenu are not selectable
EXTJS-21625 Kitchen Sink view isn't resized correctly after screen rotation when source window is open on iOS 7
EXTJS-21628 Chart title covers refresh and reload buttons after screen rotation
EXTJS-21697 [Resizable Examples] "Customizable Handles" example displays image at wrong position on page
EXTJS-21706 Modal window is not centered in nested list example
EXTJS-21733 Example landing page - Example links are off
EXTJS-21741 Broken layout in modern Menus example
EXTJS-21743 Nested Loading example has broken layout when clicking on Explaing button
EXTJS-21823 Error in Form with Grid example when changing value in radio buttons
EXTJS-21852 Grid view is not refreshed after adding new child in session
EXTJS-21908 Can't navigate from Two Trees example by breadcrumb - error in console
EXTJS-21930 Purchases by day - d3 heatmap example is not properly aligned
EXTJS-21969 Vector Icons - Cannot read property 'getXY'
EXTJS-21981 Paging example is not loading data
EXTJS-21995 Bad alignment of labels in adress book
EXTJS-21997 Issue in navigation between examples in KitchenSink
EXTJS-22100 Routing doesn't work in phone profile of Modern KS
EXTJS-22103 Text of column disappears after clicking on it on Android
EXTJS-22106 Some icons are clipped in Modern Kitchensink on IE11
EXTJS-22109 Configurable Pivot Tree map - incorrect naming of config field groups
EXTJS-22112 Error after clicking on DataView example
EXTJS-22121 Console error during navigate in Kitchen sink
EXTJS-22125 View source is not working in Modern KitchenSink on tablets
EXTJS-22126 Missing icons for Tooltip, Row Editing examples in the Kitchen Sink
EXTJS-22131 Checkboxs are not visible on Android tablets [Material Theme]
EXTJS-22168 Tree Grid example does not render within a sized (w,h = 50% vs. fit) container
EXTJS-22175 Radio buttons are missing in Form Panel example
EXTJS-22176 Basic Buttons example is missing labels on buttons
EXTJS-22215 OK button in Nested List example is not visible properly when user edits an item
EXTJS-22217 Typo in example binding - KS>Locking grid with row expander
EXTJS-22219 Examples are not rendered properly [Modern]
EXTJS-22274 Navigation text is not displayed, if the text overflows the area.
EXTJS-22303 Button text in buttons example in KS modern is unreadable
EXTJS-22313 [DataView] inline DataView is not visible over whole page
EXTJS-22339 Portal Demo - Minimize creates mask over all panels on iOS tablets
EXTJS-22350 ToolTips demo in Modern KS has issues
EXTJS-22395 Unable to load the Form Panel example on iOS
EXTJS-22406 Cannot scroll in Vector icons example, phones, tablets
EXTJS-22412 D3 Heatmap demo tooltip is blank
EXTJS-22419 Modern KS - missing styling for panel title
EXTJS-22447 Moved all-day event is moved to chosen day -1
- Exporter (6)
EXTJS-21667 Export to excel xml should auto-detect cell type correctly depending on the value
EXTJS-22237 Export to ... broken in Pivot Grids/Exporter Plugin example, modern KS
EXTJS-22485 Export to html doesn't work in IE8/9
EXTJS-22486 Exporter fails to create the pop-up window even though the browser allows popups in click handlers
EXTJS-22529 KS build with trial addons throws error
EXTJS-22530 Trial exporter plugin should add trial note to exported files
- Forms (23)
EXTJS-14938 Combobox AutoSelect doesn't work if the value is typed
EXTJS-15228 Changing emptyText sets value of field to emptyText in browsers that do not support placeholder
EXTJS-18639 Ext.field.Text moves cursor to the end of the field when not appending
EXTJS-18730 Change event fires twice on file field
EXTJS-19219 Tagfield should adhere to grow set to false
EXTJS-19657 form.reset() doesn't reset model in Modern
EXTJS-20349 Filefield produces infinite looping when selectOnFocus is enabled
EXTJS-20768 Setting the raw value on a date field does not correctly parse the value as a date
EXTJS-20978 Datefield is not validated on change
EXTJS-21035 Custom invalidCls not set on Ext.form.field.Text elements
EXTJS-21041 Keyboard navigation in Radio/Checkbox multi column group does not respect its layout
EXTJS-21103 File field shows blinking caret in IE when button is focused
EXTJS-21472 File field does not propagate tabIndex attribute to trigger
EXTJS-21528 ComboBox with "forceSelection:true" and custom "displayTpl" clears selection on blur
EXTJS-21620 Checkbutton couldn't be unchecked in Edge
EXTJS-21622 Label as PlaceHolder disappear after putting text into textareafield
EXTJS-21682 Clear icon does not clear value in NumberField
EXTJS-21931 Cannot scroll in select field, phones
EXTJS-22141 Change event is not fired in Ext.field.Toggle
EXTJS-22192 Date picker is broken on iOS8
EXTJS-22266 Form (Spinner) fields do not render proper in Modern (KS)
EXTJS-22295 Form submit with null value throws exception in latest nightly
EXTJS-22357 Spinner field does not look right next to text fields
- Grid (68)
EXTJS-16685 Grouped grid does not respect store.insert(index)
EXTJS-17874 RowExpander overrides injectCheckbox position when using checkbox selection model
EXTJS-19838 Cellediting grid doesn't fire blur or focusleave with tab key
EXTJS-19980 Flex column not displaying properly (modern)
EXTJS-20212 Superfluous rows when load bound store with summary feature
EXTJS-20222 Tabbing + Cellediting in grouped grid fails at row end
EXTJS-20420 Row expansion "sticks" when row is recycled upon scroll.
EXTJS-20456 Big data: resizing columns doesn't work correctly
EXTJS-20515 Dragging and dropping last and first item in grid into another grid throws a Maximum call stack size exceeded exception
EXTJS-20535 Reordering columns after store filter removes groups throws error
EXTJS-20538 Row expander: Click to expand does not bring rowBody into full view
EXTJS-20599 Can't choose items in Multi-Selector Grid's submenu on Edge, IE11/Touch
EXTJS-20605 Grid column cannot bind properties
EXTJS-20628 Big Data grid rows are not editable in IE11 on Modern KS
EXTJS-20731 BufferedRenderer error when removing a row and using rowediting plugin
EXTJS-20761 Same row remains expanded on sorting - Modern toolkit
EXTJS-21033 Grids - Submenu menu disappear, if user want hide column in IE11
EXTJS-21044 Cannot open grid header menu on Windows tablets
EXTJS-21067 Spreadsheet selection model, difficult to check cells via the UI
EXTJS-21083 Layout run failed with syncRowHeight false
EXTJS-21089 Scrolling of locking grid is not fluent when touch scrolling
EXTJS-21124 Locking grid rows get out of sync on momentum scrolling on Android
EXTJS-21140 Grid row is scrolled out of view when expanded - touch devices
EXTJS-21147 Buffered store load causes scrolled grid to jump back to start
EXTJS-21308 Cell editor remains active if view is refreshed after editing
EXTJS-21322 GridViewDragDrop plugin does not inherit overClass config from dropZone definition
EXTJS-21364 Grid editor configured as tagfield cannot use array to select multiple values
EXTJS-21499 BufferedRenderer refresh of unconnected view at wrong position.
EXTJS-21532 logs warning about stateId
EXTJS-21570 Modern grid scroller does not have the correct vertical scroll size, resulting in jittery scrollbar
EXTJS-21578 Jump in scrolling when an expended widget row rejoins the rendered block.
EXTJS-21586 Adding new row to grid with summary feature shows duplicate summary rows
EXTJS-21595 Grid summary feature showing duplicate rows on a tree when expand last tree node
EXTJS-21600 Grid with no data duplicates summary row when sorted
EXTJS-21644 Cannot tap/longpress grid header on Android/Windows tablet devices
EXTJS-21651 Grid column doesn't remove empty text class correctly when setting text
EXTJS-21666 Invisible last row of Big Data table in Modern KS
EXTJS-21691 Ext.Progress widgets and components render differently in grid cells
EXTJS-21735 Focus should not escape from row editor when Shift+Tabbing
EXTJS-21742 Checkbox selection model - can't unchecked checkbox - FF
EXTJS-21812 Grid filters fires extraneous change events when using key navigation inside field
EXTJS-21813 Header width is changing and grid content changes differently or disappear.
EXTJS-21829 Typo in Ext.grid.cell.Number writeValue method
EXTJS-21838 Use of IE mergeAttributes keeps previously set cell attributes
EXTJS-21851 Failing to restore focus when removing records from multiselector grid
EXTJS-21856 Widget column does not get updated when records added from inactive page
EXTJS-21868 RowEditor horizontal scroll gets out of sync when columns resized
EXTJS-21900 Spreadsheet selection model does not have selection count correctly when selectionchange is fired
EXTJS-21903 Dragging a grid column with Ext.useShims enabled causes JS error
EXTJS-21912 Exiting Action mode after removing grid rows may cause an exception
EXTJS-21918 Grid view is empty if data is not present initially in modern grid (wrong row height)
EXTJS-21920 Grid with cell editing leaves blank cell after editing when the editor has selectOnFocus:true
EXTJS-21927 Collapsing grouped grid doesn't work on IE8/9
EXTJS-21988 Multi-selector grid submenu disappears after click into textfield, on tablets
EXTJS-21999 colorfield in grid editor has wrong CSS applied
EXTJS-22027 Grid row editing on firefox does not place cursor in correct position
EXTJS-22037 Missing font icons in Column customization sheet - modern grid
EXTJS-22038 Cannot sort column, android tablet
EXTJS-22039 Clicking on column resizer hides column
EXTJS-22082 PagingToolbar plugin fails when used with a remote store
EXTJS-22210 RTL Locking grid - broken scrolling/column position
EXTJS-22226 Auto-config of hideHeaders doesn't respect "text" binding
EXTJS-22293 Exception in Editing plugin with Checkbox selection model
EXTJS-22309 Row header is not styled over the entire width of grid
EXTJS-22349 Can't edit values in range editor plugin in IE
EXTJS-22383 Incorrect page number after scrolling in Modern paging grid
EXTJS-22416 List throws exceptions when configured with grouping and no store
EXTJS-22469 Modern Big Data grid sets incorrect width when columns are hidden
- Layouts (2)
EXTJS-20052 Box layout improperly handles object form of split config
EXTJS-22421 Unable to load the Form Panel and some Data Binding examples in Firefox
- Locale (1)
EXTJS-12310 Wrong thousands separator for Swedish locale
- Menu (5)
EXTJS-18951 Difficult to navigate nested (need a delay before switching between menus)
EXTJS-19340 When href is defined, menu item click event is not fired
EXTJS-21105 Accordion layout with non-floating menu throws error on expand/collapse
EXTJS-21487 It is difficult to choose items in submenus on iPads
EXTJS-21708 Overflowing menu is closed when scrolled
- Misc (1)
EXTJS-20916 Ext.toast message goes from bottom to top and out of the page
- Panel (2)
EXTJS-21507 Incorrect Panel state when removed from owner while collapsing with animation
EXTJS-22185 Collapsed panels do not restore correctly using placeholder collapseMode
- PivotGrid (9)
EXTJS-21214 Drill down window doesn't show any data
EXTJS-21647 Formatter is not shown correctly in field settings window
EXTJS-21663 Expanding or collapsing group columns in a pivot grid results in extra refresh cycles
EXTJS-21821 Dragging pivot configurator fields selects text
EXTJS-21986 Row styling is incorrect for totals (invisible on iOS and Android)
EXTJS-22070 The event beforemoveconfigfield should be fired when a configurator field is removed
EXTJS-22075 DrillDown plugin doesn't work with remote store in modern toolkit
EXTJS-22224 Wrong row heigh in the pivotGrids/Configuration plugin on IE11/Edge
EXTJS-22244 Paging toolbar does not work in modern drill down pivot
- Scroller (1)
EXTJS-21878 Scroll state not restored correctly in RTL after layout
- Sparklne (1)
EXTJS-22207 JS error upon hover of zero values in bar sparkline
- Tabs (3)
EXTJS-18438 Issue removing tab panel using removeAll()
EXTJS-20526 TabBar overflow menu is missing icon
EXTJS-21717 Cannot TAB to tab panel tab bar
- Templates (13)
EXTJS-21209 Can't scroll treelist of Admin Dashboard in modern toolkit (except phones)
EXTJS-21715 Admin Dashboard TODO List Checkboxes missing in Chrome and can't multichoose in FF
EXTJS-21718 Blank screen when loading Admin Dashboard on phones
EXTJS-21938 Simulated placeholder text not aligned in Admin Dashboard
EXTJS-21992 Admin Dashboard Pages are missing background images in Modern
EXTJS-22134 Content data of executive dashboard are missing
EXTJS-22178 Checkboxes in Admin Dashbord are chopped
EXTJS-22256 Admin DashBoard Charts not scrollable
EXTJS-22279 Admin Dashboard Member type buttons are broken [Modern]
EXTJS-22378 Selected dataview item is not highlighted in Admin Dashboard
EXTJS-22380 Toolbar size is incorrect in Admin Dashboard phone view on Modern
EXTJS-22381 Button doesn't stretch to full width in Admin Dashboard on Modern
EXTJS-22390 Admin Dashboard Chart is not visible on Chrome
- Theme (15)
EXTJS-17080 Neptune theme missing required images
EXTJS-20854 Tooltip background is transparent - Modern theme
EXTJS-21618 When button is marked as round and something else together - it is not round
EXTJS-21707 Vertical carousel doesn't show indicators in some themes
EXTJS-21872 Tab focus border in Triton theme does not display on IE and Edge
EXTJS-21993 Missing menu in modern toolkit - IOS theme
EXTJS-22067 Toolbar padding is off in Material theme
EXTJS-22171 theme-cupertino-all-debug.css is not builded on ext-
EXTJS-22243 Text overflows instead of being clipped (seen in Toolbars/Toolbar example)
EXTJS-22264 hovered and pressed datetrigger variables have no effect in modern triton
EXTJS-22341 iOS theme has wrong font in IE
EXTJS-22345 Configurator plugin - in configuration text is not visible in IE
EXTJS-22347 Wrong align cell styling pivot grid header in iOS theme - IE
EXTJS-22355 Label should be grey and placeholder bold in IE
EXTJS-22363 Text has almost same color as background in iOS theme
- ToolTips (4)
EXTJS-21538 Tooltips needs to be "alwaysOnTop"
EXTJS-21968 Tooltip manager throws error on drag start
EXTJS-22405 Delegated tooltips do not show on a target after showing on that target has been canceled
EXTJS-22424 Targetless tooltip throws error if show() called with no align info.
- Toolbars (4)
EXTJS-21056 Store configured with pageSize: 0 causes the PagingToolbar to display an infinite number of pages
EXTJS-21506 Toolbar doesn't add spacer as a dependency
EXTJS-21512 Drag stops when you drag toolbar button from right to left in IE10
EXTJS-22435 Error thrown from modern toolbar example
- Tree (3)
EXTJS-16474 treeviewdragdrop#copy will not copy node's children
EXTJS-21213 Expanded or collapsed tree items or grid rows are sometimes missing on iOS
EXTJS-21273 Locked TreeGrid throws errors on collapsing locked side
- Window (9)
EXTJS-12219 Container-owned stateful window not restored to the correct page position between page loads
EXTJS-20582 Calling Ext.Msg.* in the callback of Ext.Msg.* causes TypeError
EXTJS-21590 Modern: displays two title bars when configured with an icon
EXTJS-21599 showBy doesn't respect offsets
EXTJS-21604 Ext.Msg.confirm box shows in wrong position if called during app launch on Modern
EXTJS-21709 Prompt overlay window is not editable in IE
EXTJS-21910 Window can't be moved to the bottom of the page
EXTJS-22051 Window with constraints can't be moved in whole constrained area
EXTJS-22426 Animated Window.hide forgets window position on reshow
Total: 332
Release Notes for Ext JS 6.2.0 Beta
Release Date: June 13, 2016
Version Number:
New Features
- Accessibility (9)
EXTJS-10490 Progress Bar should be accessible
EXTJS-14272 Menu should support horizontal layout
EXTJS-17298 Tree should provide basic screen reader support
EXTJS-17333 Tag field should be accessible
EXTJS-19343 ActionColumn items should have configurable tabIndex and role attributes
EXTJS-19944 Components should have a keyMap config that supports declarative handlers
EXTJS-19977 Accordion panels should support Ctrl+Up to navigate to panel header
EXTJS-20054 MessageBox should be accessible
EXTJS-21182 Property grid should support tabbing out in Actionable mode
- Bind (3)
EXTJS-12719 Cell widgets in a WidgetColumn now have access to a ViewModel which contains the row's contextual record in a property called "record". Binding is now the recommended way for updating cell widgets.
EXTJS-19738 Bind templates should support chained and nested formatters
EXTJS-21434 Binding expressions should support operators and basic algebra
- Charts (2)
EXTJS-16706 Chart line series should treat missing data points as zero or connected instead of as a gap
EXTJS-19342 Charts should provide a sprite-based legend type
- Core (5)
EXTJS-15817 Viewport pinch-to-zoom, pan and dblclick-zoom should be supported on touch devices
EXTJS-16508 Modern toolkit should support Drag/Drop
EXTJS-20077 KeyMap config should be disableable
EXTJS-20505 Ext.batchLayouts should wrap user code in try/finally to ensure layouts resume
EXTJS-20995 Components should support a touchAction config to specify cross-browser default behaviors
- D3 (2)
EXTJS-20137 Create a D3 integration package
EXTJS-20639 Implement interaction support for D3
- Direct (1)
EXTJS-20013 Polling provider should support request headers
- Events (3)
EXTJS-12964 Gesture system should support nested gesture processing
EXTJS-20997 Gesture events should fire synchronously with their triggering native event
EXTJS-21073 Allow users to initiate drag gesture via longpress on touch-screen devices
- Examples (2)
EXTJS-19903 Add example of double donut chart to Kitchen Sink
EXTJS-20508 Add PHP example of server-side data calculation for Pivot Grid
- Exporter (6)
EXTJS-19559 Modern grid should have an exporter plugin
EXTJS-19832 Columns should have an "exportStyle" config for exporting data
EXTJS-20343 Exporter package should support XLSX format
EXTJS-20344 Exporter package should support HTML format
EXTJS-20345 Exporter package should support CSV/TSV format
EXTJS-20695 Exporter plugins should fire events during export
- Grid (12)
EXTJS-16541 Modern toolkit grid should support RowBody
EXTJS-16542 Modern toolkit grid should support RowExpander
EXTJS-16551 Modern toolkit grid should support check column
EXTJS-16552 Modern toolkit grid should support column resize grip
EXTJS-16553 Modern toolkit grid should support RowNumberer
EXTJS-17375 Check columns should be generalized from selectionmodel and allow for a checkbox in the header
EXTJS-19610 Grid row expander should support components and data binding in the row body
EXTJS-20147 GridPanel should fire beforeitemlongpres and itemlongpress
EXTJS-20580 Grid should support grid column formatters in Modern toolkit
EXTJS-20742 Grid cell should display the value when no tpl/renderer/formatter available in the modern grid
EXTJS-20874 Grid columns now offer an enableTextSelection config to allow more granular configuration of where to allow text selection inside grids.
EXTJS-20949 Provide ability to disable extensibility on Spreadsheet selection model
- PivotGrid (11)
EXTJS-17850 Provide ability to define a set of aggregation functions available for each field in the Configurator
EXTJS-17851 Provide ability to style Configurator's fields
EXTJS-17852 Provide ability to limit field usage in the Configurator
EXTJS-17853 Pivot grid should provide a cell editing plugin in the classic toolkit
EXTJS-18142 Provide a way to use control Configurator's grid cell formatting
EXTJS-18961 Provide the ability to rename the Configurator's aggregate dimension headers
EXTJS-19002 Configurator field menu should be extendable via events
EXTJS-19003 Configurator field settings window should be extendable via events
EXTJS-19505 Drill down plugin for modern pivot grid
EXTJS-19565 Modern toolkit should provide a Pivot Grid
EXTJS-21344 Pivot Grid should fire "pivotbeforereconfigure" and "pivotreconfigure" events
- Scroller (1)
EXTJS-20996 Scrollers should use native scrolling on touch screen devices
- Selection Model (1)
EXTJS-21011 Improve checkbox selection model performance when bulk (de)selecting records
- ToolTips (1)
EXTJS-16507 Modern toolkit should support tooltips
- Tree (3)
EXTJS-16556 Modern toolkit grid should support TreeColumn
EXTJS-19399 A Tree node renderer may set the node's iconCls or glyph config in the metaData object. Panel tools now accept an iconCls config or glyph config. ActionColumn now accepts a glyph config. MenuItems now accept a glyph config.
EXTJS-20400 TreeModel.set method should handle change in the "visible" field
- Window (2)
EXTJS-16515 Modern toolkit should support floated components
EXTJS-19952 Modal Windows should be able to be configured to close mask on click
Total: 64
Bugs Fixed
- Accessibility (22)
EXTJS-10397 Datepicker is not accessible
EXTJS-10479 LoadMask is not accessible
EXTJS-10491 Property Grid is not accessible
EXTJS-10493 Paging Toolbar is not accessible
EXTJS-10496 Grouped grid headers are not accessible
EXTJS-10675 No voice information for "Disabled item" in the "Button w/Menu" drop down menu
EXTJS-14350 Screen readers are not reading message boxes
EXTJS-18308 File inputs in IE/Edge require two TAB presses to navigate through
EXTJS-18835 Mouse click on grid expander adds outline on both cell and icon.
EXTJS-19476 If FocusableContainer's last focused element is removed, it is no longer tabbable.
EXTJS-19679 Tabbing from menu with hidden ancestor goes out of the document
EXTJS-19683 Menu's focus using keyboard doesn't handle first item being disabled.
EXTJS-19755 Combo boxes should support Alt-Up/Down arrows
EXTJS-19758 NVDA announces Date picker as editable
EXTJS-19855 Key navigation isn't working in Firefox on Linux
EXTJS-19954 Tabbing between fields inside a modal Window's child focuses the parent component
EXTJS-20103 Panel should not enable focusable container behavior for "buttons" toolbar
EXTJS-20190 Menus should always focus the first item
EXTJS-20201 Window close tool should not be focusable
EXTJS-20897 Dropdown selection not working when selecting font in notepad component in examples
EXTJS-21178 Adding a tabIndex throws off tabbing around a window
EXTJS-21204 Buttongroup with enableFocusableContainer: false throws error when clicking disabled buttons
- Animation (1)
EXTJS-21131 Animated card panel not shown after animation
- App (1)
EXTJS-13843 menucheckitem breaks #route on Nexus7
- Bind (6)
EXTJS-17414 Two-way bind on toggle button not writing pressed state to viewmodel
EXTJS-19451 Combobox text input gets cleared in some cases when using forceSelection
EXTJS-20533 Unable to remove binding by setting property to null when configured for twoWay: true
EXTJS-20622 Destroy method does not remove bindings
EXTJS-20646 Setting a field in an associated record via a binding doesn't work correctly
EXTJS-21266 Two-way binding with negation should be marked as read only
- Button (4)
EXTJS-19795 KeyboardInteractive mixin is duplicated in Button
EXTJS-19880 Button click() event should be optional
EXTJS-20094 SplitButton arrowEl focusable by default when arrowVisible configured false
EXTJS-20641 Button text property overrides overflowText property
- Charts (14)
EXTJS-14177 Label's display config does not work when set to 'none' on 3D Pie Charts
EXTJS-14615 Zoom and Pan buttons are missing in the Kitchen Sink charts on IE10
EXTJS-16631 New records of store have incorrect index in pie chart renderer and label renderer
EXTJS-16954 majorTickSteps are not rendered properly on numeric axis
EXTJS-18204 Legend is not included when downloading image using Sencha Charts
EXTJS-18820 A 3D pie chart with a single slice is not rendered correctly
EXTJS-19858 Chart component(s) prevent interaction with overlapping items on mobile devices
EXTJS-20018 Destroying animated charts can throw uncaught errors
EXTJS-20158 Buttons are disabled and cannot be pressed on Plot Charts
EXTJS-20175 Area series renderer never called for markers
EXTJS-20279 Chart with bar and line series with single data point causes bar to be outlined with the line color
EXTJS-20573 legend/sprite.js failing to load on Kitchen Sink example in Modern toolkit
EXTJS-20862 2010 Census Example is not properly loading
EXTJS-20872 Sprite legends can cut off part of a polar charts if docked 'left' or 'top'
- Cmd (2)
EXTJS-20681 Direct examples don't work on IE10
EXTJS-20913 Loader's deadlock detection can cause large applications to crash
- Core (15)
EXTJS-15584 DOM element in Element cache is not the same
EXTJS-16624 Ext.ux.IFrame cleanupListeners method throws an error due to element cache collision
EXTJS-17477 Scroll snapping does not work in modern pickers
EXTJS-19341 Delegated events don't fire correctly on containers with an itemId
EXTJS-20039 Ext.Loader deadlock detecion is not reliable
EXTJS-20056 Toast not visible in Modern Triton Theme
EXTJS-20127 Animations continue running past completion on Touch devices in the modern toolkit
EXTJS-20149 Floating components are hidden behind modal mask when reordering z-index stack
EXTJS-20245 Prepare for deprecation of SVGElement.offsetParent in V48
EXTJS-20277 Component findParentByType method does not return container when passing class
EXTJS-20525 Resizing elements next to an iframe will lose track of mouse move
EXTJS-20900 Hyperlink buttons kill the browser on Safari 8 iPad when text is selected in Desktop example's notepad window
EXTJS-21097 Sheet component is not properly positioned in the modern toolkit
EXTJS-21120 Ext.promise.Promise does not resolve/reject correctly when a promise is returned from a then() function
EXTJS-7419 callParent does not work with inheritableStatics
- Dashboard (1)
EXTJS-19634 Dashboard component incorrectly positioned by drag and drop
- Data (15)
EXTJS-17902 Root firstChild/lastChild properties contain wrong nodes
EXTJS-18711 An options store created from an options list config shouldn't update when the store changes
EXTJS-18750 Incorrect getter is created for inverse side of hasMany association with a specified name
EXTJS-19911 Webstorage and LocalStorage are not serializing data
EXTJS-19942 Grouped ChainedStore does not update record id correctly on server sync
EXTJS-19959 Session does not auto-include records in store for ManyToOne when the owner record is a phantom
EXTJS-20023 Descendant nodes are still retrievable by id after calling removeAll() on a tree node
EXTJS-20031 Shared id generators are not shared by models within same session
EXTJS-20045 SelectAll functionality in grid selection models does not support use with BufferedStore.
EXTJS-20262 BufferedStore not requesting enough pages on reload
EXTJS-20271 filterFn is removed for filters that specify value or operator via binding
EXTJS-20309 does not call base destroy()
EXTJS-20880 incorrectly reads response object when responseText is empty
EXTJS-20971 Chained store does not react when removing items from original store
EXTJS-21431 Model#setId fails with associated store when there is no foreign key on the association
- Direct (3)
EXTJS-16245 RemotingProvider does not fire exception event
EXTJS-19681 Aborting store load does not work when using a Direct proxy
EXTJS-20288 Direct Proxy paramsAsHash option should only be applied to Read operations
- Documentation (10)
EXTJS-19299 getController has incorrect documentation for preventCreate parameter
EXTJS-19737 Document the onResize params in container classes
EXTJS-20014 Ext.Container references non-existent "Layouts Guide" in Modern Toolkit
EXTJS-20272 Direct proxy API expectations are not fully documented
EXTJS-20382 PagingToolbar documentation should mention incompatibility with ChainedStore
EXTJS-20519 Typo in the onDataRefresh function of AbstractView
EXTJS-20570 Ext.Array's findBy has incorrect index in documentation
EXTJS-20736 Ext.util.HashMap.removeByKey() no longer has return type
EXTJS-20783 Dead links in tagfield documentation
EXTJS-21382 Menu focusOnToFront default not shown correctly in documentation
- Drag (1)
EXTJS-20432 Drop events not fired when drag source and drop target are the same
- Draw (3)
EXTJS-19573 Instancing sprite should reset the 'surface' config of the template
EXTJS-20811 Replace 'next'/'previous' configs with 'lower'/'upper' in Ext.draw.modifier.Modifier
EXTJS-21023 Clear button doesn't clear the canvas in the Free Draw example
- Events (6)
EXTJS-19108 ComboBox with ForceSelection and rawValue binding is not updating with a typed value
EXTJS-19870 Possible undefined parentNode in Ext.event.publisher.Focus.processFocusIn
EXTJS-20289 Components don't react to touch events on the Draw Example
EXTJS-20303 Financial chart freezes when user tries to use the zoom feature
EXTJS-21274 Clicking a toolbar can throw an exception on some components
EXTJS-21354 e.getWheelDelta() always returns zero inside a 'wheel' event listener in IE11
- Examples (14)
EXTJS-19099 Chart doesn't load the first time in the US Energy Example on Edge
EXTJS-20003 Menu disappears after selecting an item in the Grouped Grid example
EXTJS-20223 Kitchen Sink and Kitchen Sink Charts Example won't load on IE8
EXTJS-20233 Color Picker value is not updated when editing color via picker form fields
EXTJS-20357 Drag & Drop doesn't correctly select images in the Image Viewer Example on IE and Edge
EXTJS-20376 Chosen items are not always selected in DataView Example
EXTJS-20710 Submenu disappears when expanding/collapsing a group in the Grouped grid example
EXTJS-20748 Enterprise examples aren't displaying data in modern toolkit
EXTJS-20757 Missing icons for Grid Export, Pivot Grids and Drag & Drop examples in the Kitchen Sink
EXTJS-20792 Remove icon deletes a an incorrect item in the Feed Viewer example
EXTJS-20839 Sorting column ASC causes chart to disappear in Pivot Grids and Chart example
EXTJS-20898 Pivot and Chart integration example has wrong X axis values in grid
EXTJS-20958 Ext.ux.statusbar.ValidationStatus throws error when form is invalidated
EXTJS-21057 Data associations example doesn't initialize scrollable correctly
- Forms (51)
EXTJS-14011 Search store does not pre-select entries present in multiselector
EXTJS-14205 Radio buttons not cleared when selection moved with keyboard
EXTJS-15307 UpdateRecord causes checkbox values in model to be true/false instead of inputValues
EXTJS-15718 Date picker selection incorrect when rendered into a table element
EXTJS-16250 Ext.ux.form.ItemSelector fails to load with an array store
EXTJS-17471 createNewOnEnter should not create new tag when some value in dropdown list is selected
EXTJS-17779 ComboBox forceSelection is too aggressive in clearing out the field input
EXTJS-17908 Combobox doesn't fire beforeselect/beforedeselect when binding to a new store
EXTJS-18847 MultiSelect component loses item selection when using scroolbar in IE
EXTJS-18992 Validation of ComboBox doesn't occur if query is vetoed
EXTJS-19248 ComboBox filter is not applied after repeated empty result set
EXTJS-19250 Ext.picker.Date not setting an initial value in the modern toolkit
EXTJS-19317 Tag field should clear typed value when it matches selection
EXTJS-19433 File upload via form.submit() not processing response correctly
EXTJS-19469 Selectfield does not automatically scroll to selected value on display
EXTJS-19590 Cannot tap/click to select value in modern picker
EXTJS-19614 ComboBox picker is visible (and incorrectly aligned) after move/resize of owning Ext.Window
EXTJS-19646 emptyCls is not removed from combobox when value is set via binding and store is not loaded
EXTJS-19775 Email and telephone hyperlinks remove iframe elements from HtmlEditor
EXTJS-19865 Pressing "enter" on a textarea saves form instead of newline with defaultButton
EXTJS-19932 getSameGroupFields() in Ext.field.Checkbox does not properly define a root for Ext.query
EXTJS-19946 Tagfield selection event not fired when deselecting last selected record.
EXTJS-20044 Disabling a filefield after a reset causes exception
EXTJS-20049 ComboBox does not clear partial text selection after selection using typeAhead
EXTJS-20067 New line character in displayField value of combobox prevents selection
EXTJS-20107 Auto height checkboxgroup doesn't account for labelAlign: 'top' in height calculation
EXTJS-20121 ColorField preview element has unprefixed class ("filter")
EXTJS-20185 Ext.form.Panel.reset method is missing an argument
EXTJS-20199 Destroying tagfield in a non-destroyed panel causes "Uncaught TypeError: Array.prototype.indexOf"
EXTJS-20232 ComboBox does not fire onspecialkey event for ENTER key when expanded
EXTJS-20248 stripCharsRe for ComboBox doesn't correctly replace if the same value is re-entered
EXTJS-20250 ComboBox setValue returns undefined when value is cleared
EXTJS-20263 Key press in Date Picker throws an exception
EXTJS-20298 ComboBoxes in a widgetcolumn do not collapse when clicking their triggers
EXTJS-20335 Can't choose month or year in date picker on Windows tablets
EXTJS-20341 Menu disappears after touch in multi selector grid
EXTJS-20372 After choosing a year in the date picker, the picker won't hide on Windows tablets
EXTJS-20394 Radio buttons are not focused when clicking on the Radio Group label
EXTJS-20402 setValue throws an error when binding a combo box with multiSelect while focused
EXTJS-20436 Clicking on a toolbar does not dismiss an opened combobox
EXTJS-20447 Field before/afterLabelTextTpl is not kept when calling setFieldLabel
EXTJS-20473 Destroying a tagfield destroys its store's proxy
EXTJS-20480 Ext.form.Panel.reset is missing its return statement
EXTJS-20492 Error destroying a grid with a celleditor when tagfield has focus
EXTJS-20503 ComboBox with typeAhead does not select value on blur
EXTJS-20610 Datefield does not fire onchange when selecting date
EXTJS-20716 Slider widget missing setMaxValue and setMinValue methods
EXTJS-20833 Blanking out datefield does not trigger change event
EXTJS-20985 Text fields select text on focus regardless of selectOnFocus config
EXTJS-21060 Tagfield using plugin to apply list template not rendering template content
EXTJS-21148 TextField trigger mousedown handler has incorrect focus check
- Grid (71)
EXTJS-13581 Ellipsis is shown in widget column
EXTJS-16390 Pasting cells from Excel into a grid with a spreadsheet model and clipboard plugin results in an extra row
EXTJS-16925 Cell editing events are out of order when using tab to navigate cells
EXTJS-17005 Checkcolumn checkchange should pass the record as a parameter
EXTJS-17196 Buffered renderer plugin incorrectly sizes view when view size changes and it is hierarchically hidden
EXTJS-18351 Focusing a cell does not scroll it into view when using touch scroller
EXTJS-18655 Groups are disapearing in grids after a refresh is performed
EXTJS-18927 Error in grouped grid after a store reload and group is collapsed
EXTJS-18989 Groups with encoded HTML special chars breaks grouping
EXTJS-19251 Containers in a WidgetColumn do not layout properly when scrolling beyond buffer zones
EXTJS-19280 Tab does not properly move focus onto property grid in IE
EXTJS-19289 List grid filter should not react to store changes that update the menu
EXTJS-19314 forceFit configuration on grid causes layout run failures when showing hidden columns
EXTJS-19474 CheckboxModel header checkbox should only operate on items available to the current view
EXTJS-19562 List filters produce errors when destroyed if the store is a string value before menu is first shown
EXTJS-19633 Grid grouping feature does not use value from groupFn if template column is defined
EXTJS-19675 Grid with buffered rendering and cell editor sometimes throws errors after scrolling
EXTJS-19770 Grid focus can prevent text selection
EXTJS-19846 Infinite grid with BufferedStore, buffered renderer, and locked column displays blank view when scrolling quickly
EXTJS-19863 Filter menu is not created when grid is configured with sortableColumns and enableColumnHide disabled
EXTJS-19872 Stateful width of locked column is not applied
EXTJS-19875 Unable to collapse all groups when using groupFn
EXTJS-19887 CellModel does not apply styles correctly if the selected cell position changes
EXTJS-19916 Docked Summary scrolls vertically with view when grid is locked
EXTJS-19964 Cannot activate cell editor when editing was previously cancelled by clicking gridview
EXTJS-19993 Dropping a column on a grouped column header can cause column misalignment
EXTJS-19996 Grid view displays empty rows when grouping is cleared
EXTJS-20009 RowExpander causes selection to be lost with multi selection when clicking on the row body
EXTJS-20019 Ext.grid.column.Column setText() updates the wrong element
EXTJS-20021 Removing records on grid with grouping does not update selection
EXTJS-20035 Editing in locked grid causes change in normal grid scroll position
EXTJS-20058 Destroying grid in action column handler creates error
EXTJS-20063 Spreadsheet selModel can throw isModel errors when removing last record
EXTJS-20106 Widgetcolumn's onCellsResized causes incorrect iteration though the array
EXTJS-20134 Grid filters not applied correctly when using reconfigure with nested columns
EXTJS-20159 Locked grid with a viewmodel throws exception on destroy
EXTJS-20177 Ext.view.Table#onResize not passing oldWidth/oldHeight
EXTJS-20181 Copying cell data from Excel on Windows includes line feeds which produces unexpected paste results in the grid
EXTJS-20194 Locked split grid with specified locked size cuts off last locked column
EXTJS-20219 Summary count in conjunction with grouping returns list of objects instead of count
EXTJS-20227 Adding new record can prevent RowEditor from performing validation
EXTJS-20235 MultiSelector view does not realign on resize
EXTJS-20241 Spreadsheet selection model with checkboxSelect set to true causes component to uncheck after mousemove
EXTJS-20244 Grid filter information not sent in requests for bound viewmodel stores
EXTJS-20264 Including a large subtable in a grid will cause it to scroll to top
EXTJS-20266 Grouped grid columns cannot be created without a grid
EXTJS-20351 Grid focusRow fails to focus new row after reconfiguring with a new column set
EXTJS-20387 Spreadsheet model throws error when binding to the store
EXTJS-20395 MessageBox has incorrect z-index after editing in a floating grid
EXTJS-20429 Cannot scroll over a grid when using a tablet
EXTJS-20439 Cannot use native text copy / paste in cell editors with spreadsheet model
EXTJS-20487 Clicking an item on a grid that is partially out of view will not select it
EXTJS-20495 Collapse/Expand a group with an empty group string causes it to disappear
EXTJS-20501 Roweditor with checkboxfield editor throws an error in IE11
EXTJS-20548 Cell editing on a grid swallows events intended for widgets
EXTJS-20583 Grid filter creates a store load request when column menu is first expanded
EXTJS-20606 RowNumberer background color does not fill entire cell if content spans multiple lines
EXTJS-20609 Moving an element which contains focus can leave focus state inconsistent.
EXTJS-20634 Grid tries to readd existing filters on refresh
EXTJS-20694 CellEditing plugin should handle autosort of store on field mutation.
EXTJS-20719 Column renderer passes null instead of meta object
EXTJS-20814 CellEditing 'validateEdit' event does not contain the correct context values
EXTJS-20815 CellEditing 'validateEdit' event is fired before editing occurs
EXTJS-20888 Grid with checkboxmodel will not re-render checkcolumn upon reconfigure
EXTJS-20954 Grid column resize causes parent panel to scroll to top
EXTJS-21034 Scrolling a BufferedRenderer grid with an active CellEditor causes an error
EXTJS-21180 BufferedStore and SpreadsheetModel throws an exception when rows are selected and Grid.reconfigure() is called
EXTJS-21328 Grid with cell editing and a buffered renderer throws exception when activating editor after garbage collection has run
EXTJS-21334 Dragging paging thumb doesn't scroll grid view properly in modern
EXTJS-21343 Grid with cell editing and buffered renderer copies active editor value to other cell when scrolling
EXTJS-21365 Grid cell inner html doesn't render full height when value is empty array
- Layouts (9)
EXTJS-15309 Collapsible panels inside a vbox layout are positioned incorrectly during expanding animation
EXTJS-18849 DatePicker's controls move when the form resizes, which hides the owner container
EXTJS-18903 Selected item is obscured under selection highlighting in the modern toolkit's overlay picker
EXTJS-19222 Showing hidden items in an absolute layout do not display correctly
EXTJS-19721 Panel with viewport plugin and box layout produces "targetCls is missing" warning
EXTJS-19791 Accordion layout does not respect child animCollapse duration
EXTJS-20532 Collapsed border layout regions do not show on re-add
EXTJS-21045 Border region disappears when placeholder expand tool is tapped.
EXTJS-21189 VBox layout does not properly lay out items when their height is set with a percentage
- Locale (3)
EXTJS-20081 Russian locale file uses incorrect thousandSeperator
EXTJS-20726 Locale configs in Ext.locale.pt_BR.form.field.Date are incorrectly translated
EXTJS-20752 "showGroupsText" config is incorrectly translated in Ext.locale.pt_BR.grid.feature.Grouping
- Menu (2)
EXTJS-17945 Menu selection changes URL to '#' on touch devices
EXTJS-20962 Menu defaults config conflicts with shortcut component '-' separator
- Misc (1)
EXTJS-20443 Colorpicker components do not call onChange method from OK button after manually entering values
- Panel (7)
EXTJS-19897 Adding closing bracket in format breaks bind
EXTJS-19975 Setting panel title with numeric value does not update the title
EXTJS-20043 Panel tools do not get set correctly before render
EXTJS-20172 Error collapsing a panel while layouts are suspended such as when using data binding
EXTJS-20672 Panel does not respect header: false
EXTJS-6924 Expand fails for panel with animation that is initially collapsed
EXTJS-9961 Ext.panel.Panel with titleCollapse is not expanding on header click
- PivotGrid (14)
EXTJS-18758 Pivot configurator panel is not usable via key navigation
EXTJS-19181 Range editor plugin does not calculate cell values correctly when "Uniformly" type is used
EXTJS-19465 Configurator panel disappears after setting grid height
EXTJS-19506 Case sensitive doesn't work in PivotGrid Configurator
EXTJS-19519 Button "Value" is missing after change configurator dock position
EXTJS-19520 Width of buttons in configurator dock is too small in Firefox
EXTJS-19602 Pivot Grid lost focus after opening grouped column header
EXTJS-20208 Error in console when tabbing through cells in Pivot Grid Cell editing plugin
EXTJS-20451 Configurator plugin - filter of year value greater than 999 doesn't work
EXTJS-21094 Group header alignment on rows is wrong in RTL
EXTJS-21211 [Pivot]RangeEditor plugin missing fields for editing row value
EXTJS-21238 [Configurator Plugin] It is hard to move items on touch devices
EXTJS-21388 Pivot Grids - Column headers are not aligned
EXTJS-21442 Empty cells should not be editable in Pivot grids
- Scroller (15)
EXTJS-10272 Auto height window with minHeight, scroll jumps after expand child panel
EXTJS-12640 Auto height form scrolls to top when radiogroup option selected in container
EXTJS-15691 Panel with relative height scrolls to top when adding items
EXTJS-16080 Auto height form loses scroll position when modifying a value
EXTJS-16334 Adding or removing elements to an auto height form causes it to scroll to the top
EXTJS-16349 Auto height form scrolls when modifying value
EXTJS-18502 Scroll position resets when a panel is added to a container with maxwidth
EXTJS-18895 Binding in border layout can cause grid to scroll to top on selection
EXTJS-19140 Clicking on a checkbox scrolls the form if a height is not set
EXTJS-19756 When form is vertically scrolled, showing a hidden form field can cause the form to scroll to the top
EXTJS-6091 Expanding/Collapsing auto height fieldset causes scroll position to be reset
EXTJS-7103 Shrinkwrap auto layout component loses scroll position when layout is updated
EXTJS-7869 Scroll position lost when Box layout updates
EXTJS-8231 Tab setTitle will reset form panel scrollbar if form panel has auto height children
EXTJS-9286 Form panel with auto height fieldset in viewport - setVisible cause scroll reset to top
- Selection Model (4)
EXTJS-18018 SHIFT select not working on Spreadsheet selection
EXTJS-20226 Spreadsheet selection is lost after view is refreshed when type is "cells"
EXTJS-20238 Spreadsheet selection model causes 'isModel() of null' error when calling setLoading() on parent container
EXTJS-21440 Cannot select cells/rows in spreadsheet selection on IE11/Edge tablet
- Tabs (1)
EXTJS-14334 Cannot change activeTab via buttons in tabbar overflow menu
- Templates (1)
EXTJS-20397 After resizing charts, doubleclick doesn't return it to its default state in the Admin Dashboard
- Theme (7)
EXTJS-14098 Tab scroller arrows are not being shown correctly for RTL
EXTJS-18344 Picker is styled incorrectly in windows theme
EXTJS-19827 Load mask spinner animation not working correctly
EXTJS-19978 Unexpected CSS token warning in Safari 9.0.1
EXTJS-20084 Checkbox label's font size variable is incorrectly set
EXTJS-20188 Sandbox builds display incorrect prefixes for CSS root namespace
EXTJS-20819 extjs-checkbox-ui does not apply ui-label-color for the box label
- ToolTips (3)
EXTJS-14959 Tooltip's anchor is incorrectly displayed when the tooltip is shown by another component
EXTJS-17892 Tooltips ignore mouseover events on touch devices
EXTJS-18896 ToolTip displays an additional layer in IE8 and IE9
- Toolbars (2)
EXTJS-20673 Ext.toolbar.Breadcrumb's FontAwesome icons are not displaying in IE8 or IE9
EXTJS-20714 Breadcrumb toolbars face the wrong direction in RTL in Triton theme
- Tree (12)
EXTJS-17612 getChanges doesn't include "index" after insertBefore call
EXTJS-19391 Reconfiguring a locked tree sometimes renders empty rows
EXTJS-19678 Tree panel does not render correctly if a child node is loading during render
EXTJS-19808 Treelist's floating menu closes when the scrollbar gets focus
EXTJS-20007 Tree view no longer applies expander class when mousing over the expander icon
EXTJS-20117 TreePanel with a ViewModel store will throw an error if there is a locked column
EXTJS-20464 Tree List should support filtering
EXTJS-20602 Persistent "index" in node interface not updated correctly when moving node between parents.
EXTJS-20650 Expanding and collapsing a Ext.ux.TreePicker node scrolls the picker to the top
EXTJS-20745 Treelist doesn't allow selection of micro second level items in modern toolkit
EXTJS-20988 Micro tree incorrectly shows the UI in the modern toolkit
EXTJS-21084 Expand/collapse tree node will set normal view scrollLeft to 0
- Window (8)
EXTJS-15843 Window shows restore tool when it starts as maximized
EXTJS-19686 Maximized window is draggable when animateTarget is configured
EXTJS-19984 Ext.WindowManager.hideAll() does not hide mask when window is modal
EXTJS-20015 Clicking on a modal mask causes an error and prevents closing in IE8
EXTJS-20088 MessageBox shows scrollbars when displayed more than once on touch/hybrid-enabled devices
EXTJS-20155 Toast gets collapsed if you click on the background in Modern toolkit
EXTJS-20187 Toast windows throws error when focused
EXTJS-20846 Toast window's stickOnClick config should default to `false`
Total: 329
Release Notes for Ext JS 6.0.2
Release Date: March 25, 2016
Version Number:
Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing now fires beforeedit and edit before moving
to the next cell while tabbing. If you were using beforeedit to prevent the completion
of the edit for a previous cell, you should now use the validateedit event instead.
New Features
- Accessibility (1)
EXTJS-16862 Display fields should be accessible
- Charts (1)
EXTJS-16706 Chart line series should allow missing data points to be treated as zero or connected through instead of only renderable as a gap
- Documentation (2)
EXTJS-17155 Store.onProxyLoad should be public
EXTJS-17418 Component.addPlugin method should be protected
- Forms (1)
EXTJS-19511 The column's editor config may now be configured with a "field" property. If this is the case, the editor config is used to create the CellEditor, and the field property to create the input field.
- Grid (2)
EXTJS-16552 Modern toolkit grid should support column resize grip
EXTJS-18860 Grid selection binding should be supported in Cell and Spreadsheet selection models
Total: 7
Bugs Fixed
- Accessibility (8)
EXTJS-18835 Mouse click on grid expander adds outline on both cell and icon.
EXTJS-19476 If FocusableContainer's last focused element is removed, it is no longer tabbable.
EXTJS-19495 Reconfiguring grid makes header container untabbable
EXTJS-19517 Toolbars should use group role when opting out of FocusableContainer behavior
EXTJS-19530 Closable tabs should be considered non-accessible
EXTJS-19616 ARIA checks inconsistent across components
EXTJS-19702 Shift+TAB into TableView which contains tabbables doesn't work
EXTJS-19758 NVDA announces Date picker as editable
- App (4)
EXTJS-13843 menucheckitem breaks #route on Nexus7
EXTJS-18763 Refs with autoCreate: true do not get reinstated correctly after destroy
EXTJS-18865 redirectTo with force triggers routes twice if the route is already active
EXTJS-19273 Controller gets created twice when calling getController with short alias
- Bind (4)
EXTJS-19001 Bindings fire repeatedly for same date value
EXTJS-19451 Combobox text input gets cleared in some cases when using forceSelection
EXTJS-19528 Session does not spawn correctly from parent when used with a fieldset with a legend
EXTJS-20622 Destroy method does not remove bindings
- Button (4)
EXTJS-18048 In Aria Demo > Tab Item selector - click on button throws error in the console
EXTJS-19378 Disabled state is not reflected correctly in menu items when using box menu overflow
EXTJS-20094 SplitButton arrowEl focusable by default when arrowVisible configured false
EXTJS-20641 Button text property overrides overflowText property
- Charts (9)
EXTJS-16954 majorTickSteps are not rendered properly on numeric axis
EXTJS-18063 calloutLine: false not respected
EXTJS-18861 3D Pie series can blink when animating or interacted with, when SVG engine is used.
EXTJS-18900 Polar/Pie Chart reports incorrect item and tooltip when data value is zero
EXTJS-19254 Pie chart rendering breaks if it's shrunk to the point where series are no longer visible, even after the original size is restored.
EXTJS-19822 Changing fillOpacity of chart series has no effect
EXTJS-20018 Destroying animated charts can throw uncaught errors
EXTJS-20104 Always zero index in gauge series' renderer in latest nightly
EXTJS-20158 Plot Charts - Buttons are disabled. Cannot be pressed
- Core (16)
EXTJS-19201 Ext.coerce isn't correctly evaluating false == '0' (a one character string containing zero)
EXTJS-19212 Ext.util.MixedCollection $extCollectionIndex not being removed from item when sorted
EXTJS-19341 Delegated events don't fire correctly on containers with an itemId
EXTJS-19349 Target is null when item is dropped outside browser window - Win10 tablet
EXTJS-19355 Compatibility property on overrides does not accept string array
EXTJS-19460 Flicking scrollbar on touch screen devices results in content moving opposite way.
EXTJS-19544 Ext.util.TSV/CSV#decode goes infinite loop with an empty input
EXTJS-19640 Floaters with alignTo scroll outside the scrolling element
EXTJS-19697 Message box show with empty title shows previous title
EXTJS-19728 AMF0 and AMF3 formats don't load
EXTJS-19820 Removing a buffered listener during the event firing throws an error.
EXTJS-20039 Ext.Loader deadlock detecion is not reliable
EXTJS-20056 Toast not visible in Modern Triton Theme
EXTJS-20245 SVGElement.offsetParent deprecated in V48
EXTJS-20449 Inheritable statics from mixin are not inherited properly
EXTJS-7419 callParent does not work with inheritableStatics
- Dashboard (1)
EXTJS-19634 Dashboard component incorrectly positioned by drag and drop
- Data (25)
EXTJS-15462 Heterogeneous trees do not use proxy of child nodes to read their children
EXTJS-17125 Automatically update association store filter when owning model is saved
EXTJS-17902 Root firstChild/lastChild properties contain wrong nodes
EXTJS-18711 List grid filter: an options store created from an options list config shouldn't update when the store changes
EXTJS-18750 Incorrect getter is created for inverse side of hasMany association with a specified name
EXTJS-19102 Foreign key of associated models is not updated when record is saved
EXTJS-19146 Store.each is not safe for record removal
EXTJS-19221 Modifying id of record in group store can duplicate the item in some circumstances
EXTJS-19260 ManyToOne association doesn't read nested empty data collection as complete
EXTJS-19292 Ajax request fail on local files when status == 0
EXTJS-19310 Store fires metachange event prior to reconfiguring for new fields and still has old data
EXTJS-19345 Grid with auto height using a chained store does update height when new records are added
EXTJS-19406 leaks memory and sorts removed groups
EXTJS-19448 Changing a foreign key in hasMany causes exception when record is joined to multiple parties
EXTJS-19583 Setting root of TreeStore after a filter has been applied cannot read 'isExpanded' property of null sibling node
EXTJS-19699 Remote proxy does not send store filters whose value is falsy
EXTJS-19857 Syncing store throws JS error if trackRemoved = false
EXTJS-19911 Webstorage/LocalStorage not serializing data
EXTJS-19942 Grouped ChainedStore does not update record id correctly on server sync
EXTJS-19959 Session does not auto-include records in store for ManyToOne when the owner record is a phantom
EXTJS-20030 should always be true for instances of the base class
EXTJS-20031 Shared id generators are not shared by models within same session
EXTJS-20262 BufferedStore not requesting enough pages on reload
EXTJS-20271 filterFn is removed for filters that specify value or operator via binding
EXTJS-20309 does not call base destroy()
- DataView (3)
EXTJS-18932 DataView doesn't react to store updates when pending a refresh while not visible and can lead to exception
EXTJS-19132 List index bar scrolls out of view when using native scroller
EXTJS-20519 Typo in AbstractView
- Draw (1)
EXTJS-19592 Image Sprites do not fire sprite events
- Events (7)
EXTJS-17947 'single' event listener isn't unbound on devices that support mouse & touch
EXTJS-18435 mouseenter/mouseleave events never fires with delegate event option defined
EXTJS-18712 Managed listeners for translated events cannot be removed
EXTJS-19133 TaskRunner can sometimes fire idle event, even when fireIdleEvent is configured to false on IE
EXTJS-19223 Mouse wheel events don't fire correctly in Firefox
EXTJS-19649 resumeEvent should use canonicalEventName
EXTJS-20303 App for financial chars freezes when user try to use zoom feature
- Examples (14)
EXTJS-15863 SimpleTask example>Menu button immediately lose focus after click
EXTJS-17543 ColorSelector UX does not render all sliders correctly
EXTJS-17748 Live Search Grid Example - missing checkboxes
EXTJS-18245 Modern example - Big data grid - slider at the last page can't be moved back by button
EXTJS-18815 BigData - Data doesn't change when modifying record via editor plugin
EXTJS-18818 Custom drag&drop - error in console when dropping same patient twice in the same place - IE8
EXTJS-18898 Subtable plugin border not shown correctly on firefox
EXTJS-19237 Wrong focus on row after adding new one on changed sorting in KS cell editing example
EXTJS-19335 Ext.ux.ajax.Simlet does not return configured response headers
EXTJS-19432 The Feed Viewer example doesn't load - error 404
EXTJS-19597 KS Calendar issue when change from Daylight to Standard
EXTJS-20211 Error when in console when switching from breadcrum toolbar to tree view in kitchen sink main window
EXTJS-20376 DataView - Sometimes chosen items are not selected
EXTJS-20416 can't drop in Custom Drag and Drop example
- Forms (50)
EXTJS-15307 UpdateRecord causes checkbox values in model to be true/false instead of inputValues
EXTJS-15750 Ext.form.field.Time not being validated onChange and onBlur
EXTJS-17201 Combobox tab key does not cause component to lose focus on FF
EXTJS-17471 createNewOnEnter should not create new tag when some value in dropdown list is selected
EXTJS-17779 ComboBox forceSelection is too aggressive in clearing out the field input
EXTJS-17976 Region collapses when picker in region has mouseover
EXTJS-18014 Ext.form.Basic should require Ext.form.action.StandardSubmit
EXTJS-18034 textfield selectOnFocus doesn't work properly
EXTJS-18055 lastSelectedRecords forces selection in assertValue. Should be cleared on value change.
EXTJS-18509 When using touch screen, invalid form field causes form to jump to top when using mouse
EXTJS-18574 2 or more Comboboxes with paging toolbar causes id collisions
EXTJS-18654 ComboBox doQuery() always returns true
EXTJS-18786 Placeholder hasn't right color on touch device
EXTJS-18847 MultiSelect component loses item selection when using scroolbar in IE
EXTJS-18997 validate method of is not passed the record argument when form field is validated
EXTJS-19014 datefield "Today" button is enabled if date is outside of min/max range
EXTJS-19024 Previously selected date is not highlighted in modern datepicker
EXTJS-19119 When column is configured with align:right, Ext.grid.RowEditor overwrites user-defined fieldStyle configured on editor
EXTJS-19250 Ext.picker.Date not setting initial value
EXTJS-19271 Tag field with multiSelect: false throws console error
EXTJS-19274 ComboBox collapsing as typed characters match item when binding the combo's value
EXTJS-19317 Tag field should clear typed value when it matches selection
EXTJS-19318 Tag field with typeAhead and autoSelect selects incorrect record
EXTJS-19353 Ext.ux.colorpick.Field / can't load form values if value is null
EXTJS-19433 File upload via form.submit() not processing response correctly
EXTJS-19453 TagField Highlighting selection on typing is not working
EXTJS-19469 Selectfield does not automatically scroll to selected value on display
EXTJS-19487 Combobox typeahead types ahead on erase
EXTJS-19514 File field without fixed "name" fails on second upload.
EXTJS-19529 Combobox input not set when displayField set in initComponent
EXTJS-19595 queryMode:'remote' ComboBox does not fire change when query changed back to the previous queried value
EXTJS-19596 Date picker should preventDefault on arrow keys
EXTJS-19631 Selectfield is selecting wrong value
EXTJS-19646 emptyCls is not removed from combobox when value is set via binding but store is not loaded
EXTJS-19647 Checkbox disregards inputValue when passed '1' or 1
EXTJS-19775 Email and telephone hyperlinks destroy HtmlEditor iframe
EXTJS-19779 Slider filed does not perform multiple method calls on change
EXTJS-19842 Combobox with enableRegExp:true throws error when entering asterisk
EXTJS-19932 getSameGroupFields() in Ext.field.Checkbox does not properly define a root for Ext.query
EXTJS-20044 Disabling a filefield after a reset causes exception
EXTJS-20049 ComboBox does not clear partial text selection after selection using typeAhead
EXTJS-20185 Ext.form.Panel.reset method missing argument
EXTJS-20199 Destroying tagfield in a non-destroyed panel causes "Uncaught TypeError: Array.prototype.indexOf"
EXTJS-20248 stripCharsRe for ComboBox doesn't correctly replace if the same value is re-entered
EXTJS-20250 ComboBox setValue returns undefined when value is cleared
EXTJS-20298 ComboBox in a widgetcolumn does not collapse when clicking its trigger
EXTJS-20341 Multi selector grid - employees men disappears after touch
EXTJS-20447 Field before/afterLabelTextTpl is not kept when calling setFieldLabel
EXTJS-20492 Error while destroying a grid with celleditor, when tagfield has focus
EXTJS-20610 Datefield does not fire onchange when selecting date
- Grid (86)
EXTJS-15145 Sliderwidget will not slide when using RTL
EXTJS-15662 Grid drag/drop fails in some browsers
EXTJS-15736 Using scrollable true on grid with a locked column causes exception
EXTJS-16196 Locking grid throws "Cannot read property 'els' of undefined" on reconfigure in some cases
EXTJS-16390 Pasting cells from Excel into grid with spreadsheet model and clipboard plugin results in an extra row.
EXTJS-16693 Spreadsheet selection model fires selectionchange event twice
EXTJS-16830 CellModel exception when sorting BufferedStore
EXTJS-16925 Cell editing events out of order when using tab to navigate cells
EXTJS-17005 Checkcolumn checkchange should pass the record as a parameter
EXTJS-17196 Buffered renderer plugin incorrectly sizes view when view size changes and it is hierarchically hidden
EXTJS-17253 Grouping feature events not firing on grid
EXTJS-17941 Wrong position of combobox list with virtual keyboard opened - Android
EXTJS-18092 Columns are movable just to one side on touch screen in RTL
EXTJS-18195 Expanded row scrolls into view when trying to collapse
EXTJS-18351 Focusing a cell does not scroll it into view when using touch scroller
EXTJS-18491 Cursor position in fields is not consistent across browsers when roweditor fields are activated
EXTJS-18655 Groups disapearing in grid after refresh
EXTJS-18841 Number filter clears value when tabbing to "eq" field
EXTJS-18868 Row expander - row changes position after trying to collapse partially hidden row
EXTJS-18927 Error in grouped grid after a store reload and group is collapsed
EXTJS-18985 Row editor does not reposition itself when textarea is used as an editor in last few rows
EXTJS-18989 Groups with encoded HTML special chars breaks grouping
EXTJS-19013 Grid SelectionModel allows selectAll when showHeaderCheckbox:false
EXTJS-19176 Grid with spreadsheet model swaps rownumber and checkbox columns when reconfigured
EXTJS-19251 Containers in a WidgetColumn do not layout properly when scrolling beyond buffer zones
EXTJS-19282 Row in locked grid doesn't expand to same height as unlocked side
EXTJS-19289 List grid filter should not react to store changes to update the menu when given options
EXTJS-19311 Locking grid does not respect Checkbox selection model injectCheckbox during column lock and unlock
EXTJS-19350 Refocusing Table when trigger of focusleave was actionable element does not renter actionable mode.
EXTJS-19360 Horizontal scrollbar can sometimes not appear when locking column for first time.
EXTJS-19389 Cell editing cannot be restarted on locked column
EXTJS-19425 Grid groups can't be opened after calling scrollTo or related API until a user-initiated scroll is performed
EXTJS-19446 Grid columns menu picker does not update new columns on reconfigure
EXTJS-19474 CheckboxModel header checkbox should only operate on items available to the current view
EXTJS-19508 RowExpander does not update layout on expand/collapse
EXTJS-19515 "'findParent' of undefined or null reference" on grid panel with viewport scrolling on touch-enabled device using IE
EXTJS-19522 Partially visible rows cannot be selected/highlighted when clicking causes the row to scroll into view in webkit-based browsers
EXTJS-19533 Virtualized scrolling does not reach browser scroll limits
EXTJS-19534 Spreadsheet selModel throws error if mouseup is outside grid.
EXTJS-19562 List gridfilter errors when destroyed if its store is a string value before menu is first shown
EXTJS-19623 Grid cellediting on sorted column causes error
EXTJS-19652 After store update and row removal, cell editing no longer works and throws errors
EXTJS-19664 Clipboard plugin does not paste dates from excel with spreadsheet selection model
EXTJS-19675 Grid with buffered rendering and cell editor sometimes throws errors after scrolling
EXTJS-19682 Cell editing cannot be canceled on Firefox
EXTJS-19696 Reconfigure throws JS error when grid has focus
EXTJS-19710 Buffered renderer does not work after reconfigure if the grid is initially configured without columns
EXTJS-19766 List filter incorrectly uses grid store when options list is configured
EXTJS-19770 Grid focus can prevent text selection
EXTJS-19810 Grid cell editor DOM element is null after row is removed and garbage collection runs
EXTJS-19843 Intermittent errors when scrolling upwards from end of grid with variableRowHeight
EXTJS-19846 Infinite grid with BufferedStore, buffered renderer, and locked column displays blank view when scrolling quickly
EXTJS-19851 Grid column align class does not apply to cells
EXTJS-19863 Filter menu is not created when grid is configured with sortableColumns and enableColumnHide disabled
EXTJS-19869 Clipboard plugin should not respond when grid is in actionable mode
EXTJS-19872 Stateful width of locked column is not applied
EXTJS-19875 Unable to collapse all groups when using groupFn
EXTJS-19883 Clipboard plugin throws error when configured to copy/paste in raw format
EXTJS-19886 Cell editing uses value from renderer when model value is undefined
EXTJS-19887 CellModel does not apply styles correctly if the selected cell position changes
EXTJS-19899 New edit value should be updated if termination of previous edit causes record mutation.
EXTJS-19916 Docked Summary scrolls vertically with view when grid is locked
EXTJS-19922 Grid column menu is visible when scrolling beyond bounds of parent container
EXTJS-19950 Grid forceFit:true where calculated flexes tend to zero throws error
EXTJS-19964 Cannot activate cell editor when editing was previously cancelled by clicking gridview
EXTJS-19993 Dropping a column on a grouped column header can cause column misalignment
EXTJS-19996 Grid view displays empty rows when grouping is cleared
EXTJS-20019 Ext.grid.column.Column setText() updates the wrong element
EXTJS-20021 Removing records on grid with grouping does not update selection
EXTJS-20035 Editing in locked grid causes change in normal grid scroll position
EXTJS-20058 Destroying grid in action column handler creates error
EXTJS-20134 Grid filters not applied correctly when using reconfigure with nested columns
EXTJS-20159 Locked grid with a viewmodel throws exception on destroy
EXTJS-20181 Copying cell data from Excel (Windows-only) includes line feed which produces unexpected paste results in grid
EXTJS-20194 Locked split grid with specified locked size cuts off last locked column
EXTJS-20219 Summary count in conjunction with grouping returns list of objects instead of count
EXTJS-20241 Spreadsheet selection model with checkboxSelect: true causes component to uncheck after mousemove
EXTJS-20244 Grid filter information not sent in requests for bound viewmodel stores
EXTJS-20351 Grid focusRow fails to focus new row after reconfiguring with a new column set
EXTJS-20387 Spreadsheet model throws error when binding to the store
EXTJS-20395 MessageBox has incorrect z-index after editing in a floating grid
EXTJS-20439 Cannot use native text copy / paste in cell editors with spreadsheet model
EXTJS-20548 Cell editing on a grid swallows events intended for widgets
EXTJS-20561 Grid column contextMenu not shown with longpress on mobile
EXTJS-20583 Grid filter creates request when column menu first expanded
EXTJS-20634 Grid causes extraneous refreshes when choosing options from list filter
- Layouts (7)
EXTJS-15309 Collapsible panel inside vbox layout is positioned incorrectly during expand animation
EXTJS-19222 Layout not performed correctly when showing hidden item in absolute layout
EXTJS-19397 Ext.layout.container.Auto Chrome bug workaround can be removed for recent versions
EXTJS-19421 Center layout does not lay out HTML components correctly
EXTJS-19452 Calling setDocked(null) on container throws uncaught typeError
EXTJS-19721 "targetCls is missing" warning for Panel with viewport plugin and box layout
EXTJS-19791 Accordion layout does not respect child animCollapse duration
- Locale (3)
EXTJS-19575 'Loading...' is translated into Traditional Chinese in Simplified Chinese locale file
EXTJS-19617 Format inconsistencies cause bug in Lithuanian locale
EXTJS-20081 Russian locale file uses incorrect thousandSeperator
- Menu (5)
EXTJS-17844 Submenu closes when parent item is clicked
EXTJS-17945 Menu selection changes URL to '#' on touch devices
EXTJS-19298 Menu icon vertical separator on wrong side in RTL mode
EXTJS-19679 Tabbing from menu with hidden ancestor goes out of the document
EXTJS-19773 Menu defaultType not respected correctly
- Misc (1)
EXTJS-18907 DragZone does not register containerScroll element
- Panel (6)
EXTJS-18902 Tools in ghost/drag proxy disappear when dragging panel
EXTJS-19122 Ext.Msg does not suppress message when useMsg is set
EXTJS-19518 Panel toolbars (t/r/b/l/f) mutate a passed config object
EXTJS-19975 Setting panel title with numeric value does not update the title
EXTJS-6924 Expand fails for panel with animation that is initially collapsed
EXTJS-9961 Ext.panel.Panel with titleCollapse is not expanding on header click
- PivotGrid (4)
EXTJS-19181 Range editor plugin does not calculate cell values correctly when "Uniformly" type is used
EXTJS-19465 Configurator panel disappears after setting grid height
EXTJS-19777 Pivot grid naming for pt_br locale does not work with framework locale name
EXTJS-19907 Ext.pivot.plugin.configurator.Container should have requires[] for Vbox and Column layouts
- Scroller (17)
EXTJS-10272 Auto height window with minHeight, scroll jumps after expand child panel
EXTJS-12640 Auto height form scrolls to top when radiogroup option selected in container
EXTJS-15691 Panel with relative height scrolls to top when adding items
EXTJS-16080 Auto height form loses scroll position when modifying a value
EXTJS-16334 Adding or removing elements to an auto height form causes it to scroll to the top
EXTJS-16349 Auto height form scrolls when modifying value
EXTJS-18502 Scroll position resets when a panel is added to a container with maxwidth
EXTJS-18895 Binding in border layout can cause grid to scroll to top on selection
EXTJS-19140 Clicking on a checkbox scrolls the form if a height is not set
EXTJS-19312 Tapping to abort momentum scroll does not fire scrollend event
EXTJS-19756 When form is vertically scrolled, showing a hidden form field can cause the form to scroll to the top
EXTJS-19828 directionLock functionality is not honoured
EXTJS-6091 Expanding/Collapsing auto height fieldset causes scroll position to be reset
EXTJS-7103 Shrinkwrap auto layout component loses scroll position when layout is updated
EXTJS-7869 Scroll position lost when Box layout updates
EXTJS-8231 Tab setTitle will reset form panel scrollbar if form panel has auto height children
EXTJS-9286 Form panel with auto height fieldset in viewport - setVisible cause scroll reset to top
- Tabs (3)
EXTJS-14334 Cannot change activeTab via buttons in tabbar overflow menu
EXTJS-16281 Overflowing tabs in a TabPanel don't properly scroll via mouse wheel
EXTJS-19667 Initially disabled TabPanel does not show active tab
- Templates (4)
EXTJS-14784 Executive Dashboard: The download is initialized twice on one click
EXTJS-19206 Modern Admin Dashboard - Dismissing menu on phone email screen prevents composing new email via + button
EXTJS-20397 Admin Dashboard - after resizing charts doubleclick don't return it to its default state
EXTJS-20698 Cannot see items in Friend list in Modern Admin Dashboard
- Theme (9)
EXTJS-14098 Tab scroller arrows are not being shown correctly for RTL
EXTJS-18344 Picker is styled incorrectly in windows theme
EXTJS-18776 Modern theme-neptune doesn't require font awesome
EXTJS-19306 grid-cell and toolbar UI CSS is not generated for tagfields in classic-based themes
EXTJS-19395 Tree arrows point wrong way in RTL with Triton theme
EXTJS-19521 Window icon appear grayed out due to added opacity (0.5)
EXTJS-19724 Minor RTL element misplacement in group headers
EXTJS-19827 Load mask spinner animation not working correctly
EXTJS-20084 Checkbox label font size variable incorrect
- ToolTips (4)
EXTJS-17583 Tooltips not showing for hybrid touchscreen devices on hover
EXTJS-17892 Tooltip should not ignore mouseover event on touch devices
EXTJS-18288 Tooltip does not display arrow pointing to the target even when anchor is explicitly set
EXTJS-19276 Tooltip anchor moves with each rendering
- Toolbars (1)
EXTJS-15500 Radiofield component does not allow selection on toolbar overflow menu
- Tree (10)
EXTJS-18474 TreeStore does not filter on child nodes
EXTJS-19179 Incorrect focus in locked grid when removing rows
EXTJS-19202 Asterisk expand all key event causes exception with locked tree
EXTJS-19391 Reconfiguring locked tree can render empty rows
EXTJS-19393 Loading/reloading a tree store that has used filterBy() throws an exception
EXTJS-19581 Treelist micro mode row item hover styling not being applied
EXTJS-19619 Treelist menus in micro mode do not dismiss on mouseOut in IE
EXTJS-19663 Treelist does not maintain the correct order for micro mode with dynamic node insertion
EXTJS-19678 Tree panel does not render correctly if a child node is loading during render
EXTJS-20007 Tree view no longer applies expander class when mousing over the expander icon
- Window (8)
EXTJS-15843 Window restore tool not correct when starting maximized
EXTJS-16184 Modal window background does not resize with browser window
EXTJS-16683 Blur event doesn't fire on Ext.window.Window
EXTJS-19686 Maximized window is draggable when animateTarget is configured
EXTJS-19954 Tabbing in child modal window incorrectly tabs to parent window
EXTJS-19984 Ext.WindowManager.hideAll() does not hide mask when window is modal
EXTJS-20088 MessageBox displays scrollbars when displayed more than once on touch/hybrid-enabled device
EXTJS-20149 Window modal mask gets positioned on top of the window when hiding other modal windows
Total: 314
Release Notes for Ext JS 6.0.1
Release Date: September 2, 2015
Version Number:
The default value for Ext Direct Remoting API variable name was changed
better alignment with published Ext Direct specification. If your application
makes use of the
method in, you
will need to review and possibly update the
config option.
New Features
- Accessibility (1)
EXTJS-18935 Focusable events focusenter and focusleave should be public
- App (3)
EXTJS-18770 Application mainView config should accept config object
EXTJS-19000 Provide a "lookup" method as a short hand for "lookupReference"
EXTJS-19011 The active profile should be able to provide xtype definitions appropriate to target environment
- Button (1)
EXTJS-19009 Buttons should have a textAlign config in modern toolkit
- Charts (1)
EXTJS-18479 Charts should fire 'itemhighlightchange' to detect transitions to no item being highlighted
- Cmd (1)
EXTJS-18693 Universal apps need a resource folder that is page-relative and shared by all build profiles
- Core (2)
EXTJS-19010 Responsive plugin should be provided on modern toolkit
EXTJS-19186 Ext.Component#fromElement should be provided for modern toolkit
- Data (1)
EXTJS-18567 Session should have a method that will clone a record instance from a parent to a child
- Direct (2)
EXTJS-18275 Allow a limit of requests to be batched in Ext Direct
EXTJS-18768 Allow Direct method to be excluded from batch.
- Draw (3)
EXTJS-18766 Sprites should have a transform method to apply arbitrary transformations not limited to scale, rotate and/or translate
EXTJS-18930 Add shear x/y methods to Ext.draw.Matrix
EXTJS-18958 Sprites should provide a public animation config to control their animated attributes
- Forms (1)
EXTJS-16559 Modern toolkit should provide a progress bar widget
- Grid (3)
EXTJS-18500 Modern grid should support flex column widths
EXTJS-18713 summaryRenderer should receive the cell like a normal cell renderer in the modern grid
EXTJS-18899 Modern grid should support hideHeaders config
- Misc (1)
EXTJS-18475 Ext.Img alt, src and title configs should be bindable
- Panel (1)
EXTJS-16510 Modern toolkit should support panel header, title, tools and icon
- Templates (1)
EXTJS-18876 Admin dashboard should be a universal application
- Theme (2)
EXTJS-18811 Blackberry Theme for Modern Toolkit
EXTJS-18996 Upgrade Font Awesome package to use latest version (4.4.0)
- Tree (2)
EXTJS-18378 Trees should provide a beforecheckchange event to allow checking/unchecking to be prevented
EXTJS-19187 Treelist should provide an itemclick event
Total: 26
Bugs Fixed
- Accessibility (5)
EXTJS-18186 FocusableContainer should prevntDefault on UP/DOWN arrow keys
EXTJS-18361 Cannot see underscore in text fields on normal zoom in FF
EXTJS-18665 Cannot tab away from a focused slider with multiple thumbs
EXTJS-18767 Sliders use wrong ARIA attributes
EXTJS-18879 Keyboard navigation is not working properly in Date menu
- App (1)
EXTJS-17556 View model links don't create separate record instances correctly when used with a parent view model
- Button (4)
EXTJS-16118 Browse local files button doesn't work on iOS8
EXTJS-17953 Wrongly displayed buttons in modern toolkit on Edge in modern-neptune theme
EXTJS-18774 Error: menu button behavior will conflict with toggling
EXTJS-19111 Menu button ARIA warning check not accounting for inherited listeners
- Charts (12)
EXTJS-18028 3D pie chart wrong drawing order
EXTJS-18460 Updating the store of a pie chart breaks the rendering
EXTJS-18572 Chart.getInteraction method does not match type properly
EXTJS-18573 ItemEdit interaction should destroy the tooltip it creates on its own destruction.
EXTJS-18599 RotatePie3D interaction doesn't always work if one grabs the edge of the series
EXTJS-18609 useDarkerStrokeColor and showMarkers configs have no updaters
EXTJS-18706 JS error when activating tab with chart
EXTJS-18790 Pie chart rendering breaks when number of labels changes
EXTJS-18831 Real-time chart is unresponsive - iOS
EXTJS-18862 When previewing a chart, Ext JS logs out ARIA compliance warning
EXTJS-18870 Edge lines are not always displayed from end to end in 3D bar
EXTJS-18924 Drawing - Bouncing Logo - Troubles with loading of picture, Error 404
- Cmd (2)
EXTJS-18617 platformTags used by platformConfig do not always resolve tablet property correctly on phones
EXTJS-19131 Fashion generates incorrect CSS for focused buttons in classic Admin Dashboard.
- Core (14)
EXTJS-17523 Instance configs should allow functions to replace emptyFn and family template methods
EXTJS-17694 FieldContainer does not add layout's targetCls to its containerEl
EXTJS-17870 Ext.Date.clearTime gets into an infinite loop if the date informed is Invalid
EXTJS-18108 Container.nextChild/prevChild return undefined instead of null when child not found
EXTJS-18192 Component.load does not honour the scripts: true config
EXTJS-18388 ComponentQuery should be able to filter objects which are not instances of Ext classes
EXTJS-18477 Ext.dom.Query.selectValue defaultValue is not used
EXTJS-18503 Scroll partners do not match elastic overscroll of active scroller.
EXTJS-18623 Container.nextChild/prevChild may return siblings or other non-child nodes if no matching child is found
EXTJS-18679 onScrollStart fired too early in IE8 when scrolling both x and y axes
EXTJS-18681 Ext.util.ItemCollection not required by Ext.Container
EXTJS-18764 Viewport plugin layout warning
EXTJS-18772 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '_incr_' of undefined in modern toolkit
EXTJS-19046 Edge doesn't know touch event "drag", "doubletap"
- Data (16)
EXTJS-14996 ManyToOne association doesn't infer keys correctly when loading the store (not nested loading)
EXTJS-15583 validate method of is not passed the record argument when one is available
EXTJS-17384 parsing invalid data never fires exception event
EXTJS-18085 Store load calls should be buffered to avoid making multiple network requests
EXTJS-18209 Buffered Store requests every page in the scroll range when scroll bar dragged and locked columns present.
EXTJS-18219 TreeStore loaded from flat file not sorting children
EXTJS-18481 getResponseHeader broken
EXTJS-18489 Binding of loaded associated store in child session triggers a proxy load
EXTJS-18521 calculate function config fails to determine dependencies in IE
EXTJS-18594 Modern form panel calls missing method Ext.Ajax.parseStatus
EXTJS-18595 Returning false from beforesubmit event in formpanel doesn't prevent submit on modern toolkit
EXTJS-18683 BufferedStore does not fire the beforesort event
EXTJS-18760 Pagingtoolbar status message incorrect on initial load using memory proxy
EXTJS-18836 Sortable#sort throws an error if the first sorterFn in a multi sort operation returns 0 (equality)
EXTJS-18848 Sorting a locked grid with a buffered store throws an error.
EXTJS-18911 Session.commit() does not clean up matrix data
- DataView (3)
EXTJS-18650 Chaining selection - Binding selection view doesn't react onClick,onTap
EXTJS-18851 Dataview with selection binding renders items unselectable
EXTJS-19089 Ext.List does not react to store.removeAll()
- Distribution (2)
EXTJS-19083 Commercial build should exclude watermark files.
EXTJS-19095 Missing trial watermark font
- Draw (7)
EXTJS-18302 Sprite events don't fire on some sprites
EXTJS-18356 Bounding box is not rendered properly for transformed Text sprites
EXTJS-18360 Line sprite bbox calculation does not account for line width nor for transformations
EXTJS-18431 Sprites have incorrect transformation order (rotate, scale, translate) but should be scale, rotate, translate
EXTJS-18578 Sprite events fire on hidden sprites
EXTJS-18929 sprite.setTransform does not set the dirty flag on the surface
EXTJS-18957 skewX and skewY contain incorrect matrix data
- Events (1)
EXTJS-16448 Element change events do not fire when delegated (which is the default)
- Examples (14)
EXTJS-17515 KS: ExtJS Calendar - example freeze after button click - IE11,Spartan - Win10 Tablet
EXTJS-18373 Scrolling Modern example source causes the background to disappear after the first "page"
EXTJS-18453 Chart Axis Labels show wrong name in Pivot Grid Chart example
EXTJS-18458 Pivot grid with chart integration example has issues
EXTJS-18749 JsonSimlet responseText undefined for POST requests
EXTJS-18783 KitchenSink Pivot grid example is not correctly loaded in IE8
EXTJS-18828 Kitchen sink menu is not displayed on iOS8
EXTJS-18832 Pivot grid example with configurator throws error in console when collapsing panel and changing dock position
EXTJS-18852 Kitchen Sink partially fails to load in IE10 / IE11. Panel header tools unresponsive.
EXTJS-18887 Simpletasks - Treepicker disappears after click on expander
EXTJS-18889 Grid is empty if selection type is Spreadsheet in ARIA demo
EXTJS-18936 Kitchen Sink triton font isn't loading
EXTJS-19019 User can't scroll in Data Binding examples
EXTJS-19093 Missing resource images in Address Book example
- Exporter (1)
EXTJS-18965 showZeroAsBlank is ignored when data is exported to Excel
- Forms (34)
EXTJS-12570 E-mail vtype validates with space at the beginning
EXTJS-15231 HtmlEditor in IE11 behaves incorrectly with Enter key
EXTJS-15372 Datefield error tooltip not displayed
EXTJS-17020 Opening combobox with no store throws error
EXTJS-17248 Combobox does not respect checkChangeBuffer configuration
EXTJS-17334 Picker does not allow you select the last item
EXTJS-17372 Combobox keeps focus when another field is selected if the boundlist is expanded
EXTJS-17948 Tabbing out of Date picker when selected date is disabled does not close picker
EXTJS-18279 Numberfield does not properly filter certain non-numeric keypresses
EXTJS-18430 Checkbox fields with hideLabel:true cause incorrect form layout.
EXTJS-18448 Delete key does not work in FF in textfield with vtype & maskRe
EXTJS-18457 selectfield does not display properly after creating a build
EXTJS-18465 ComboBox forceSelection:true and allowBlank:true restores previous value on blur
EXTJS-18505 RTL labelAlign: 'right' is incorrect
EXTJS-18548 TextArea updateHeight updateWidth incorrect variable name
EXTJS-18553 Font package rules such as "fa-gear" should override framework rules in iconCls configs
EXTJS-18565 Combobox displayTpl overwritten with auto generated store
EXTJS-18621 stripCharsRe doesn't work when key held down
EXTJS-18632 Cannot select picker item after several editor clear
EXTJS-18709 Ext.form.field.Picker#setEditable not handling onTriggerClick of inputEl
EXTJS-18729 Picker fields (ComboBox etc) do not collapse on scroll in FF.
EXTJS-18741 TimeField issue when default Value does not match increment
EXTJS-18745 Combobox clears on focus when displayValue == emptyText
EXTJS-18755 Sliders get misaligned with their buttons when set to vertical (Triton Theme)
EXTJS-18795 Multi-slider thumbs incorrectly positioned when set to extreme upper bounds and slider is clicked
EXTJS-18798 Browser history navigates backward/forward when browsing months in a Datepicker using ctrl key
EXTJS-18829 Grid Filtering - Datepicker dissapears after click
EXTJS-18840 Backspace in modern toolkit form fields conflicts with device auto-complete and repeats portions of text
EXTJS-18864 Month picker clicks cause parent menu to hide
EXTJS-18933 Filefield button disappears after file is selected in IE8 and 9
EXTJS-18942 Modern - Form panel - Swipe causes blanking of the screen
EXTJS-18962 Can't mark radio button on Cupertino
EXTJS-19004 Path to file is not set in IE9
EXTJS-19136 Double click on itemselector on menu button doesn't work.
- Grid (57)
EXTJS-14083 Grid group expand/collapse tips not added to the grouping feature markup
EXTJS-16385 CellEditing - right mouse click in FireFox triggers edit
EXTJS-16592 Grouping: reconfiguring with a new store adds additional view listeners to the view
EXTJS-16778 Locking Grid: focus jumps to different cell when scrolling
EXTJS-17051 Grouping: Adding new record to existing group will create its own group above current group
EXTJS-17064 Cannot copy/paste columns in spreadsheet selection model in locking grid
EXTJS-17237 Locking side of locking grid misaligned in RTL mode
EXTJS-17362 isDisabled in action column not called when record is updated
EXTJS-17416 View needs to scroll when editing a row not in the current view (buffered renderer = true)
EXTJS-17476 KS: Big Data grid - locking specific column breaks the grid - IE11,Spartan - Tablets W10
EXTJS-17522 Grid Summary is not displayed for columns that were initially hidden
EXTJS-17577 Grouped headers do not display after moving columns and restoring state
EXTJS-17699 CheckboxModel's checkOnly:true is not respected by CellEditing plugin on first edit
EXTJS-17736 Grid scrolls to initial horizontal position when initializing a row editor by clicking on a column cell within the scrollable area of the grid
EXTJS-17819 Locked grids with asymmetric row heights can generate exceptions when scrolling
EXTJS-17980 Grid Cell Edited with Roweditor loses focus after clicking on UPDATE/CANCEL
EXTJS-18019 When modifying a grid filter triggers a LoadMask the change of focus dismisses the menu
EXTJS-18054 ensureVisible within a viewready listener throws el of null error
EXTJS-18090 Missing or partialy visible row numbers in locking grid example - RTL Hebrew
EXTJS-18286 Grid without a fixed height will scroll all the way to the top when the horizontal scrollbar is clicked
EXTJS-18311 Group column header long text truncated (no ellipsis)
EXTJS-18390 Hiding all sub columns, then showing the owner results in bad layout in modern grid
EXTJS-18415 On touch devices, grids with variable row heights might not be able to scroll to the end.
EXTJS-18459 Calling summary collapseAll() in a grid with locking throws "Maximum call stack size exceeded"
EXTJS-18461 Cannot resize column immediately after resizing without first moving the mouse
EXTJS-18490 Row editor disappears when scrolling beyond leading/trailing buffers
EXTJS-18493 "view" undefined variable Ext.rtl.grid.plugin.BufferedRenderer
EXTJS-18515 A subheader in a group cannot be shown if all subheaders are hidden
EXTJS-18527 Cell editor fails to focus in IE8
EXTJS-18597 Grid reconfiguring will not update Grouping Summary with new column configuration
EXTJS-18633 Can hide all columns using the grid column menu
EXTJS-18653 Grouping feature startCollapsed is not working when buffered rendering not used.
EXTJS-18655 Groups disapearing in grid after refresh
EXTJS-18677 Cannot disable grid loadMask
EXTJS-18686 Destroying a lockable grid with buffered renderer errors if grid's store data is updated
EXTJS-18721 Scrolling with touch screen is not working on buffer grid
EXTJS-18778 Grid groups can't be opened after calling scrollTo or related API until a user-initiated scroll is performed
EXTJS-18781 Big data grid - error in console after collapsing group and moving columns
EXTJS-18805 Incorrect scroller size and position - touch devices
EXTJS-18830 Grid headers don't scroll horizontally when trying to edit a field that requires scrolling
EXTJS-18844 Summary of sorted grid is not updated after column reordering
EXTJS-18880 Renderers in ViewControllers are not called when dependent fields are updated
EXTJS-18922 Cannot open grid header menu - IE9 - Classic theme
EXTJS-18941 Un/mark rows in menu fails if animation of opening group is not done
EXTJS-18959 Grid with locked columns become out of sync on iPad
EXTJS-18971 Property grid - interaction with comboboxes causes block of the second combobox
EXTJS-18979 Columns in modern grid do not always have correct width and sometimes don't appear initially
EXTJS-18990 Disabling grouping can refresh the grid incorrectly, leaving it at an incorrect scroll position.
EXTJS-18994 widgetcolumn with radiogroup disappears after sorting the grid
EXTJS-19016 Grid List filter isn't filtering on store load
EXTJS-19054 Cannot scroll modern grid horizontally using touch screen on Windows
EXTJS-19086 emptyText is misplaced on Grid
EXTJS-19087 Vertical scrollbars cause grid headers to get out of sync
EXTJS-19101 Grid with spreadsheet model loses row number when reconfigured
EXTJS-19109 Grid list filter throws exception when binding a filtered store when remoteFilter: true
EXTJS-19113 Modern grouped header not rendered properly in device themes
EXTJS-9820 grid.reconfigure doesn't engage load mask when configure with locked columns
- Layouts (3)
EXTJS-18538 Memory leak with grid inside box layout with align: stretch
EXTJS-19053 TextArea input element does not stretch the height on its input element in modern Neptune/Triton
EXTJS-19057 Dock layout moves DOM around at every layout in some configurations
- Locale (1)
EXTJS-15425 12-hour time format period labels are incorrect for Swedish locale
- Menu (6)
EXTJS-17468 Grid header column menu - check list can't be checked - IE11,Spartan - Tablets W10
EXTJS-17913 Menu will focus disabled items on arrow keys navigation
EXTJS-17914 Tabbing out of submenu results in lost focus
EXTJS-18318 Menu CheckItems with submenus toggle on tap outside of checkbox.
EXTJS-18853 Docked items on menus do not properly adjust body position in latest nightly build
EXTJS-18882 Clicking the icon in a menu hides the menu but does not perform the action
- Misc (4)
EXTJS-18660 Navigation View (modern) shows back button on the right side with empty stack
EXTJS-18661 Navigation view(modern) title is shifted to far right corner after new card is pushed and when popped out
EXTJS-18663 MessageBox/Alert cannot be closed sometimes on Chrome 34 in modern toolkit
EXTJS-18960 Compiler directive in Ext.mixin.Identifiable causing problems with development version of app on IE10
- Panel (2)
EXTJS-18480 Panel body of framed panel is not in proper DOM order vs dockedItems in IE8/9
EXTJS-18909 HTML markup in panel title is not escaped for aria-label attribute
- PivotGrid (1)
EXTJS-17859 Drill down plugin doesn't work with remote matrix
- Scroller (2)
EXTJS-19044 Edge browser uses incorrect scrolling mode (Scrollbars are invisible and mousewheel scrolling is disabled)
EXTJS-19073 Window scrollbar does not work in 08252015 nightly build
- Selection Model (1)
EXTJS-18592 CTRL/click in SINGLE mode should not select
- Sparklne (1)
EXTJS-17730 Zero state shown when moving mouse over an empty value in TriState sparkline
- Tabs (2)
EXTJS-18817 Wrong tab background color of selected tab in Window Layout example - IE8
EXTJS-18819 Tabs in Header tabs example rotate on mouse over - IE8
- Templates (4)
EXTJS-18833 Styling issue in Admin dashboard - Email
EXTJS-19159 Modern Admin Dashboard - Wrong icon color
EXTJS-19189 Modern Admin Dashboard - tapping on selected node in navigation tree does not dismiss the sheet
EXTJS-19190 Admin Dashboard - one of the widgets panel's content does not match between classic and modern
- Testing (1)
EXTJS-18579 Buffered renderer scrolls to wrong offset in IE8
- Theme (14)
EXTJS-17788 Resizable handles are missing styling in the triton theme
EXTJS-18162 Textfield doen't have placeholder default color in IE 10/11
EXTJS-18340 MessageBox is styled incorrectly in blackberry theme
EXTJS-18341 Back button is styled incorrectly in blackberry theme
EXTJS-18342 Tabs are styled incorrectly in blackberry theme
EXTJS-18492 Menus with submenus display wrongly facing icon in RTL
EXTJS-18525 Font icons used in panel and window headers are not properly positioned
EXTJS-18542 Modern neptune's Component's $neutral-color var is defined twice
EXTJS-18883 Typo in theme-neutral/Splitter.scss
EXTJS-18945 Nested list leafs show white text on white background in the mountain view theme
EXTJS-18964 Icons are replaced by squares in some examples - IE8, Triton
EXTJS-19007 Misplaced icons - modern Toolbars example - Blackberry theme
EXTJS-19008 Wrongly placed clear field icon in modern Overlays example - blackberry theme
EXTJS-19045 Wrong fonts in Menu, in cupertino theme
- Toolbars (2)
EXTJS-17738 Toolbars not focusing on first enabled item
EXTJS-18228 Menu remains opened in overflowed toolbar
- Tree (5)
EXTJS-15875 Events not firing after setRootNode
EXTJS-17842 Sorting a collapsed tree node causes the children to be shown
EXTJS-18742 iOS applies :hover styles on tap for TreeList
EXTJS-19103 Admin Dashboard - Toolstrip shifts icons to the left on IE and Firefox
EXTJS-19155 Treelist produces hover effects on the treelist items on mobile devices that emulate hover
- Window (2)
EXTJS-14698 Window doesn't constrain left correctly
EXTJS-17969 Overlay window does not hide in Window 10 on Spartan browser
Total: 224
Release Notes for Ext JS 6.0.0
Release Date: July 1, 2015
Version Number:
New Features
- Accessibility (5)
EXTJS-12098 Containers should track their children's focus
EXTJS-13606 Floating mixin should support keyboard navigation
EXTJS-16771 Form fields should handle validation errors in accessible way
EXTJS-16860 Split buttons should have two tab stops
EXTJS-17285 ariaLabelledBy should support references
- App (1)
EXTJS-16853 ViewController.fireViewEvent should ensure that the view is the first parameter
- Charts (2)
EXTJS-17043 Axis labels should support declarative renderers
EXTJS-18044 Chart sprites should derive styling from the current framework theme
- Core (1)
EXTJS-17667 Should provide a standards-compliant implementation of Promises
- Data (1)
EXTJS-17672 Ext.Ajax request method should return a promise
- Draw (1)
EXTJS-18248 Surface should have a 'remove' method for removing sprites
- Grid (1)
EXTJS-15634 Grid editing plugins should apply to top-most grid instead of being cloned to each side when locking
- Panel (1)
EXTJS-16997 Panels should have a defaultButton config to activate particular button on ENTER key press
- Selection Model (1)
EXTJS-16143 Clipboard plugin should allow columns (such as rownumberer) to be excluded from copy
Total: 14
Bugs Fixed
- Accessibility (3)
EXTJS-14427 Date picker dropdown calendar causes navigation issues with JAWS
EXTJS-17454 Ext.FocusManager.enable() throwing an error
EXTJS-17797 MessageBox buttons are not tabbable when text input (prompt) is enabled
- App (1)
EXTJS-18345 Having a view named "Main" prevents the app from starting when using the modern toolkit
- Bind (1)
EXTJS-17758 Modern toolkit textfields do not update two-way bindings as you type
- Button (4)
EXTJS-17103 Disabled button enables when parent container got enabled
EXTJS-17818 Disabled buttons are rendered with tabindex="0"
EXTJS-18073 Ext.button.Segmented should require Ext.layout.container.SegmentedButton
EXTJS-18171 Explicit button keyboard handlers are blocked by defaultButton processing
- Charts (14)
EXTJS-15800 Linked axes should always use the range of the master axis
EXTJS-16954 majorTickSteps are not rendered properly on numeric axis
EXTJS-17653 CartesianChart which leads to 'TypeError: n.toPrecision...'
EXTJS-17719 3D Pie chart radius is not updated when distortion or thickness changes
EXTJS-17879 'itemhighlight' interaction is always added to a chart
EXTJS-17880 Chart layout is broken in certain scenarios (e.g. renderTo: document.body)
EXTJS-17951 Chart theme should be updated after changes to the 'series' config.
EXTJS-18015 f.blur is not a function - Unexpected error in FireFox console, during interaction with charts
EXTJS-18045 Axis limits are off by the amount of innerPadding (left or top, depending on axis orientation)
EXTJS-18136 Charts should not register Series and Axes with ComponentManager
EXTJS-18184 Old series sprites are not destroyed when the 'chart' config changes
EXTJS-18232 Vertical axes of cartesian chart should extend one pixel more to the bottom.
EXTJS-18235 Preview image of the chart shouldn't overflow on mobile
EXTJS-18268 Modern toolkit - Column Chart (3D) doesn't load
- Core (10)
EXTJS-12965 Grid momentum scrolling can have jitter in Safari/Chrome
EXTJS-14944 Stateful mixin should require TaskRunner since it uses it
EXTJS-15869 Microsoft Surface keyboard obscures window
EXTJS-17280 modern toolkit - component's are not displayed. Windows Phone 8.1
EXTJS-17926 Ext.util.Format.number incorrectly rounds up using format with ## and /i
EXTJS-18067 ViewController binding doesn't seem to work in Modern toolkit
EXTJS-18089 Ext.dom.Element doesn't fired the painted event
EXTJS-18183 TouchScroller's destructor tries to destroy scroll indicators which may not exist.
EXTJS-18277 Namespace warnings during Cmd build
EXTJS-18348 Accessing properties on widgets can sporadically result in exceptions on IE9
- Data (13)
EXTJS-15785 Loading XML can result in memory leaks in IE (added "keepRawData" config to Reader)
EXTJS-16678 treeStore.setRoot doesn't set treeStore property to passed model instance
EXTJS-17143 Buffered store clears it records on load/reload even if beforeload returns false
EXTJS-17144 Buffered store doesn't fire load event if server returns 0 totalCount on reload
EXTJS-17351 store.getRemovedRecords should return a copy of the internal array
EXTJS-17447 Ext.getStore(id) not working in Ext JS 6 when migrating Touch 2.4.1 app to Modern
EXTJS-17727 HasOne association without in target model foreignKey throws exception when nested loading
EXTJS-17882 operation.Destroy throws exception when syncing > 1 destroyed records
EXTJS-17894 Adding a record to a store that has a sorted ChainedStore with an association source throws error
EXTJS-17981 ChainedStore getByInternalId fails if called after filtering
EXTJS-18012 Store.Remove(record) w/filter applied doesn't remove a record that's filtered out
EXTJS-18084 Store.rejectChanges works on filtered records instead of source data
EXTJS-18231 Error thrown on submitting form in Direct example
- DataView (2)
EXTJS-17621 Pull Refresh not working
EXTJS-17812 Tress and grids would sometimes fire itemremove event passing single record instead of record array
- Direct (1)
EXTJS-16193 Invocation arguments for (event) are inconsistent
- Events (1)
EXTJS-17220 isSpecialKey returns true for ! and # in editor
- Examples (20)
EXTJS-17261 Wrong paths are generated for Chart examples source in modern toolkit
EXTJS-17707 Source button is not shown when modern example visited repeatedly
EXTJS-17919 getModeToggleButton is not a function error on modern charts with renderer
EXTJS-17943 Server-side security flaw in Feed Viewer example
EXTJS-17954 Info icon not shown in Linear Data Geographical Tree example
EXTJS-17970 Stand-alone examples fail to load charts-all.css and ux-all.css when using Triton theme
EXTJS-18022 AMF Grid example is not loading
EXTJS-18043 Missing fonts in standalone examples
EXTJS-18110 Missing icons/glyphs in modern examples
EXTJS-18120 Modern ChainedStore example fails to load
EXTJS-18154 Error thrown on destroying Locking Grid on touch devices
EXTJS-18155 Routing doesn't work in KS Chart examples
EXTJS-18201 Modern theme - KS > Charts: Candle Stick and Line With Icons doesn't load
EXTJS-18212 Geo Congress example throws an error if you select a person
EXTJS-18213 Settings icon not visible in GeoCongress example
EXTJS-18233 Energy app in modern examples - Charts not loading
EXTJS-18234 Missing text on navigate button in modern Example Energy app - iPhone 6
EXTJS-18300 Modern example - Energy app - broken radial charts
EXTJS-18326 Animation - Cannot go back - h.setReverse is not a function, Mobile phones
EXTJS-18352 Modern example - Big data grid - slider doesn't appropriately respond to user input
- Forms (14)
EXTJS-16835 On Android tablets, keyboard obscures field when focused
EXTJS-17195 Tapping error icon causes a JS error in Chrome on Windows 8 Touch devices
EXTJS-18017 Not working file upload function in Kitchen Sink examples
EXTJS-18034 textfield selectOnFocus doesn't work properly
EXTJS-18122 Filefield no longer open select file window for IE11 when embedded in tbar menu 5.1.1
EXTJS-18134 Input list element is a different height from tag elements.
EXTJS-18157 Checkbox with no boxLabel not visible
EXTJS-18194 Multiple thumb > one thumb goes across second thumb, after second interaction
EXTJS-18203 FieldContainer fieldlabel mixin in FF was not hiding label if not specified
EXTJS-18211 Sliders > Multiple thumbs > thumbs are moving unexpectedly, if they are getting too close
EXTJS-18246 Modern toolkit - Clear button (x) exceeds a text field, modern neptune and triton
EXTJS-18267 Checkbox is checked and unchecked after single tap
EXTJS-18382 Color field triggers errors when the color picker is closed by ESC and reopened
EXTJS-18403 Cannot edit fields with placeholder on single tap on tablets
- Grid (48)
EXTJS-12841 Mouse based grid row dragging does not work on touch enabled platforms
EXTJS-15336 Grid empty text is not shown when store loads while hidden/collapsed
EXTJS-16146 TableView#enableTextSelection not working
EXTJS-16708 Row editing plugin does not properly position OK/Cancel buttons for variable row heights
EXTJS-16800 GridView's disableSelection isn't being passed to the selection model constructor
EXTJS-17151 RowEditor isValid() method overwritten with boolean value
EXTJS-17255 Row should not be selected when navigating within the row
EXTJS-17419 Positioning using CSS transforms for a buffered rendered grid can lose its scroll position in a card layout
EXTJS-17459 Grouping on a grid bound to a buffered store results in an error when grouping on a column with a renderer
EXTJS-17525 Exception thrown when clicking on the checkbox column header of a grid with an empty store with selectionMode="SINGLE"
EXTJS-17557 Grid with summary feature can leak memory in IE especially using XML
EXTJS-17776 Grouping is not working when groupKey is an empty string
EXTJS-17799 Removing last row in grid with row editing plugin throws error
EXTJS-17801 Spreadsheet selection "extender" does not reposition on column resize
EXTJS-17821 Mouseup from grid header resize or drag results in a click.
EXTJS-17823 Grouped Grid - group is not collapsed after tapping on group name in list
EXTJS-17826 Moving columns on tablet is not possible after column resizing
EXTJS-17839 Shrinkwrap width grid headers get wrong measured width in Triton
EXTJS-17916 Reconfiguring locked grid with summary feature throw exception
EXTJS-17921 Key navigation in a spreadsheet selection doesn't work when using colspan
EXTJS-17924 Extender drag handle is shown over column headers
EXTJS-17927 Grids > Borders in header menu is missing, Triton theme
EXTJS-17939 Cannot edit cells after removing row with active cell editor
EXTJS-17979 View height increase may leave buffer rendered block at incorrect position.
EXTJS-18025 Removing row in grid with row editing plugin throws error when not in actionable mode
EXTJS-18041 Cannot tab through cells in row editing plugin - Firefox only
EXTJS-18042 Error thrown in the console when editing cell in Locking, Group Summary Grid Example
EXTJS-18047 Error is thrown in the console when scrolling the grid in Locking Grouping Summary grid example
EXTJS-18049 autoLoad configured on the Grid will fail when the store is bound from the ViewModel
EXTJS-18062 Cannot open links in grid on tablets
EXTJS-18064 Spreadsheet selectRows errors when a non-row selection exists
EXTJS-18082 Cannot paste text into a textfield in a grid toolbar when using clipboard plugin
EXTJS-18083 GroupStore throws when last item of a group is removed
EXTJS-18088 Cannot scroll grid horizontally all the way to the end on touch devices
EXTJS-18123 getVisibleColumns method broken for locked grids
EXTJS-18135 Inserted at zero record in a grid store displays as a blank row when scrolled down.
EXTJS-18178 Header menu doesn't show on click in IE9
EXTJS-18202 selectionchange event fires twice on a grid with a locked column
EXTJS-18225 Memory leak in list grid filter
EXTJS-18260 Modern Grid Paging Toolbar plugin doesn't maintain correct number of pages, can't scroll back to 1, and throws if you have fewer than 8 items
EXTJS-18276 Grid DragDrop plugin appends dropped records to end of Store
EXTJS-18285 grouping will no longer expand if you reorder columns
EXTJS-18325 Grids cannot be scrolled beyond their buffered rendering size on touch devices
EXTJS-18339 Modern grid header menu doesn't work, and needs styling in all themes
EXTJS-18372 Big data grid example, scroller height much too large
EXTJS-18377 Modern example - Big data grid - scrollbar not sized correctly
EXTJS-18381 Modern Grid Paging Toolbar plugin - Maximum Call Stack errors if number of items is too small for two pages
EXTJS-18410 ViewOptions throws exception for columns with no dataIndex
- Layouts (3)
EXTJS-17762 Ext.navigation.View not showing animation when pushing a new card
EXTJS-17978 Card layout items are not preserving scroll position when hidden
EXTJS-17984 Frame is not displayed in border layout - touch screen
- Locale (1)
EXTJS-17834 In localization examples some sign letters from Japanese and Korean alphabet are incorrectly drawn
- Menu (1)
EXTJS-17467 MenuItem with Checkbox AND submenu hides submenu on checkbox toggle.
- Misc (3)
EXTJS-17342 ExtJS 6 Beta sencha.cfg - wrong version
EXTJS-17840 closable === false on Ext.Msg results in script error
EXTJS-18150 MISCELLANEOUS > History-Router - Cannot go back on original page
- Panel (3)
EXTJS-17731 Panel title ignored if the type is numeric.
EXTJS-17886 Collapsing a panel that contains the focus element causes an exception
EXTJS-18125 Panel expand has null exception while hideCollapseTool set to true
- PivotGrid (5)
EXTJS-18024 Value filters not working in Pivot grid with configurator plugin
EXTJS-18069 Value filter window incorrectly drawn in Pivot Grids - Configurator plugin example
EXTJS-18071 Filters on top axis dimensions lead to wrong row totals
EXTJS-18072 Error in the console when using value filter on Pivot Grids - Configurator Plugin example
EXTJS-18133 Adding a Value filter with an '=' operator doesn't find any results
- Scroller (1)
EXTJS-18159 Scrollbar for infinite lists has incorrect range on desktop devices in modern toolkit
- Tabs (1)
EXTJS-18364 Tab rotation is broken in IE8
- Templates (5)
EXTJS-18096 Admin dashboard 3D Pie chart is not visible in Chart overview
EXTJS-18097 Admin dashboard error thrown after loading example - IE8
EXTJS-18099 Admin dashboard missing menu toggle button on IE8
EXTJS-18113 Executive dashboard - default routing not working
EXTJS-18173 Executive dashboard initial load broken
- Theme (10)
EXTJS-17160 Ext JS classic toolkit should support using glyphs via css class name
EXTJS-17692 Cannot add !important to mixin parameters using Fashion
EXTJS-17987 Styling is missing in validation status plugin - Triton theme
EXTJS-18074 THEME CSS Mixins: google-webfont & https problem
EXTJS-18172 Cupertino theme buttons not styled correctly
EXTJS-18205 Border color wrong in locked grids
EXTJS-18236 Normal Button - Looks like a different type. Animation of pressing is not appear. Cupertino theme
EXTJS-18240 Modern example - Big data grid - too small rows in some themes
EXTJS-18328 Enterprise - grids are misaligned on some themes
EXTJS-18376 Triton theme tabs background color turns black on hover in IE8
- Toolbars (1)
EXTJS-18039 Breadcrumb: wrong path (parentNode) when reselecting childNode from different parent
- Tree (7)
EXTJS-17975 Renderer scope is lost in Ext.tree.Column
EXTJS-18016 Opening nodes in scrolled tree causes view to scroll up and down
EXTJS-18229 Incorrect scroll in sorted tree after drag and drop
EXTJS-18299 TreeList --> Re-Collapse/Expand cause error in console, this.targetArr is null
EXTJS-18355 Bad indentation in Tree List
EXTJS-18385 not working on a non-scrollable tree
EXTJS-18407 Treelist icons are not updated properly after change Navigation, IE8, Triton theme
- Window (2)
EXTJS-18033 Toasts should not render close tool by default when autoClose == true
EXTJS-18200 Source window is not scrollable in modern KitchenSink charts examples
Total: 175
Release Notes for Ext JS 5.1.2
Release Date: October 6, 2015
Version Number:
New Features
- Accessibility (1)
EXTJS-18935 Focusable events focusenter and focusleave should be public
- Charts (1)
EXTJS-18044 Chart sprites should derive styling from the current framework theme
- Core (1)
EXTJS-18874 Add browser detection for Edge (Ext.isEdge and Ext.browser)
- Data (1)
EXTJS-18567 Session should have a method that will clone a record instance from a parent to a child
Total: 4
Bugs Fixed
- Accessibility (2)
EXTJS-18361 Cannot see underscore in text fields on normal zoom in FF
EXTJS-18665 Cannot tab away from a focused slider with multiple thumbs
- App (3)
EXTJS-11724 Ext.application() does not set appFolder correctly when Cmd is used
EXTJS-17556 View model links don't create separate record instances correctly when used with a parent view model
EXTJS-18865 redirectTo with force triggers routes twice if the route is already active
- Bind (2)
EXTJS-17825 Viewmodel needs to track/destroy non-stub bindings
EXTJS-19001 Bindings fire repeatedly for same date value
- Button (3)
EXTJS-11579 Disabled buttons have cursor: default on the inner btn element, not the outer
EXTJS-17103 Disabled button enables when parent container got enabled
EXTJS-18073 Ext.button.Segmented should require Ext.layout.container.SegmentedButton
- Charts (6)
EXTJS-15255 Memory leaks with charts
EXTJS-16478 Line chart series don't render correctly (not filled) with `fill` and `smooth` config
EXTJS-17206 When a MarkerHolder is destroyed, the Markers it holds are not destroyed with it
EXTJS-17653 CartesianChart which leads to 'TypeError: n.toPrecision...'
EXTJS-18045 Axis limits are off by the amount of innerPadding (left or top, depending on axis orientation)
EXTJS-18706 JS error when activating tab with chart
- Cmd (1)
EXTJS-19153 platformTags used by platformConfig do not always resolve tablet property correctly on phones
- Core (14)
EXTJS-14944 Stateful mixin should require TaskRunner since it uses it
EXTJS-17523 Instance configs should allow functions to replace emptyFn and family template methods
EXTJS-17870 Ext.Date.clearTime gets into an infinite loop if the date informed is Invalid
EXTJS-17926 Ext.util.Format.number incorrectly rounds up using format with ## and /i
EXTJS-18089 Ext.dom.Element doesn't fired the painted event
EXTJS-18108 Container.nextChild/prevChild return undefined instead of null when child not found
EXTJS-18192 Component.load does not honour the scripts: true config
EXTJS-18388 ComponentQuery should be able to filter objects which are not instances of Ext classes
EXTJS-18477 Ext.dom.Query.selectValue defaultValue is not used
EXTJS-18503 Scroll partners do not match elastic overscroll of active scroller.
EXTJS-18623 Container.nextChild/prevChild may return siblings or other non-child nodes if no matching child is found
EXTJS-18764 Viewport plugin layout warning
EXTJS-19201 Ext.coerce isn't correctly evaluating false == '0' (a one character string containing zero)
EXTJS-19212 Ext.util.MixedCollection $extCollectionIndex not being removed from item when sorted
- Data (28)
EXTJS-13795 Ext.Ajax singleton should support setting CORS value
EXTJS-14996 ManyToOne association doesn't infer keys correctly when loading the store (not nested loading)
EXTJS-15583 validate method of is not passed the record argument when one is available
EXTJS-16234 Buffered Store: Redundant loading of datastore when filtering
EXTJS-16678 treeStore.setRoot doesn't set treeStore property to passed model instance
EXTJS-17143 Buffered store clears it records on load/reload even if beforeload returns false
EXTJS-17144 Buffered store doesn't fire load event if server returns 0 totalCount on reload
EXTJS-17351 store.getRemovedRecords should return a copy of the internal array
EXTJS-17384 parsing invalid data never fires exception event
EXTJS-17727 HasOne association without in target model foreignKey throws exception when nested loading
EXTJS-17882 operation.Destroy throws exception when syncing > 1 destroyed records
EXTJS-17894 Adding a record to a store that has a sorted ChainedStore with an association source throws error
EXTJS-17981 ChainedStore getByInternalId fails if called after filtering
EXTJS-18012 Store.Remove(record) w/filter applied doesn't remove a record that's filtered out
EXTJS-18084 Store.rejectChanges works on filtered records instead of source data
EXTJS-18209 Buffered Store requests every page in the scroll range when scroll bar dragged and locked columns present.
EXTJS-18219 TreeStore loaded from flat file not sorting children
EXTJS-18489 Binding of loaded associated store in child session triggers a proxy load
EXTJS-18521 calculate function config fails to determine dependencies in IE
EXTJS-18683 BufferedStore does not fire the beforesort event
EXTJS-18760 Pagingtoolbar status message incorrect on initial load using memory proxy
EXTJS-18836 Sortable#sort throws an error if the first sorterFn in a multi sort operation returns 0 (equality)
EXTJS-18848 Sorting a locked grid with a buffered store throws an error.
EXTJS-18911 Session.commit() does not clean up matrix data
EXTJS-19146 Store.each is not safe for record removal
EXTJS-19221 Modifying id of record in group store can duplicate the item in some circumstances
EXTJS-19260 ManyToOne association doesn't read nested empty data collection as complete
EXTJS-19310 Store fires metachange event prior to reconfiguring for new fields and still has old data
- DataView (2)
EXTJS-18650 Chaining selection - Binding selection view doesn't react onClick,onTap
EXTJS-18932 DataView doesn't react to store updates when pending a refresh while not visible and can lead to exception
- Direct (2)
EXTJS-16193 Invocation arguments for (event) are inconsistent
EXTJS-16371 AmfRemotingProvider is broken
- Draw (3)
EXTJS-17702 Composite sprite should delete its children when it's being destroyed
EXTJS-18302 Sprite events don't fire on some sprites
EXTJS-18578 Sprite events fire on hidden sprites
- Events (6)
EXTJS-16281 Tab Panel Tabs Scrolling Issue by Mouse Wheel
EXTJS-16448 Element change events do not fire when delegated (which is the default)
EXTJS-17220 isSpecialKey returns true for ! and # in editor
EXTJS-17947 'single' event listener isn't unbound on devices that support mouse & touch
EXTJS-18712 Managed listeners for translated events cannot be removed
EXTJS-19223 Mouse wheel events don't fire correctly in Firefox
- Examples (11)
EXTJS-14784 Executive Dashboard Example: The download is initialized twice on one click
EXTJS-15863 SimpleTask example>Menu button immediately lose focus after click
EXTJS-17515 KS: ExtJS Calendar - example freeze after button click - IE11,Spartan - Win10 Tablet
EXTJS-17543 ColorSelector UX does not render all sliders correctly
EXTJS-17682 Copyright year should be 2015 - 5.1.1 - Distribution
EXTJS-18154 Error thrown on destroying Locking Grid on touch devices
EXTJS-18749 JsonSimlet responseText undefined for POST requests
EXTJS-18818 Custom drag&drop - error in console when dropping same patient twice in the same place - IE8
EXTJS-18898 Subtable plugin border not shown correctly on firefox
EXTJS-19309 Theme Viewer - Can't scroll down on tablets
EXTJS-19385 Opened window is not focused in Aria example on IE8
- Forms (37)
EXTJS-12570 E-mail vtype validates with space at the beginning
EXTJS-13378 tagfield: emptyText updates aren't being applied when values are selected
EXTJS-15231 HtmlEditor in IE11 behaves incorrectly with Enter key
EXTJS-15750 Ext.form.field.Time not being validated onChange and onBlur
EXTJS-15981 KS: Custom error handling - Error msg persists in error summary
EXTJS-16768 Cursor shows in active radiobutton on iPads
EXTJS-17020 Opening combobox with no store throws error
EXTJS-17195 Tapping error icon causes a JS error in Chrome on Windows 8 Touch devices
EXTJS-17201 Combobox tab key does not cause component to lose focus on FF
EXTJS-17248 Combobox does not respect checkChangeBuffer configuration
EXTJS-17372 Combobox keeps focus when another field is selected if the boundlist is expanded
EXTJS-17686 Deleting item from tagfield with mouseclick inside of grid editor closes grid editor
EXTJS-18014 Ext.form.Basic should require Ext.form.action.StandardSubmit
EXTJS-18034 textfield selectOnFocus doesn't work properly
EXTJS-18058 Problems in the Datepicker while moving between days with Keyboard
EXTJS-18122 Filefield no longer open select file window for IE11 when embedded in tbar menu 5.1.1
EXTJS-18203 FieldContainer fieldlabel mixin in FF was not hiding label if not specified
EXTJS-18279 Numberfield does not properly filter certain non-numeric keypresses
EXTJS-18287 Unable to navigate dates on datepicker after month selection in IE11
EXTJS-18304 Combobox list can incorrectly include items that should be filtered out
EXTJS-18448 Delete key does not work in FF in textfield with vtype & maskRe
EXTJS-18465 ComboBox forceSelection:true and allowBlank:true restores previous value on blur
EXTJS-18565 Combobox displayTpl overwritten with auto generated store
EXTJS-18621 stripCharsRe doesn't work when key held down
EXTJS-18632 Cannot select picker item after several editor clear
EXTJS-18709 Ext.form.field.Picker#setEditable not handling onTriggerClick of inputEl
EXTJS-18729 Picker fields (ComboBox etc) do not collapse on scroll in FF.
EXTJS-18741 TimeField issue when default Value does not match increment
EXTJS-18745 Combobox clears on focus when displayValue == emptyText
EXTJS-18795 Multi-slider thumbs incorrectly positioned when set to extreme upper bounds and slider is clicked
EXTJS-18798 Browser history navigates backward/forward when browsing months in a Datepicker using ctrl key
EXTJS-18933 Filefield button disappears after file is selected in IE8 and 9
EXTJS-18997 validate method of is not passed the record argument when form field is validated
EXTJS-19004 Path to file is not set in IE9
EXTJS-19014 datefield "Today" button is enabled if date is outside of min/max range
EXTJS-19119 When column is configured with align:right, Ext.grid.RowEditor overwrites user-defined fieldStyle configured on editor
EXTJS-19236 Sliding Pager - Slider is not displayed correctly
- Grid (93)
EXTJS-14083 Grid group expand/collapse tips not added to the grouping feature markup
EXTJS-15145 Sliderwidget will not slide when using RTL
EXTJS-15336 Grid empty text is not shown when store loads while hidden/collapsed
EXTJS-15348 Remote filters with gridfilter plugin ignores autoLoad false
EXTJS-15451 Cannot collapse a grid group with a widget column and enableColumnMove: false
EXTJS-15662 Grid drag/drop fails in some browsers
EXTJS-15736 Using scrollable true on grid with a locked column causes exception
EXTJS-16084 paginate grid doesn't scroll top when we load page on nightly
EXTJS-16385 CellEditing - right mouse click in FireFox triggers edit
EXTJS-16592 Grouping: reconfiguring with a new store adds additional view listeners to the view
EXTJS-16708 Row editing plugin does not properly position OK/Cancel buttons for variable row heights
EXTJS-16778 Locking Grid: focus jumps to different cell when scrolling
EXTJS-16800 GridView's disableSelection isn't being passed to the selection model constructor
EXTJS-17051 Grouping: Adding new record to existing group will create its own group above current group
EXTJS-17064 Cannot copy/paste columns in spreadsheet selection model in locking grid
EXTJS-17151 RowEditor isValid() method overwritten with boolean value
EXTJS-17178 Widgets are not reused when a store reloads
EXTJS-17237 Locking side of locking grid misaligned in RTL mode
EXTJS-17356 Cell editor still visible after removing whole grid row
EXTJS-17362 isDisabled in action column not called when record is updated
EXTJS-17391 Extraneous values in widgetcolumn with tristate chart
EXTJS-17416 View needs to scroll when editing a row not in the current view (buffered renderer = true)
EXTJS-17419 Positioning using CSS transforms for a buffered rendered grid can lose its scroll position in a card layout
EXTJS-17459 Grouping on a grid bound to a buffered store results in an error when grouping on a column with a renderer
EXTJS-17476 KS: Big Data grid - locking specific column breaks the grid - IE11,Spartan - Tablets W10
EXTJS-17522 Grid Summary is not displayed for columns that were initially hidden
EXTJS-17525 Exception thrown when clicking on the checkbox column header of a grid with an empty store with selectionMode="SINGLE"
EXTJS-17577 Grouped headers do not display after moving columns and restoring state
EXTJS-17678 Grouping feature rendered incorrectly when stateful
EXTJS-17699 CheckboxModel's checkOnly:true is not respected by CellEditing plugin on first edit
EXTJS-17704 Grid column header sort indicator is misaligned
EXTJS-17716 Grid Editor with spreadsheet selModel returns error when pressing TAB
EXTJS-17744 widgetcolumn - error when collapse group
EXTJS-17776 Grouping is not working when groupKey is an empty string
EXTJS-17819 Locked grids with asymmetric row heights can generate exceptions when scrolling
EXTJS-17823 Grouped Grid - group is not collapsed after tapping on group name in list
EXTJS-17824 this.dom is undefined in KS examples with paging
EXTJS-17826 Moving columns on tablet is not possible after column resizing
EXTJS-17845 Spreadsheet selectCells method throws an error
EXTJS-17916 Reconfiguring locked grid with summary feature throw exception
EXTJS-17979 View height increase may leave buffer rendered block at incorrect position.
EXTJS-17980 Grid Cell Edited with Roweditor loses focus after clicking on UPDATE/CANCEL
EXTJS-18019 When modifying a grid filter triggers a LoadMask the change of focus dismisses the menu
EXTJS-18049 autoLoad configured on the Grid will fail when the store is bound from the ViewModel
EXTJS-18054 ensureVisible within a viewready listener throws el of null error
EXTJS-18064 Spreadsheet selectRows errors when a non-row selection exists
EXTJS-18082 Cannot paste text into a textfield in a grid toolbar when using clipboard plugin
EXTJS-18083 GroupStore throws when last item of a group is removed
EXTJS-18088 Cannot scroll grid horizontally all the way to the end on touch devices
EXTJS-18090 Missing or partialy visible row numbers in locking grid example - RTL Hebrew
EXTJS-18092 Columns are movable just to one side on touch screen in RTL
EXTJS-18123 getVisibleColumns method broken for locked grids
EXTJS-18135 Inserted at zero record in a grid store displays as a blank row when scrolled down.
EXTJS-18202 selectionchange event fires twice on a grid with a locked column
EXTJS-18225 Memory leak in list grid filter
EXTJS-18276 Grid DragDrop plugin appends dropped records to end of Store
EXTJS-18285 grouping will no longer expand if you reorder columns
EXTJS-18286 Grid without a fixed height will scroll all the way to the top when the horizontal scrollbar is clicked
EXTJS-18311 Group column header long text truncated (no ellipsis)
EXTJS-18454 Mousedown on widget in cell does not proceed to select that cell.
EXTJS-18459 Calling summary collapseAll() in a grid with locking throws "Maximum call stack size exceeded"
EXTJS-18461 Cannot resize column immediately after resizing without first moving the mouse
EXTJS-18490 Row editor disappears when scrolling beyond leading/trailing buffers
EXTJS-18491 Cursor position in fields is not consistent across browsers when roweditor fields are entered
EXTJS-18493 "view" undefined variable Ext.rtl.grid.plugin.BufferedRenderer
EXTJS-18515 A subheader in a group cannot be shown if all subheaders are hidden
EXTJS-18597 Grid reconfiguring will not update Grouping Summary with new column configuration
EXTJS-18613 CheckboxSelectionModel's check column should migrate to normal side if no visible locked columns exist.
EXTJS-18653 Grouping feature startCollapsed is not working when buffered rendering not used.
EXTJS-18677 Cannot disable grid loadMask
EXTJS-18686 Destroying a lockable grid with buffered renderer errors if grid's store data is updated
EXTJS-18830 Grid headers don't scroll horizontally when trying to edit a field that requires scrolling
EXTJS-18841 Number filter clears value on mouseup
EXTJS-18844 Summary of sorted grid is not updated after column reordering
EXTJS-18880 Renderers in ViewControllers are not called when dependent fields are updated
EXTJS-18950 Column number filter deactivation does not work for zero
EXTJS-18968 Header is not in sync with column after interaction with unlocked column
EXTJS-18985 Row editor does not reposition itself when textarea is used as an editor in last few rows
EXTJS-18990 Disabling grouping can refresh the grid incorrectly, leaving it at an incorrect scroll position.
EXTJS-18994 widgetcolumn with radiogroup disappears after sorting the grid
EXTJS-19016 Grid List filter isn't filtering on store load
EXTJS-19101 Grid with spreadsheet model loses row number when reconfigured
EXTJS-19109 Grid list filter throws exception when binding a filtered store when remoteFilter: true
EXTJS-19176 Grid with spreadsheet model swaps rownumber and checkbox columns when reconfigured
EXTJS-19242 User can hide all columns in grids
EXTJS-19266 Cannot focus cells after smooth scrolling interrupted on tablets
EXTJS-19272 Cannot scroll some grids on windows tablet
EXTJS-19281 Cannot scroll grid to bottom when row is expanded on Win tablets in latest nightly
EXTJS-19311 Locking grid does not respect Checkbox selection model injectCheckbox during column lock and unlock
EXTJS-19412 RowEditor buttons stuck when editing row scrolled out of rendered block.
EXTJS-19434 Incorrect position of row editor when row is edited and scrolling occurs
EXTJS-19437 Roweditor buttons position incorrectly when grid has scroller
EXTJS-9820 grid.reconfigure doesn't engage load mask when configure with locked columns
- Layouts (3)
EXTJS-17978 Card layout items are not preserving scroll position when hidden
EXTJS-18538 Memory leak with grid inside box layout with align: stretch
EXTJS-19397 Ext.layout.container.Auto Chrome bug workaround can be removed for recent versions
- Locale (1)
EXTJS-15425 12-hour time format period labels are incorrect for Swedish locale
- Menu (4)
EXTJS-17399 KS - Grouped Grid - example freezes after selecting specific groups - on Mobile devices
EXTJS-17467 MenuItem with Checkbox AND submenu hides submenu on checkbox toggle.
EXTJS-17468 Grid header column menu - check list can't be checked - IE11,Spartan - Tablets W10
EXTJS-19298 Menu icon vertical separator on wrong side in RTL mode
- Misc (2)
EXTJS-17840 closable === false on Ext.Msg results in script error
EXTJS-18960 Compiler directive in Ext.mixin.Identifiable causing problems with development version of app on IE10
- Panel (3)
EXTJS-17731 Panel title ignored if the type is numeric.
EXTJS-17886 Collapsing a panel that contains the focus element causes an exception
EXTJS-19122 Ext.Msg does not suppress message when useMsg is set
- Scroller (2)
EXTJS-19044 Edge browser uses incorrect scrolling mode (Scrollbars are invisible and mousewheel scrolling is disabled)
EXTJS-19312 Tapping to abort momentum scroll does not fire scrollend event
- Selection Model (2)
EXTJS-18592 CTRL/click in SINGLE mode should not select
EXTJS-19013 Grid SelectionModel allows selectAll when showHeaderCheckbox:false
- Sparklne (1)
EXTJS-17730 Zero state shown when moving mouse over an empty value in TriState sparkline
- Theme (3)
EXTJS-18074 THEME CSS Mixins: google-webfont & https problem
EXTJS-18162 Textfield doen't have placeholder default color in IE 10/11
EXTJS-18542 Modern neptune's Component's $neutral-color var is defined twice
- ToolTips (1)
EXTJS-15171 Slider example with tooltips: tooltips shows in wrong area
- Toolbars (1)
EXTJS-18039 Breadcrumb: wrong path (parentNode) when reselecting childNode from different parent
- Tree (11)
EXTJS-15875 Events not firing after setRootNode
EXTJS-17214 Treestore beforesort event is not fired
EXTJS-17322 TreePanel store API is not consistent with Grid
EXTJS-17366 TreeModel does not handle defaultValue correctly
EXTJS-17842 Sorting a collapsed tree node causes the children to be shown
EXTJS-17975 Renderer scope is lost in Ext.tree.Column
EXTJS-18016 Opening nodes in scrolled tree causes view to scroll up and down
EXTJS-18429 not working on a non-scrollable tree
EXTJS-18474 TreeStore does not filter on child nodes
EXTJS-19202 Asterisk expand all key event causes exception with locked tree
EXTJS-19393 loading/reloading a tree store that has been filterby method throws an exception
- Window (2)
EXTJS-14698 Window doesn't constrain left correctly
EXTJS-16683 Blur event doesn't fire on Ext.window.Window
Total: 249
Release Notes for Ext JS 5.1.1
Release Date: May 6, 2015
Version Number:
Viewports and iOS8
Ext JS requires a
viewport meta tag in order to control the layout of the viewport
in mobile browsers. In previous releases this tag was dynamically
appended to the document head for applications that used Ext.plugin.Viewport
or Ext.container.Viewport. As of iOS8 dynamic addition of the viewport
tag no longer works correctly, resulting in incorrect measurement of
viewport size on initial layout. As a result Ext JS now requires
that applications add the following viewport meta tag directly to their
index.html pages:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no">
New Features
- Accessibility (1)
EXTJS-13482 Border layout splitter should support keyboard interaction
- Bind (1)
EXTJS-15695 Allow initial data to be specified with the create option in viewmodel links
- Charts (1)
EXTJS-16605 Axis and Series should support named listeners and dispatch them to the appropriate controller or scope
- Core (1)
EXTJS-10906 Add lazy instantiation plugin
- Data (1)
EXTJS-17588 Readers need a "keepRawData" config to discard its "rawData" when possible (holding XML documents causes leaks in IE)
- Forms (1)
EXTJS-16603 Combobox should provide a getRecordDisplayData method for augmenting display value generation
- Grid (1)
EXTJS-16297 Cell editors should support Ext.Widget classes as editors
Total: 7
Bugs Fixed
- Accessibility (4)
EXTJS-15526 doesn't update it's aria-checked attribute
EXTJS-15914 Ext.FocusManager.enable() throwing an error
EXTJS-16216 Disabling the focused Component must result in intelligent focus adjustment.
EXTJS-16280 LoadMask focusing breaks paging ComboBox
- Animation (1)
EXTJS-11596 slideIn/slideOut positions element incorrectly
- App (2)
EXTJS-14877 Calling redirectTo within the route will override the hash on initial route exec
EXTJS-16764 ViewController. beforeInit - missing view parameter
- Bind (6)
EXTJS-15041 Number field with binding can cause the user typed value to be overwritten with a trimmed to decimalPrecision value
EXTJS-16167 Unable to set boxLabel if not initially configured
EXTJS-16579 Setting a field in an associated record via a binding doesn't work correctly
EXTJS-16793 DataView with selected record and binding a new store causes exception
EXTJS-17221 Bound selection points to wrong record after reload
EXTJS-17376 ViewModel destroy method can cause noticeable delay when using lots of formulas
- Button (1)
EXTJS-15211 Vertical segmented buttons have incorrect styling in RTL mode
- Charts (23)
EXTJS-15082 Bar graph legend broken with one yField charted
EXTJS-15560 3D Pie charts lack 3d gradient effect
EXTJS-15882 Charts do not set defaultBindProperty (should be "store")
EXTJS-15885 Series labels should animate with their data point
EXTJS-15978 Column chart - With renderer - Icons with values are shifted down - firefox
EXTJS-16198 Chart setTheme does not work when animation: false
EXTJS-16246 Charts Pie series lengthField configured throws error when record is deleted from store
EXTJS-16254 Axis rangechange event is fired multiple times
EXTJS-16272 bar3d series 'style' config attributes brightnessFactor and saturationFactor don't propagate to the box sprite
EXTJS-16342 Ext.draw.Container or derived classes do not rendered properly in a widgetcolumn with large data sets
EXTJS-16354 Gauge series throws error when using setTitle()
EXTJS-16410 Using setHidden() on series does not update chart legend
EXTJS-16503 Chart.axes config should be able to accept Ext.chart.axis.Axis instances
EXTJS-16675 Radial axis labels can be clipped
EXTJS-16703 Charts placed on unrendered tabs of a tabpanel do not work properly
EXTJS-16738 Chart itemevents plugin fires mouse events in reverse order of itemmouseover before itemmouseout
EXTJS-16746 Chart innerPadding config doesn't work with pie3d series
EXTJS-16748 The outer side of pie3d series doesn't have a proper z-index
EXTJS-17082 Series with tooltip can cause multiple itemhighlight interactions to be created
EXTJS-17097 Chart with both tooltip and itemhighlight interaction does not highlight properly
EXTJS-17421 Setting the series for a chart using setSeries() not working
EXTJS-17433 Chart destroy does not check autoDestroy on store (leads to js error)
EXTJS-17496 3d bars won't be displayed after chart has been loaded with an empty store (if animation is enabled)
- Coding Style (1)
EXTJS-16172 Application - missing semi-colon in the constructor method var block
- Core (24)
EXTJS-11672 Panel's starting X Y offset calculated incorrectly when rendered to a div and constrained
EXTJS-14540 previousFocus is not sufficient to do focus tracking
EXTJS-15242 Element.setSizeState calls array indexof directly
EXTJS-15247 The AMF provider for Ext.Direct has calls to deprecated addEvents method
EXTJS-15881 menu reference lookup fails when attached to button
EXTJS-16125 Ext.Img destroy causes "Cannot destroy Element" warning when src is configured (using a glyph does not)
EXTJS-16180 Enabling a container doesn't correctly unmask child components
EXTJS-16242 Observable constructor should be re-callable
EXTJS-16270 Listeners declared on component plugins do not resolve scope "controller" correctly
EXTJS-16283 Ext.ZIndexManager.hideAll does not reset flag correctly
EXTJS-16316 ext-bootstrap.js will not load the proper ext-all*.js file
EXTJS-16352 Ext.dom.Element.setCls() function can throw an exception in some cases
EXTJS-16387 Shadow not synchronized on move when the window has negative left/top position
EXTJS-16442 Date regex for 'y' accepts single digit year
EXTJS-16462 Translated event listeners are not called when the event name contains uppercase characters
EXTJS-16466 Dates that cannot be parsed return undefined instead of null
EXTJS-16594 stopEvent/preventDefault/stopPropagation ignored as element listener options
EXTJS-16613 Focusable components require two clicks to activate in Firefox
EXTJS-16642 Container#moveBefore/moveAfter moves child to incorrect index when moving up (5.1.0)
EXTJS-16737 Not possible to load ext-all-debug.js on demand
EXTJS-16777 Focusing an Ext.Widget can result in "Cannot read property 'isFocusable' of null or 'focus' of null"
EXTJS-16794 ObjectTemplate applies empty object to null values in template
EXTJS-16984 Ext.Widget listeners declared in subclasses get cached on their superclass
EXTJS-9456 toQueryString doesn't decode + as space
- Dashboard (2)
EXTJS-16174 Cannot programmatically add Views to Ext.dashboard.Dashboard
EXTJS-16601 Dashboard: Can't drag portlets to last position in a column once panel has overflowed
- Data (33)
EXTJS-11490 TreeStore: added sub-children nodes are not phantoms
EXTJS-15218 Record dropped state is not reset on reject()
EXTJS-15332 Poor performance when loading records with lots of associations
EXTJS-15785 Loading XML can result in memory leaks in IE (added "keepRawData" config to Reader)
EXTJS-15994 BufferedStore sort does not position the scroll properly
EXTJS-16100 Store's rejectChanges method should batch UI updates
EXTJS-16135 Store removedRecords doesn't remove erased records
EXTJS-16293 Ext.util.Collection sometimes adds records at an incorrect position when adding multiple items to a grouped collection
EXTJS-16326 getField doesn't return the correct field when changing the idProperty with subclass
EXTJS-16337 copyFrom incomplete
EXTJS-16347 Autoload=false and stateful grid store always loads
EXTJS-16356 convert should not be called for the defaultValue
EXTJS-16361 Exception when attempting deep copy a TreeNode
EXTJS-16369 Remote sorting ignored in grouped grid
EXTJS-16388 Buffered Store does not execute callback for empty data set or on error
EXTJS-16451 NodeInterface.removeAll does not account for nodes that do not have treestore
EXTJS-16492 Modifying a record so that it becomes filtered out causes the record to be added to the removed collection
EXTJS-16493 Tree root node shouldn't be included in TreeStore's rejected records list
EXTJS-16494 The constructor of fails to set on older iPads (4th gen and below - Safari JIT bug)
EXTJS-16497 Polling Tree Store Memory Leak
EXTJS-16505 Model getData does not pass options (serialize/changes etc) when getting associated data
EXTJS-16655 returns incorrect value
EXTJS-16695 Store update event has old value of reference fields. Reference not set correctly when key already exists
EXTJS-16786 Session.update drop does not handle writeAllFields:true
EXTJS-16790 loadData does not clear entire store when filter exists
EXTJS-16824 When using inline, linear data, tree store load() throws error
EXTJS-17062 TreeStore#commitChanges does not clear removedNodes
EXTJS-17168 In sandbox mode, application of default values to fields calls 'Ext.clone' and results in 'Ext is not defined' error
EXTJS-17230 Connection onStateChange has bad check for "isXDR" (needs to use the accessor)
EXTJS-17238 rejectChanges() throws if store has one or more sorters
EXTJS-17270 Store currentPage not always synced with actual loaded page.
EXTJS-17360 On a filtered store, changing an item so it no longer matches the filter unjoins it from the store
EXTJS-17441 Fields with convert methods are marked as persist: false
- DataView (2)
EXTJS-17233 Ext.view.View - adding new record to store adds element in wrong place when using a template with a wrapping element
EXTJS-17317 MultiSelect grid. Pre selected items are not checked in the selection grid.
- Draw (3)
EXTJS-16383 SpriteEvents Plugin Doesn't Fire Events
EXTJS-16405 createLighter/createDarker method does not respect factor of 0
EXTJS-16745 spriteevents plugin fires mouse events in reverse order of spritemouseover before spritemouseout
- Events (3)
EXTJS-15169 TreeStore.clearFilters ignores the supressEvent param
EXTJS-16189 Ext.util.Observable static methods "capture", "releaseCapture", and “observe†moved to Ext.mixin.Observable
EXTJS-17271 Click event added to anchor element no longer triggered for IE
- Examples (15)
EXTJS-12984 Phone field should not accept string in Kitchen Sink\ Field container example
EXTJS-14710 Kitchensink: Main page doesn't correctly show icons for groups of examples IE8
EXTJS-15729 Locking Grouping Summary Grid example - Toggle button does not work
EXTJS-15855 Cannot read property 'tBodies' of null when navigating between examples on tablets
EXTJS-16187 Page Analyzer throws error and won't load
EXTJS-16725 Ext.ux.event.Recorder uses old Ext.EventObject.setEvent method
EXTJS-16726 Ext.ux.event.Recorder click event sets button to true
EXTJS-16810 Missing icons for examples in KitchenSink
EXTJS-16956 Ext.ux.event.Player does get the speed when events are being played
EXTJS-17001 Live search grid example doesn't focus results
EXTJS-17037 hardcoding http protocol so get: was loaded over HTTPS...blocked;
EXTJS-17135 Grouping feature assumes that groupField lookups in the record results in a String
EXTJS-17326 KitchenSink chained combos - selecting a new contry doesn't clear the previous country's state
EXTJS-17605 Kitchen Sink throws error and will not load when navigation is collapsed
EXTJS-17607 Double click on remove button opens row editor
- Forms (50)
EXTJS-13033 ComboBox - hideTrigger not working when set in initComponent
EXTJS-15204 Filefield allows user to enter text
EXTJS-15330 Ext.form.field.File does not fire the focus or blur event
EXTJS-15473 Can't Set Initial Value for ComboBox with Empty Store
EXTJS-15476 Ext.form.field.Picker - Picker incorrectly aligned after window resize.
EXTJS-15497 Calling setReadOnly beforeshow results in trigger processing being skipped.
EXTJS-15664 emptyText not removed on focus
EXTJS-15936 Readonly form fields and comboboxes should not react to keyup event
EXTJS-16005 Tagfield does not calculate height correctly in some cases when auto heighting with wrapping
EXTJS-16027 tagfield backspace/delete erase all selected items
EXTJS-16046 datepicker collapses when month picker selected after showing tooltip
EXTJS-16126 HTMLEditor adds duplicate lines in IE10 and below
EXTJS-16152 Picker collapses on ENTER key when the picker is a grid and is editable and is being edited
EXTJS-16155 ComboBox - findRecordByValue and findRecordByDisplay return undefined when record not found instead of false
EXTJS-16156 Ext.form.field.ComboBox.doSetValue() - typo in warning message
EXTJS-16188 Textfield's selectOnFocus handling can cause infinite loop
EXTJS-16190 ComboBox autoLoadOnValue. If value had been set using a record, and load payload does not contain a match, rawValue is reverted to the valueField
EXTJS-16206 Setting forceSelection breaks timefield
EXTJS-16277 ComboBox value does not clear correctly on reset()
EXTJS-16279 ComboBox should not listen for store's filterchange event if store filtering is remote
EXTJS-16290 ComboBox does not honour autoLoadOnValue is displayField === valueField
EXTJS-16292 Combo setValue doesn't resolve record on load when displayField == valueField
EXTJS-16304 Combobox sensitive to store/value order in binding statement
EXTJS-16322 ComboBox: Nothing displayed when one-dimensional store is provided and no displayField is specified
EXTJS-16323 ComboBox: clearValue() does not clear the input field
EXTJS-16324 Combo box with inline store no longer works
EXTJS-16414 Delete button does not work in a numberfield when allowDecimals and allowExponential are both false
EXTJS-16468 ComboBox.checkValueOnChange should not clear value if the store is not loaded...
EXTJS-16491 Combobox with bind: { } for value renders with pickers expanded on IE11
EXTJS-16599 Cannot read property 'pointerType' of undefined when hiding bound list of picker
EXTJS-16645 ComboBox: Unable to reselect same value after clearing display text
EXTJS-16658 ComboBox defines redundant getStore() method
EXTJS-16682 Removing a tagfield from its container throws an error
EXTJS-16711 ComboBox does not restore previous valid value if forceSelection is true
EXTJS-16729 Destroying combobox in select listener causes error
EXTJS-16760 Combobox validator not active after selecting entered value from dropdown
EXTJS-16766 Multiselect combo should not deselect prior selections on container click
EXTJS-16767 Fields can switch validity states without firing validitychange
EXTJS-16795 forceSelection does not function correctly on combo box after value is blanked out
EXTJS-16817 TagField generates corrupted markup for tags if their display value contains markup characters
EXTJS-16820 Tagfield does not realign picker when height changes
EXTJS-16825 allowOnlyWhitespace on TagField doesn't work
EXTJS-16988 Wrong combobox item focused after filtering
EXTJS-17015 field labelAlign: 'right' is incorrect in RTL mode
EXTJS-17049 Combo clearValue broken when forceSelection is true
EXTJS-17157 Tagfield doesn't apply values set by growMax or growMin
EXTJS-17180 Tagfield with allowblank false always returns errors
EXTJS-17208 Hiding and showing widget columns in grouped headers can throw exception
EXTJS-17216 Tagfield with binding to view model store throws ' created with no model' warning
EXTJS-17390 Document comobox's getSelection method
- Grid (97)
EXTJS-11073 Grouping: selecting 'Show in groups' doesn't toggle grouped column when configured with hideGroupedHeader
EXTJS-14112 Empty text does not expand the container it is in.
EXTJS-14967 Listeners in RowEditing plugin do not reach grid's ViewController using "controller" scope
EXTJS-15105 Grid - date filter: does not disable filters on store correctly
EXTJS-15259 Summary feature not updating on record.set()
EXTJS-15267 Grid groupingsummary does not display when grid filtered
EXTJS-15288 Adding a record to an associated store fails with a grouping grid
EXTJS-15490 Number filter accepts invalid values if pasted from the clipboard
EXTJS-15541 tdCls not working on widgetcolumn
EXTJS-15547 Grouping summary does not update correctly on reload
EXTJS-15563 Showing a tooltip throws on locked grid when delegating
EXTJS-15641 Summary not triggered when bound store updated
EXTJS-15685 checboxmodel + IE scrolling issue in grid
EXTJS-15755 Feature groups that were filtered are always expanded after filter(s) are removed
EXTJS-15762 Containers in a WidgetColumn do not layout properly when async loading the store
EXTJS-15880 Textarea used as an editor completes edit on enter
EXTJS-15892 Locked grid scrolls badly in Firefox with mouse wheel
EXTJS-15907 Spreadsheet selection model > Multi-cell selection with SHIFT breaks selection
EXTJS-15925 Grid Panel getRowClass no longer updates
EXTJS-15962 Grid with buffered rendering does not correctly scroll group into view
EXTJS-15964 Menus do not hide on mouse down outside the menu in some cases
EXTJS-15998 Grid throws an error when columns with child components are interacted with
EXTJS-15999 Cell editing on a dropdown list completes when a list selection is made using the ENTER key
EXTJS-16022 LiveSearchGridPanel - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'down' of null
EXTJS-16024 Grid with locked columns can misalign the headers and data at far end of horizontal range
EXTJS-16041 Widget column class not added to cell correctly after reconfigure when using locking
EXTJS-16109 Summary feature does not overflow cell, causing out of sync cell widths
EXTJS-16139 Keyboard navigation is wrong in Grid after focusing a row
EXTJS-16140 Locking grid with BufferedStore can generate an error if scrolled rapidly to the bottom
EXTJS-16141 Grouping summary loses aggregate record information when toggling groups on and off
EXTJS-16150 Row is selected when clicking on checkcolumn and templatecolumn is present
EXTJS-16162 CheckboxModel column insertion is affected by default xtype on columns
EXTJS-16166 Can't use arrow/home/end keys in grid editor text fields
EXTJS-16192 Ext.grid.filters.filter.Number doesn't clear Filters checkbox when filters removed programmatically
EXTJS-16195 Grouping grid does not properly remove group when last record is removed from store
EXTJS-16201 TriFilter gridfilters aren't respecting the active config
EXTJS-16203 Grid widgetcolumn using an Ext.Component (instead of Ext.Widget) derived type does not call onBoxReady method
EXTJS-16213 Grid cell dirty class not added when field of WidgetColumn updated
EXTJS-16218 If CellEditor's beforestartedit event receives a false response, editing will never start again.
EXTJS-16221 DownArrow in an input field in a grid header throws error.
EXTJS-16223 The widget config object given to a widgetcolumn should not be modified
EXTJS-16230 AbstractSummary has a trailing comma
EXTJS-16231 setProperty errors when property does not exist and create=true
EXTJS-16248 Column header is not displaying text ellipsis when overflowing
EXTJS-16249 Buffered renderer with buffered store doesn't properly reposition grid rows when filtered
EXTJS-16251 Grid Column renderer causes constant dirty state if unused fields returned in sync response
EXTJS-16252 Adding to bottom of store when buffer rendered block smaller than view size doesn't work.
EXTJS-16267 After first drag of scrollbar on grid with buffered store, grid results scroll back to first row
EXTJS-16294 Ext.detachedBodyEl is undefined on widgetcolumn when enableColumnMove is set to false
EXTJS-16312 Checkboxmodel selecting all from header checkbox fails in grid bound to viewmodel store
EXTJS-16314 Summary feature on buffered grid produces duplicate summary rows
EXTJS-16325 Summary feature doesn't correctly react to reconfigure
EXTJS-16336 Grid: Setting minHeight on viewConfig causes layout failure with a shrinkWrap grid
EXTJS-16364 Grid selection binding is not cleared when store reload occurs and no matching record is found
EXTJS-16372 SpreadsheetModel throws "Cannot read property 'selectedRecords' of null" errors when grid is using a buffered store
EXTJS-16397 Grid column autosize creates cell overflow in FF in nightly builds
EXTJS-16436 framework error is thrown when a gridpanel has "scrollable" config set to false
EXTJS-16461 Locking grid with buffered store and variable height rows scrolling error
EXTJS-16576 Error when reconfigure columns on lockable grid before render
EXTJS-16608 Shift click to multi-select doesn't work with cellediting
EXTJS-16629 Reordering column of grouped header in locking grid throws error (handleUpdate)
EXTJS-16644 When scrolling a grid horizontally using trackpad, headers are misaligned with columns
EXTJS-16652 Trifilter: the store filter collection is updated twice when the grid filter sets its value from an inactive state
EXTJS-16661 Cannot focus textfield widget column in FireFox
EXTJS-16666 Scroll area does not resize when grid dimensions are changed on mobile only
EXTJS-16686 Touch scrolling prevents scrolling in other components
EXTJS-16689 Reordering columns causes column sorting IE11
EXTJS-16719 Clicking on the > or < icons to navigate months causes focus to leave component and hides it
EXTJS-16728 Cannot read property 'headerCt' of undefined on filtered, locked column
EXTJS-16731 progressbarwidgetcolumn should cast non-numeric values to 0
EXTJS-16735 Grid filters: reconfigure needs to null out reference(s) to the Filters top-level menu
EXTJS-16774 Column move event is not working as expected
EXTJS-16787 RowEditor error tip misaligned
EXTJS-16843 Unspecified error in Element.js is thrown after editing cell in grid and scrolling on IE8
EXTJS-16850 Ext.view.View can leave layouts suspending when destroying during a begin/endUpdate cycle
EXTJS-16871 Grid should remain filtered after reconfigure
EXTJS-16969 Cannot copy multi-line cell content from grid (bad CSV encoding)
EXTJS-17034 Trifilter: Setting filter value prior to menu creation doesn't filter store
EXTJS-17053 cellWrap is making rows go out of sync
EXTJS-17105 Adding cellediting after grid init caused error on cellclick
EXTJS-17110 Error in Ext.grid.NavigationModel.onCellMouseDown when using widget columns
EXTJS-17114 Grouped grid header is broken after hiding columns with widgets
EXTJS-17218 BufferedRenderer evaluates a row 1px above the viewport as the first visible row when using variableRowHeight
EXTJS-17278 autoSizeColumn not working with column index
EXTJS-17305 RowEditor is in dirty state when fields are loaded, so will not move to new row.
EXTJS-17321 Column resizing goes to locked size when resizing the leftmost grouped header on the non-locked size
EXTJS-17324 Spreadsheet selection model does not fire change event on clearing selection
EXTJS-17343 CellEditing exits edit mode when tabbing onto non-editable cell.
EXTJS-17349 Row editor isn't positioned correctly when adding and editing last row in view
EXTJS-17382 When user clicks on focusable widget, NavigationModel steals focus and places it on the cell.
EXTJS-17463 Edited cell stays visible after scrolling
EXTJS-17470 Removal of record with Widget column does not remove widget, so it is destroyed.
EXTJS-17485 Grid refresh with buffered renderer causes an error on Windows 8 touch devices
EXTJS-17488 isFocusable() not a function error when rating widget focused
EXTJS-17592 Removal of grid row causes widgets to disappear from grid in IE8
EXTJS-8172 {renderedGroupValue} in groupHeaderTpl not working
EXTJS-9953 Stateful locking grid does not restore column state for columns with a stateId config
- Layouts (15)
EXTJS-14754 Button menu isn't scrolling with its button
EXTJS-15282 Center layout fails in some cases when shrink wrapping
EXTJS-15868 Collapsed header panel does not render correctly in box layout
EXTJS-16056 Layout targetCls not applied correctly when framing
EXTJS-16101 Viewport fails to fill entire viewable area on Safari iOS 8.1
EXTJS-16227 Displaying a modal window triggers page-level horizontal and vertical scroll bars
EXTJS-16233 Grid scroll bars are reset when coming back from another tab
EXTJS-16350 VBox Layout Form field blur causes container to scroll to top
EXTJS-16394 Column layout items do not wrap properly if an item is too tall
EXTJS-16596 layout causes panel to reset scroll position when editing form
EXTJS-16758 Card layout fails if child item is a widget
EXTJS-16802 VIewport reports incorrect SizeModel before render
EXTJS-17115 bodyPadding is not applied on panel - center layout
EXTJS-17536 Form reset breaks layout in IE8
EXTJS-9843 Ext.cache leak in Table Layout
- Locale (2)
EXTJS-15990 Missing italian localization of negativeText of
EXTJS-16696 Wrong Italian format of Ext.grid.NumberColumn in ext-locale-it.js
- Menu (12)
EXTJS-16178 Menu onFocusLeave event hides menu with floating: false
EXTJS-16183 Other floating menus stay visible when menu is shown
EXTJS-16219 Menu hide on focusLeave should only be for floating menus
EXTJS-16257 Menu causes a crash in IE10/11 when clicking on an empty area
EXTJS-16288 Floating menu not hidden when clicking outside the menu if it was never focused
EXTJS-16319 Disabled Menuitem still shows its menu
EXTJS-16643 Submenus don't disappear when moving mouse from item to item quickly
EXTJS-16646 MenuItems show problem
EXTJS-16784 Moving item from toolbar overflow back to visible position disables menu on buttons with menu
EXTJS-17039 Nested menus that are not direct children of menu items cause the parent to hide when shown
EXTJS-17094 Cannot read property 'owns' of undefined at
EXTJS-17284 ColorMenu throws exception when selecting item
- Misc (2)
EXTJS-16395 Breadcrumb menu throws "TypeError: Cannot read property '_breadcrumbNodeId' of undefined" when scrolled up or down via arrow buttons
EXTJS-16762 Ext.view.DragZone.onValidDrop callParent missing arguments
- Panel (7)
EXTJS-16116 Panel hide when in placeholder float out mode fails.
EXTJS-16173 Component scroll position is reapplied from previously destroyed component (Gecko)
EXTJS-16284 addDocked method does not insert an array of items at correct index
EXTJS-16476 Ext.toolbar.Toolbar does not allow dock left but align buttons horizontally.
EXTJS-16864 addDocked fires dockedadd event out of order before onDockedAdd template method
EXTJS-17161 Dynamically setting panel title does not update layout
EXTJS-9505 collapseMode: 'mini' misbehaves in west/north regions (webkit)
- Scroller (3)
EXTJS-16072 Scrollbar retains focus when clicking other components once when using IE10 and IE11 on Windows 7
EXTJS-16416 Click event firing only after second click after scrollbar click/drag for IE10/11 on Windows 7
EXTJS-16637 Component render exception in touchScroll: 1 mode.
- Selection Model (5)
EXTJS-14726 SelectionModel doesn't allow deselect without Space bar
EXTJS-15525 When syncing created records, the returned record is entered into the SelectionModel's collection erroneously and cannot be removed.
EXTJS-16164 CheckboxModel selectionchange doesn't fire when deselect rows
EXTJS-16175 Drag selection of cells within a single row does not work on Chrome
EXTJS-16340 selectionchange event no longer fired when store is loaded with new data
- Tabs (7)
EXTJS-14738 "Unable to get property 'dom' of undefined or null reference" changing the tabs position or rotation on IE8 and IE9 (RTL)
EXTJS-15402 Active tab should scroll into view when text, icon or glyph changes
EXTJS-15862 Tab switching requires dblclick in classic and gray themes in Firefox
EXTJS-16054 Active tab is not being set when calling setActiveTab during a pending load
EXTJS-16721 Vetoing beforetabchange suspends layouts incorrectly
EXTJS-17289 TabPanel doesn't move tab bar items for moveBefore/moveAfter methods
EXTJS-17408 Reorderable tabs are broken - drops on wrong positions / become invisible
- Theme (2)
EXTJS-13704 Error Icon background should be transparent
EXTJS-16016 x-grid-cell-special gets two values for border-right-width
- ToolTips (1)
EXTJS-16348 Tooltip shows when disabled if the first show causes the tip to be rendered
- Toolbars (1)
EXTJS-16317 Toolbar buttons in panel disabled from viewmodel binding remain masked when panel is enabled
- Tree (13)
EXTJS-12593 Scrollbar height miscalculated upon treepanel w/ bufferered renderer treestore load
EXTJS-14396 TreeStore 'context' argument is missing from remove event
EXTJS-14812 GridFilters' onMenuBeforeShow reference to the grid is not present on treegrids
EXTJS-16007 TreeGrid not working with latest nightly build when reordering columns
EXTJS-16148 Adding new record at the top of a tree with locked columns and rootVisible:false throws exception
EXTJS-16212 NodeInterface serialize method throws an error
EXTJS-16600 setRootNode for tree repeatedly will cause memory to grow
EXTJS-16744 Expand/Collapse icon of last tree node does not reflect correct state
EXTJS-17265 defaultListenerScope doesn't work in TreePanel-TreeColumn renderer
EXTJS-17401 KS>Trees> Tree Reordering - throws js exception when dnd is performed
EXTJS-17402 Ks>Trees> Check Tree - parent nodes can't be collapsed
EXTJS-17406 Trees with drag and drop functionality - nodes are dropped into wrong folders, or not changing positions at all
EXTJS-17593 TreeStore not registering child nodes when hierarchy is produced using parentIdProperty
- Window (5)
EXTJS-14076 Window position moves upwards after restore
EXTJS-15448 Window does not remember H/W if percent is used
EXTJS-16330 Window does not restore to defined size percentages
EXTJS-16936 Window in center region of boderlayout looks off center when there is a west region
EXTJS-17120 Constrained window is not positioned within parent window
Total: 342
Release Notes for Ext JS 5.1.0 Beta
Release Date: November 25, 2014
Version Number:
Notable changes
For, it is no longer necessary to specify null as the idProperty for an abstract base model.
Any generated id field in the superclass will be replaced by a generated id field in the subclass.
Ext.define('Super', {
extend: '',
fields: ['name']
Ext.define('Sub', {
extend: 'Super',
idProperty: 'customId'
var fields = Super.getFields();
// "name", "id", 2
console.log(fields[0].name, fields[1].name, fields.length);
fields = Sub.getFields();
// "name", "customId", 2
console.log(fields[0].name, fields[1].name, fields.length);
// if you explicitly declare the id field in the fields definition, then it will be untouched
Ext.define('Super', {
extend: '',
fields: ['id', 'name']
Ext.define('Sub', {
extend: 'Super',
idProperty: 'customId'
var fields = Super.getFields();
// "id", "name", 2, "id"
console.log(fields[0].name, fields[1].name, fields.length, Super.idProperty);
fields = Sub.getFields();
"id", "name", "customId", 3, "customId"
console.log(fields[0].name, fields[1].name, fields[2].name, fields.length, Sub.idProperty);
The Ext.container.Container "move" event to indicate that a child component has had the index moved has been renamed to 'childmove'. The reasoning for
this change is that the existing event collides with the Ext.Component "move" event.
New Features
- Bind (1)
EXTJS-14721 Ext.mixin.Bindable should expose twoWayBindable as a public config
- Charts (6)
EXTJS-14616 Create a dark theme for Charts
EXTJS-14846 Charts should support events for series items in charts (via chartitemevents plugin)
EXTJS-15431 Changes in the visible range of an axis should fire a 'visiblerangechange' event (charts)
EXTJS-15535 Make "bar3d" a proper series type for charts
EXTJS-15701 Axis should support a depth for 3D Cartesian charts
EXTJS-15901 Box sprite should have 'saturationFactor' and 'brightnessFactor' attributes.
- Core (2)
EXTJS-15464 All containers should support a defaultFocus config not just Ext.window.Window
EXTJS-15635 Component.setScrollX / Y should support animation argument
- Data (1)
EXTJS-14794 ChainedStore should support insert
- Direct (1)
EXTJS-9987 Direct proxy actions other than read (create, update, delete) should support metadata
- Draw (6)
EXTJS-14509 Promote the Draw engine config to be public
EXTJS-14531 Paths should provide an API to perform hit testing against points or other paths
EXTJS-14857 Text sprite's 'text' attribute should support animation.
EXTJS-15421 Charts should provide a hitTest method that respects overlapping sprites
EXTJS-15422 Draw component should support sprite events in charts
EXTJS-15708 Ext.draw.Color should support HSV and HSB color space
- Forms (2)
EXTJS-13182 Advanced color picker component
EXTJS-15898 Provide a rating widget for setting numeric values limited to a small range
- Grid (6)
EXTJS-13950 Widget column: getWidgetRecord and onWidgetAttach methods should be public
EXTJS-14797 Grids (and trees) should have a method that scrolls a record into view (ensureVisible)
EXTJS-14956 Grids and trees should relay before/itemkeypress and before/itemkeyup from Ext.view.View
EXTJS-15083 Create grid selection model that mimics a spreadsheet
EXTJS-5144 Cell selection model does not support multi-select (see "spreadsheet" selection model)
EXTJS-8183 Grid CellEditing should provide enable/disable methods
- Misc (2)
EXTJS-15260 Clipboard plugin to add copy/cut/paste support to grids with spreadsheet selection model
EXTJS-15261 Provide utility class to encode and decode CSV and TSV (comma/tab separated value)
Total: 27
Bugs Fixed
- Accessibility (2)
EXTJS-14714 Explicit call to .focus() loses priority against present floatable components
EXTJS-15499 Using aria package generates "ariaUpdate undefined" error
- Animation (1)
EXTJS-5487 accordion animation doesn't always complete if you click frequently
- Bind (15)
EXTJS-14313 Both Store's remoteSort and remoteFilter in ViewModel makes store load twice
EXTJS-14528 Segmented buttons don't have defaultBindProperty
EXTJS-14552 Setting the value on an association binding does not update foreign keys or associated record reference
EXTJS-14704 Two-way bindings can override ViewModel data with component's default config value
EXTJS-14766 Association stores for phantom records load when used in bindings
EXTJS-14806 Setting a two-way formula of a parent ViewModel via a child ViewModel does not call the setter
EXTJS-15016 Combo with bound value always clears typed value
EXTJS-15022 Binding a store to grid disables the loadmask
EXTJS-15150 Destroying a viewport with a viewmodel leaves the viewmodel in the hierarchy
EXTJS-15258 Filter unable to set value to empty string
EXTJS-15488 Radiogroup is only bound to inline viewModel
EXTJS-15549 Clearing model in a view model does not trigger field bindings to fire
EXTJS-15595 ViewModel formulas with spaces inside the parens of get() calls don't bind correctly
EXTJS-15720 Binding to a chained store causes error when the store is modified in latest nightly
EXTJS-15745 Menu and tab break with binding not found in nightly build
- Button (4)
EXTJS-14106 button setHref/setParams doesn't check if rendered before touching DOM
EXTJS-14451 changeHandler (Ext.button.Cycle) can't reference ViewController function
EXTJS-14626 CycleButton fires multiple change events for a single change
EXTJS-15395 Buttons cannot be made floating
- Charts (41)
EXTJS-11852 Legacy scatter chart does not properly handle filtered store
EXTJS-13098 NaN values passed to lineTo/moveTo methods result in line not rendering
EXTJS-13336 package: charts! Sprites aren't rendered
EXTJS-13996 Sprite attributes can get stuck in an intermediate highlight state if hovered during chart initial animation
EXTJS-14395 Chart legend gets one extra 1x1 div for each store refresh
EXTJS-14529 Crosszoom interaction bounds are wrong with chart.innerPadding > 0.
EXTJS-14618 Chart themes should not update configs if instances configure them as well.
EXTJS-14651 chart.background config is not updated properly.
EXTJS-14652 Chart background is not animated when switching themes.
EXTJS-14695 The scale param can only be an integer with
EXTJS-14885 ext-chart package not theme-base should contain CSS necessary for VML
EXTJS-15010 Floating axes are not positioned properly when chart.innerPadding is used
EXTJS-15011 Line series 'fill' config fills the series to the bottom of the chart instead of to the axis
EXTJS-15012 Series renderer cannot be dynamically changed
EXTJS-15018 Line series configs `fill`, `smooth` and `step` cannot be changed dynamically.
EXTJS-15027 Line series don't render if there are any very large coordinates present
EXTJS-15048 SVG engine context does not support setLineDash and getLineDash methods.
EXTJS-15049 VML engine does not support setLineDash/getLineDash methods.
EXTJS-15064 PieSlice sprites are not filled properly with gradients.
EXTJS-15089 Switching to a theme that styles the grid marker sprite makes the grid disappear
EXTJS-15090 TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'l.setLineDash(s)') and all Ks- charts examples crash
EXTJS-15106 Chart background should not animate its position
EXTJS-15118 Sprite highlights can create instance-level attributes and no longer respond to theme changes
EXTJS-15144 Kitchen Sink Charts - 3D Columns - Switch Theme button crash application
EXTJS-15216 Legacy Charts: Uncaught ReferenceError: lastFocused is not defined. When try to save the chart.
EXTJS-15236 KS: Charts - LineChart w/ Image Markers : Uncaught TypeError: Array.prototype.indexOf causes app crash
EXTJS-15249 Series 'title' updater tries to get chart series when they are being applied.
EXTJS-15251 Series 'renderer' updater shouldn't be called during chart initialization.
EXTJS-15276 Chart fails to render if series title is specified before yAxis
EXTJS-15300 Axis values incorrectly computed for yField of line chart using an array
EXTJS-15423 Series 'marker: true' config doesn't work (an exception is thrown).
EXTJS-15441 Bar sprite hit detection is wrong (highlighted when it shouldn't).
EXTJS-15456 Radar series animation is misising.
EXTJS-15458 Radar series tooltips and highlighting doesn't work
EXTJS-15479 Axis label alignment other than center renders incorrectly
EXTJS-15480 Legacy charts exceptions when more than one Gauge series is present
EXTJS-15493 Legacy chart destroys surface twice
EXTJS-15661 Axis constructor has harmless but redundant call to initConfig
EXTJS-15783 ItemEvents plugin should fire itemclick with chart or series as first argument based on target of the listener
EXTJS-15794 Ext.chart.axis.Numeric - linkedTo can't be 0 index
EXTJS-9615 Pie chart legend item does not change to bold on mouse over in IE8
- Cmd (2)
EXTJS-15801 Viewport plug-in not included in production build in latest nightly
EXTJS-15829 Executive Dashboard, Portal Demo, Responsive desing demo Examples Fails to load
- Core (35)
EXTJS-10166 disable/enable touch scroller when component setAutoScroll/setOverflowXY called
EXTJS-12418 Dynamic loader fails to load CSS in Safari 5
EXTJS-12947 Ext.Layer and Ext.LoadMask no longer support shim
EXTJS-13193 Draggable components are not resizable
EXTJS-13925 Undefined width and height in boxready event
EXTJS-13931 Changing the group key can cause group items to be out of order in some scenarios
EXTJS-14505 Ext.util.Format.number returns wrong value with a negative zero and trimming zeros
EXTJS-14614 Ext.callback and Ext.env.Ready.invokeAll should call Ext.elevateFunction
EXTJS-14675 Modal mask disables tabbing for the modal window
EXTJS-14707 mixin.Observable won't resolve class level listeners to methods on the class
EXTJS-14779 Delegate element selectors can fire out of DOM order
EXTJS-14856 setMin/setMax width/height fails on components with liquidLayout before render
EXTJS-14887 Capture of previous focus on Floating show causes problems.
EXTJS-14893 5.0.1 can delay opening modal window or Ext.Msg.alert for 1-2 seconds
EXTJS-14908 relayEvents does not stop firing when a handler returns false with single: true
EXTJS-14946 Collection does not update map correctly when adding multiple records when the collection is sorted
EXTJS-15060 Textbox keeps focus and is editable after loading mask set on parent
EXTJS-15063 Listeners not merged correctly when extending from Ext.util.Observable
EXTJS-15081 Class system should set name property on functions, instead of displayName
EXTJS-15119 Typo in Ext.util.Filter.isInvalid
EXTJS-15138 Tab key not working when the (deprecated) Ext.FocusManager is enabled.
EXTJS-15176 Ext.Img overrides style config when using a glyph
EXTJS-15290 Ext.Img.setGlyph does not work when called multiple times
EXTJS-15349 Cannot remove a Sorter object from a Sorter collection
EXTJS-15373 TouchScroller does not include absolutely positioned items in scroll size
EXTJS-15389 Fix LoadMask maskCls property
EXTJS-15390 isFocusable() should return true for documentElement in IE
EXTJS-15515 DD's "ddel" element gets collected as garbage unexpectedly.
EXTJS-15538 Ext.util.Collection does not update indexes correctly in some cases when adding multiple items while sorted
EXTJS-15548 Focus cls is removed from wrong element
EXTJS-15728 Component move event conflicts with Container move event (rename Container's to "childmove")
EXTJS-15743 IE8 view.getNodes returns empty array
EXTJS-15763 ZIndexManager activates topmost in stack regardless of visibility.
EXTJS-15802 Container fires remove event when moving an item to the same container
EXTJS-15836 Collection.clear does not clear down extraKeys
- Dashboard (1)
EXTJS-15467 Unable to show() a dashboard portlet after closing it
- Data (36)
EXTJS-10899 LRU should compare keys, not values
EXTJS-13894 MyApp.model.MyModel.load(null, options) throws 'Cannot load phantom record' error
EXTJS-14010 Model erase should not conflict with store sync
EXTJS-14131 Generated UUIDs replaced with sequential id when saved via LocalStorageProxy
EXTJS-14150 Unable to load a single record from the model via a WebStorageProxy
EXTJS-14399 Store.find does not match the start of strings as a default
EXTJS-14406 Applying a noop filter to TreeStore with rootVisible : true changes the node count
EXTJS-14432 Tree selection doen't work after 'id' was changed on the server
EXTJS-14485 Reader should not generate a new model from metaData unless it contains fields
EXTJS-14515 Ext.Direct store method with quotes does not work with data binding filter
EXTJS-14560 Calculated fields in child model do not work if parent model instance was created
EXTJS-14595 Upon return from a sync, Operations should not always fire a refresh event.
EXTJS-14611 Global variable introduced by validate method of
EXTJS-14654 Rest proxy does not urlencode the id
EXTJS-14696 Cellediting does not work on additional columns in treegrid when the treepanel has a reference config
EXTJS-14732 incorrectly sets JSON data for POST requests when encode is true
EXTJS-14740 isLoaded method in TreeStore always returns false
EXTJS-14769 hasMany association does not respect storeConfig when specifying a name
EXTJS-14890 Chained store filters do not notify correctly when the source is a chained store
EXTJS-14903 TreeStore with autoLoad triggers a duplicate load
EXTJS-14905 LoadMask missing on grids with chained store
EXTJS-14969 TreeStore folderSort does not work correctly
EXTJS-14988 JSON writer does not use field's name as fallback on destroy operations if nameProperty has no value
EXTJS-15059 Store remove events do not fire after calling removeAll
EXTJS-15076 sorterFn not respected when using grouping
EXTJS-15170 Self referential associations pollute reader when loading nested data
EXTJS-15369 Insert does not sync on filtered store unless inserted record matches the filter
EXTJS-15394 Unable to bind store on Ext.view.View in latest nightly
EXTJS-15428 FilterCollection find method cannot find filter instances (similarly for sorter/collection)
EXTJS-15444 Store fires unnecessary events when modifying the sortBy field.
EXTJS-15487 Warnings shown when overriding a Model field
EXTJS-15519 manyToMany association overwrites custom associationKey for nested loading
EXTJS-15542 ManyToMany does not update inverse store when doing a removal
EXTJS-15580 Proxy not destroyed properly when store is destroyed
EXTJS-15616 remoteSort: true doesn't ignore sortOnLoad like it should
EXTJS-15741 Session.adopt fails when loading nested data for a ManyToMany relationship
- DataView (4)
EXTJS-13607 Sorting a view using the Ext.ux.DataView.Animated plugin causes item DOM order to not match Store order
EXTJS-14631 SelModel pruneRemoved:false incorrectly removes records on store refresh
EXTJS-14808 Ext.view.View focuschange event is not fired
EXTJS-15026 DataView doesn't map records to nodes correctly after store reload
- Direct (2)
EXTJS-14580 rootProperty on DirectStore is ignored
EXTJS-14843 API functions not resolved when both api and directFn configs are used
- Draw (3)
EXTJS-14746 Sprite rotation is not handled properly due to Ext.draw.Matrix.split method
EXTJS-15385 Surfaces added to draw container via getSurface method don't render until draw container is resized
EXTJS-15631 Ext.draw.sprite.Ellipse has the wrong type property
- Events (9)
EXTJS-12977 Calling Element's addListener (or "on") method throws an error if called before onReady
EXTJS-13266 LoadMask class should check its hierarchy state before hiding and showing
EXTJS-13487 Ext.mixin.Observable can easily cause memory leaks because it does not track its own direct listeners
EXTJS-14701 Listeners declared on class have an incorrect default scope when passing a function reference
EXTJS-14945 Click event can stop touch events from firing on multi-input devices
EXTJS-15103 Ext.util.Observable does not respect the "args" event option
EXTJS-15735 Ext.event.publisher.Dom#dispatch appends the event target to the args list every time it is called.
EXTJS-15759 Managed listeners are not always removed when the managing Ext.util.Observable instance is destroyed
EXTJS-15825 Controller events are case sensitive
- Examples (9)
EXTJS-12914 Drawing Example. Browser Logos are cut in IE8
EXTJS-14136 Restaurants store - storeId typos
EXTJS-14562 Ks: Form fields: Tag field: TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'h.setLastFocused(null)') when selecting a state, change to another code view, go back to the grid and try to write something
EXTJS-14564 Keyboard Navigation: KitchenSink: Form fields: Multi-selector grid: TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'm.isNonData') when opening the example and press "tab" key
EXTJS-14576 Buffered store sometimes requests invalid range when using the scrollbar
EXTJS-14715 Multi-lang example: Theme isn't being persisted across page loads
EXTJS-15197 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) when opening any example on Ext js 5 except Ks and some combination examples
EXTJS-15356 "KitchenSink > Data Binding > Associations" example is missing code preview for Customer and Order models
EXTJS-15879 Some Combination Examples is not loaded on firefox
- Forms (46)
EXTJS-12364 selectOnFocus does not work on firefox
EXTJS-13127 Remotely loading grid combo editor doesn't reset editor inputEl dom value if interrupted during load.
EXTJS-13331 Form action callbacks should verify that the form is not destroyed
EXTJS-13796 HtmlEditor with value binding resets cursor position when typing
EXTJS-14119 Slider widget's vertical, value, minValue and maxValue configs are not documented
EXTJS-14431 Combobox didn't get empty string value when the field is backspace to empty.
EXTJS-14530 TagField throws error when setValue is used
EXTJS-14599 Icons for Center align and right align interchanged
EXTJS-14607 Datefield Picker lost on month/year click
EXTJS-14637 Display fields do not allow multi line text
EXTJS-14638 ComboBox AutoComplete selection lost
EXTJS-14688 Form validation causes focus to jump
EXTJS-14722 DisplayField will not display a value if it is boolean false
EXTJS-14803 Text field does not always remove the emptyUICls when text is added
EXTJS-14928 The scroller of an editable combobox can't be clicked if the component is focused on IE11
EXTJS-15000 Combo change event does not fire when last character removed
EXTJS-15017 combobox - growToLongestValue no longer works
EXTJS-15021 Combobox doesn't update display value when the source of a chained store loads
EXTJS-15043 Combobox SPACE key triggers selection
EXTJS-15065 [5.0.1] A HTML Editor Field in Modal Window Causes an Exception when Pressing Tab.
EXTJS-15066 Validation error hidden with visibility with ext-all and display with ext-all-debug
EXTJS-15125 combo listbox collapses after clicking next page btn, scrollbar etc.
EXTJS-15159 [5.0.1] Form errors make the fields lose focus
EXTJS-15235 Ext.ux.form.MultiSelect doesn't allow deselection on IE9m
EXTJS-15239 Cannot use HtmlEditor as an Ext.Editor field
EXTJS-15275 MultiSelect throws exception when an item is selected
EXTJS-15286 TagField triggerOnClick no longer working
EXTJS-15289 ComboBox fires select when value is set without user interaction
EXTJS-15291 ComboBox.setValue doesn't return itself in nightly build
EXTJS-15292 Typo in combo updateValue
EXTJS-15374 ComboBox closes when hovering over tooltip
EXTJS-15397 Combo collapses list when setting a value not in the store with forceSelection: false
EXTJS-15398 Fields in field container do not display their labels
EXTJS-15414 Datefield still allows selection of date beyond maxValue
EXTJS-15501 Combo auto-reset while typing with query and forceSelection
EXTJS-15561 Ext.form.field.ComboBox valueCollection is not destroyed in combobox onDestroy method
EXTJS-15593 Combobox is not refreshing selection when store's filters change
EXTJS-15633 Formbind needs to be recalculated after field enable/disables
EXTJS-15639 Tab when DatePicker calendar focused throws error.
EXTJS-15656 Tag fields with allowBlank:false and a value still fail validation.
EXTJS-15705 HtmlEditor doesn't resize iframe correctly when switching sizing from shrinkWrap to fixed
EXTJS-15748 Using chainedstore in combobox causes failure on doSetValue
EXTJS-15778 Double var declaration in combo
EXTJS-15928 Cannot use arrow keys in CellEditor and RowEditor.
EXTJS-6398 Collapsed fieldset in v/hbox does not layout properly
EXTJS-9943 Form submit does not properly handle a "target" that is a reference to the target iframe
- Grid (83)
EXTJS-10378 Wrong cellEditing context after preventing editing from beforecomplete event
EXTJS-11150 Wrapping grid cell's contents doesn't work properly when locked columns and bufferedrenderer are configured
EXTJS-11661 Stateful grouped headers cause layout error when toggling hidden state on group
EXTJS-11885 Last grouped header doesn't align with its data column after being moved out of its group
EXTJS-12752 CellEditing plugin stops working when within a collapsed container
EXTJS-13032 Locking grid not respecting certain cfg's
EXTJS-13299 List grid filter store gets out of sync with grid store
EXTJS-13408 Reconfiguring a locking grid doesn't shrinkwrap its columns if there is a checkbox column
EXTJS-13851 On Safari6, clipping the RowEditor when close to top/bottom of view breaks the RowEditor.
EXTJS-13871 Grid RowExpander plugin breaks RowEditor plugin
EXTJS-13924 Grid grouping not functioning when grouping field not specified in store
EXTJS-14173 The setStore method of grids and trees should be public
EXTJS-14180 Grouping feature becomes unresponsive to mouse events when changing model id
EXTJS-14207 Grid filters - updateBuffer config option doesn't work
EXTJS-14304 Grid column menu shows sub menu when it has no hideable columns and is empty
EXTJS-14405 Number grid filter treats value=0 as blank
EXTJS-14408 Row height synchronization fails with locked column
EXTJS-14415 Grid filters active styling not added to column after refreshing the page when using state
EXTJS-14557 Row Editing: Grid: Cannot read property 'getAttribute' of null When you render click on add employee button and scroll down
EXTJS-14594 Grouping grid does not accept ungrouped Store
EXTJS-14604 HideHeaders has no effect for PropertyGrid
EXTJS-14632 Can't select text in grid editor fields
EXTJS-14634 Toggling grid summary does not refresh in a non-locking grid
EXTJS-14681 BufferedRenderer can fail to restore focus from an editor if row has been "derendered"
EXTJS-14684 Checkox Multi Select bug in 5.0.1
EXTJS-14727 Kitchensink example: Big data grid - Sorting blocks dropdown menus (IE,FF,Chrome)
EXTJS-14761 Ext.grid.filters.filter.List documentation for "store" wrong
EXTJS-14768 Grid's horizontal scroll will never go away in Classic theme
EXTJS-14795 Dirty flag in grid does not disappear when record is committed or rejected
EXTJS-14819 Selection is wrongly cleared if click misses rows
EXTJS-14820 Grid's sortableColumns set to false does not turn off column sort
EXTJS-14831 Grid columns don't line up when there is no scrollbar
EXTJS-14844 Grid summary column widths are wrong if the store is empty
EXTJS-14854 Using hideHeaders causes horizontal scrollbar in tree and grid
EXTJS-14858 Hiding grid column during initComponent for locking grid causes exception
EXTJS-14859 checkOnly doesn't work on Ext.selection.CheckboxSelectionModel
EXTJS-14863 Click on action column causes first grid cell to be focused
EXTJS-14870 Hidden nested group headers are shown when its group is shown
EXTJS-14874 Widgetcolumn cells are empty when the store is reloaded / loadData
EXTJS-14875 Cannot deselect grid rows in IE9
EXTJS-14879 Minimal updating of grid cells causes Element data cached to become unsynchronized.
EXTJS-14888 The today button on datefield editor does not work
EXTJS-14889 Month trigger on datefield editor closes immediately
EXTJS-14892 When expanding a grid row while at the bottom of scroll range, scroll range does not get expanded.
EXTJS-14896 KS - Grouped Grid: Groups are not expanding correctly - nightly build 29/Aug
EXTJS-14901 Picker used in grid cell editor closes instantly on click
EXTJS-14907 Grid columns not positioned correctly after resize and refresh.
EXTJS-14950 grid header shifts to left when sort button pressed
EXTJS-14965 Views should defer saving children tabbable state until TAB key is first used (perf issue)
EXTJS-14970 Scroll position jumps to top on initial group collapse, failing the action, when inside "auto-grow" height grid
EXTJS-15028 Property grid - ComboBox can not be open on IE8,IE9
EXTJS-15034 Grid header get higher z-index than floating window
EXTJS-15100 Timing issue when rapid scrolling back to rendered area after scrolling into unloaded regions of a Buffered Store.
EXTJS-15104 RowEditor retains previous values when value not defined in model
EXTJS-15117 Buffered renderer erroneously moves buffered block in certain cases where new records inserted above the rendered block.
EXTJS-15177 Boolean column is not refreshing after data changed
EXTJS-15190 Issues with stateful grid on grouping
EXTJS-15221 KS - grid plugins check-box model: button disabled state based on selected rows does not work correctly
EXTJS-15226 BufferedStore#reload does not cause view refresh.
EXTJS-15284 Moving a header to the locked partner of a locking grid will break if there are no current items in the locked partner's headerCt
EXTJS-15329 grid filters type:list does not track changes in store content
EXTJS-15368 KS: Grid plugin - Unchecked checkbox - CheckboxModel do not call selectionchange event
EXTJS-15388 Row Selection does not work when grouping a Buffered Store
EXTJS-15443 Grid reconfigure with locking fails when initially configured with no columns
EXTJS-15475 Grid selection events fire twice in some cases
EXTJS-15522 Property grid methods getConfig/setConfig conflict with Ext.Base
EXTJS-15524 Reloading a BufferedStore causes grids to throw
EXTJS-15600 Locking view is not relaying tableview row* events
EXTJS-15643 Scrolling is broken after quickly reloading buffered store several times
EXTJS-15646 Buffered renderer cannot position the rendered block properly on IE9m
EXTJS-15680 Calling reconfigure on a grid with locked column throws a js error starting in Nov5 nightly build
EXTJS-15690 Inserted grid columns lose their position when restoring column state
EXTJS-15696 Ext.view.Table fails to remove row stripes on store endUpdate
EXTJS-15769 Ext.selection.CheckboxModel throws exception on range selection
EXTJS-15779 Grid gets two checkboxmodels in locked grid in nightly build
EXTJS-15780 Buffered renderer causes exception when store load is called in specific parts of render cycle
EXTJS-15853 Grid filter plugin error on grid reconfigure with null store
EXTJS-15878 XML grid and tree - Broken Example, getNodes is not defined
EXTJS-15917 Hiding and showing group headers are not refreshing the view
EXTJS-9425 Error on Grouped Grid with Remote Summary when empty
EXTJS-9525 Grid paging bug when using the grouping feature
EXTJS-9537 Grid with Grouping Checkboxes - 2 page selection does not work
EXTJS-9546 remoteRoot in summary feature does not work by itself but only with grouping
- Layouts (9)
EXTJS-13870 boxLabel doesn't layout correctly with form layout
EXTJS-13918 Collapse/expanding panels with animation do not position sibling items in layouts correctly
EXTJS-14470 Setting margin on a panel goes to the body, not the element
EXTJS-14947 scrollable viewport with anchor layout does not account for scrollbar width when sizing children
EXTJS-15114 A collapsed region in a border layout will layout incorrectly if it is currently floated at the time of the layout
EXTJS-15192 Button with fix width in column layout causes layout failure
EXTJS-15335 Components sized by a layout manager can layout wrongly if layout is triggered by changes in their descendant items
EXTJS-15545 Component.isVisible() with deep: true returns incorrect value in card layout
EXTJS-9982 VBox align stretch prevents horizontal scrolling even if there is minWidth
- Locale (2)
EXTJS-14636 move locale data from RTL class
EXTJS-14680 Hebrew thousand/decimalSeparator incorrect
- MVC (2)
EXTJS-11684 The global domain listener doesn't catch idle events from controller.listen()
EXTJS-14653 Destroying a view with ViewController attached disables listen: {..} handlers
- Menu (2)
EXTJS-15640 Menu focusing and hiding does not properly track focus change
EXTJS-15873 Grid header menu is not dismissed on mousedown within view
- Panel (2)
EXTJS-12476 Sizing panel from top border does not resize panel correctly
EXTJS-15361 Panel#setTitle crashes when used in beforeRender hook
- Selection Model (5)
EXTJS-14800 Checkbox selection model config checkOnly is not respected
EXTJS-14909 Grid Checkbox - once selected checkbox can not be unselected.
EXTJS-14994 tree selection still remains when parent node removed
EXTJS-15612 deselectOnContainerClick defaults to true for RowModel/CellModel
EXTJS-15911 checkboxmodel not clickable with mode: SINGLE
- Tabs (7)
EXTJS-14524 RTL: Ks: Tabs: Side Navigation tabs: Tabs look cut off
EXTJS-14733 Cancel tab change event doesnt work correctly
EXTJS-14835 Clicking custom button in TabBar causes exception
EXTJS-15381 Tab Panel activates disabled tabs on click
EXTJS-15727 Tab is preventing card item from being focused
EXTJS-15791 setActiveTab and activate event not fired when tabs are added via the loader config
EXTJS-15895 Tab panel with header config and tabBarHeaderPosition mutates the header object
- Testing (1)
EXTJS-15578 Jasmine is broken
- Theme (4)
EXTJS-14627 TagField uses unscoped class name "selected" but should use "x-tagfield-item-selected"
EXTJS-15496 Misspelled SASS Variable in Ext-Theme-Neutral
EXTJS-15683 Improve documentation for how to set a UI for panels for both default and -framed
EXTJS-15904 RTL vertical toolbars don't apply correct margins
- ToolTips (2)
EXTJS-12482 QuickTip isn't shown when interceptTitles is configured
EXTJS-13313 RowEditor Tooltip stays static in X,Y,Z space if Window containing grid is moved or resized.
- Toolbars (1)
EXTJS-14469 Binding a store to a pagingtoolbar does not update the child components properly
- Tree (16)
EXTJS-13133 Tree panel: clicking on expander icon also selects the node
EXTJS-13281 setRootNode, collapse node will not allow expand
EXTJS-13733 Programmatic expansion of a node below collapsed ancestors should work.
EXTJS-13886 Trees sometimes get horizontal scrollbar even if there is no overflow
EXTJS-14287 Treepanel using gray theme is horizontally scrollable by default
EXTJS-14398 rootchange not fired by TreeStore
EXTJS-14496 Cells in a tree grid are not focusable using the keyboard
EXTJS-14558 Ext.tree.View - NodeStore unnecessarily required
EXTJS-14823 Local filter in constructor for TreeStore causes exception
EXTJS-14913 TreeStore getNodeById cannot be used from nodeappend listener
EXTJS-14949 Ext.tree.Panel.selectPath does not work when using numeric ids or subclassing the tree panel
EXTJS-15053 Incorrect scroll position when using buffered rendering tree
EXTJS-15085 Tree render / expand broken
EXTJS-15367 TreePanel setRootNode renders nodes incorrectly where TreeStore setRootNode works as expected
EXTJS-15447 Expanding Tree Node throws error in nightly build
EXTJS-15876 Drag and drop or collapsing of item in tree causes following items to disappear
- Window (12)
EXTJS-12636 Initially maximized window lays out twice. But is initially small (48x8).
EXTJS-14665 WindowManager.bringToFront throws an error when an id of a hidden component is passed as argument
EXTJS-14700 Showing a load mask in when a window has a defaultFocus causes an exception
EXTJS-14767 waitConfig not respected
EXTJS-14825 MessageBox doesn't auto width correctly with large content in IE8
EXTJS-14925 Window defaultFocus produce an error if combined xtype#id selector used
EXTJS-15110 Close on window not working when ARIA package included
EXTJS-15357 Ext.window.Toast should not be focusable
EXTJS-15392 window header lacks cursor indication "move"
EXTJS-15477 monitorResize adjusts window size, but not shadow
EXTJS-15650 Window with maximized: true & constrainHeader: true causes an exception
EXTJS-15688 Initially maximized window shows maximize tool instead of restore
Total: 358
Release Notes for Ext JS 5.0.1
Release Date: August 5, 2014
Version Number:
New Features
- Accessibility (9)
EXTJS-13476 Focused buttons should have a distinct style in all themes
EXTJS-13480 Grids and Trees should be in tab order
EXTJS-14068 View should focus and navigate with a NavigationModel, not the SelectionModel
EXTJS-14183 Focused tabs should have a distinct style in all themes
EXTJS-14184 Focused grid cells should have a distinct style in all themes
EXTJS-14185 Focused grid headers should have a distinct style in all themes
EXTJS-14190 Focused slider thumbs should have a distinct style in all themes
EXTJS-14191 Focused dataview items should have a distinct style in all themes
EXTJS-14356 Grid header should be tabbable separately from grid view
- Bind (2)
EXTJS-13763 Selection two-way binding should work consistently across all components that have selection
EXTJS-13934 ViewModels should provide a declarative way to create new records
- Charts (5)
EXTJS-12277 Support themes in Chart, Series, Axes, Sprites and Markers
EXTJS-14051 Should provide default markers: Arrow, Square, Triangle, Tick, Diamond, Plus, Cross.
EXTJS-14256 Axis 'label' and 'title' config defaults should be controlled from theme
EXTJS-14257 Chart themes should follow fonts, sizes and weights of application's Sass theme by default
EXTJS-14363 Custom axis label renderer should have an easy way to call the default renderer
- Core (3)
EXTJS-13664 Should allow minWidth/maxWidth/minHeight/maxHeight configs to be used as responsive configs or in binds
EXTJS-13893 Responsive mixin/plugin should provide a way to share calculations (responsiveFormulas)
EXTJS-8305 Should provide a way to elevate user code to enable building platform-specific apps (such as Windows 8)
- Grid (1)
EXTJS-9451 Have option to place RowBody either before or after the data row
- MVC (1)
EXTJS-13734 Store event domain should provide matching for store aliases like the Controller domain
- Tree (1)
EXTJS-13611 TreeStore should add parentIdProperty to read linked linear data, and create a tree structure.
- Window (1)
EXTJS-14046 Floating components should support an "alwaysOnTop" config
Total: 23
Bugs Fixed
- Accessibility (8)
EXTJS-13210 Slider thumb does not receive focus
EXTJS-13477 Masking should disallow tabbing into masked elements
EXTJS-13801 Masked Components should be removed from tab order
EXTJS-13802 Viewport should support masking with proper keyboard navigation
EXTJS-14316 Invalid input in text field stretches parent container in theme-aria
EXTJS-14333 ARIA theme colors are wrong for Grids
EXTJS-14351 ARIA: Screen reader: When navigating through the tab panel, voice repeat the elements twice
EXTJS-14374 ARIA: Keyboard Navigation: Toolbar: Unable to access to "Choose a date option" in Button menu- Toolbar tab
- Bind (10)
EXTJS-13303 viewModel binding and fieldLabel, causing wrong message aligment
EXTJS-13711 Binding tab title fails for inactive tabs
EXTJS-13762 Binding deeply into an object does not always produce the proper value
EXTJS-13804 Binding time field prevents typing because of validation
EXTJS-13875 Cannot bind to dynamic menu
EXTJS-13889 Datefield clears value with specified binding
EXTJS-13933 Forms using bind and modelValidation display errors before any fields are modified
EXTJS-13935 Bindings are not processed if viewModel data contains an empty record
EXTJS-13980 Model validation should prevent putting invalid field values back into the record
EXTJS-14276 ViewModel does not respect Model's COMMIT event
- Button (4)
EXTJS-11964 Links still work after buttons are disabled if tapped on border.
EXTJS-13592 Segmented button styling is wrong in RTL mode
EXTJS-14297 Aria example - unable to choose an element on menu button in Safari
EXTJS-9490 Focused buttons have the same appearance as hovered buttons
- Charts (26)
EXTJS-12742 Line Chart With Image Markers - fill should be below the stroke
EXTJS-13396 Pie chart slices get wrong colors when data is loaded from remote
EXTJS-13504 Build of charts code has classes out of order - fails to load
EXTJS-13564 There are references to Sencha Touch in some of the Ext JS 5 charts API docs
EXTJS-13589 Charts tooltips are not positioned right in IE8 in RTL mode
EXTJS-13600 Creating a chart and using renderTo body creates an element without a height
EXTJS-13663 Selection from left to rigth is inverted on RTL mode in IE8 and IE9 - Column Charts (RTL)
EXTJS-13674 Pareto example left y-axis goes into negative territory when 'Causes' are turned off in the legend
EXTJS-13691 3D pie chart doesn't render segments correctly at certain angles.
EXTJS-13722 Charts don't render correctly in Firefox with SVG engine.
EXTJS-13739 Two SVG text elements are created (for fill and stroke) even when stroke is invisible.
EXTJS-13760 Calling store.removeAll() on a chart will not clear the chart series (hangs the browser in Touch)
EXTJS-13831 Radar series show with a delay during which markers are visible in the top left corner.
EXTJS-13836 Line series marker labels created, but not rendered
EXTJS-13848 Series theme styling isn't updated on store changes
EXTJS-13882 Setting a store on a chart that hasn't been rendered yet produces no result.
EXTJS-13960 Chart tooltips do not show without the itemhighlight interaction
EXTJS-14002 textBaseline behavior is not consistent across all browsers and draw component engines.
EXTJS-14058 Bound store not working with PolarChart
EXTJS-14061 Callout lines are not visible or black when series makes use of gradients.
EXTJS-14229 Text is not measured correctly in Safari, Firefox and IE8 in fast mode.
EXTJS-14253 All series should provide correct legend info based on the value of their 'hidden' config.
EXTJS-14274 Financial Charts doesn't work, candlestick.js not found
EXTJS-14290 Scatter chart labels do not always clip properly
EXTJS-14340 Crosshair interaction labels don't always align with axis labels.
EXTJS-14379 Sencha Charts is not currently pre-built in Ext JS 5, which necessitates Cmd to build the package
- Cmd (6)
EXTJS-13683 Browser + Cmd warnings on a clean app generated by Cmd
EXTJS-14200 Sandbox builds should use "Ext5" for JS root namespace (not "Ext4")
EXTJS-14201 Sandbox builds should use "x5" for CSS root namespace (not "x4")
EXTJS-14204 Sass lookup fails if classname repeats the namespace (e.g., "MyComponent.MyComponent")
EXTJS-14278 Kitchen sink examples broken in RTL mode - Kitchen Sink (RTL)
EXTJS-14359 Framing metadata generated for the slicer can conflict with user's pseudo elements
- Core (16)
EXTJS-13130 Resize handles do not work when nested
EXTJS-13559 Class system is not properly handling statics in a privates block
EXTJS-13623 Element.isFocusable does not consider tabIndex and does not recognize all focusable elements
EXTJS-13676 iOS floating keyboard appears on drag start of a Window
EXTJS-13687 Ext.util.Cookies.get isn't unescaped
EXTJS-13705 Ext.util.Observable adds an undefined listener if there are none declared
EXTJS-13707 Global variable leaks in ClassManager
EXTJS-13716 Drop indication line positioned wrong when TouchScroller used
EXTJS-13797 Automatic iframes should be non-focusable
EXTJS-13822 contentEditable elements should match as tabbable
EXTJS-13854 Generated app warns that targetCls is missing in console
EXTJS-13861 Container defaults are not properly merged with instance configs of child items that use the config system
EXTJS-13952 'mousemove' not fired during drag drop
EXTJS-13961 floatingItems remain in memory after being destroyed
EXTJS-13966 Object template processes functions as objects.
EXTJS-14072 Resizing Windows is constrained to the owning container even when constrain is not configured true
- Data (22)
EXTJS-13228 Grid using BufferedStore does not update sorters
EXTJS-13369 mapping does not properly interpret complex expressions
EXTJS-13684 ProxyStore throws an error reporting bad usage (Ext.Error.warn should be Ext.log.warn)
EXTJS-13689 Models with idProperty causes error on Load
EXTJS-13692 TreeStore no longer relays node events.
EXTJS-13749 useDefaultXhrHeader on a proxy has no effect
EXTJS-13784 Associations fail create duplicate association names
EXTJS-13808 Store rejectChanges not removing new records
EXTJS-13813 Stores no longer fire the beforesort event
EXTJS-13845 TreeStore load event signature does not match & Node not passed to load event
EXTJS-13983 Records created using WebStorage proxy are not added to the session
EXTJS-13992 getAssociatedData does not recurse beyond one level of association
EXTJS-13993 Nested association data is not being removed from Model's "data" object
EXTJS-13999 Child session serializes dates incorrectly for saving to parent session
EXTJS-14003 ManyToOne association broken after removing item from associated store
EXTJS-14005 AbstractStore.isDestroyed inconsistent with Ext.Component.isDestroyed
EXTJS-14033 Session.adopt does not adopt any associated records
EXTJS-14097 Many To One Association with session does not keep track of associated records when directly adding to the session
EXTJS-14141 Store load method does not respect "url" option
EXTJS-14170 Unable to define a default reader in a custom proxy class
EXTJS-14286 XmlReader fails when reading tree data
EXTJS-14513 Configuring a TreeStore with a model that is not a TreeModel throws an error
- Draw (1)
EXTJS-14045 "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'path' of undefined" when trying to draw a line from the inside to the outsides of the drawable window - Free Paint
- Events (1)
EXTJS-14142 IE9 event.browserEvent member not found
- Examples (32)
EXTJS-13001 Ext JS Portal Example - Dashboard does not maintain Column/Row transitions properly
EXTJS-13352 has no method 'doComponentLayout' - when you try to change from Month to week or day
EXTJS-13489 TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'target.className.indexOf') when opening any example
EXTJS-13531 If a draggable field is set empty, its message box looks cut off when is dragged in to a grid - Field to Grid
EXTJS-13548 Slider example should update colour on drag rather than at end. Needs minValue:0
EXTJS-13565 Drag and drop does not working in RTL mode - IE8,IE9
EXTJS-13569 Grids - Array Grid (RTL Hebrew) By placing the mouse pointer on the column header, it does not allow to sort asc/desc or move on IE8 and IE9
EXTJS-13618 "Uncaught TypeError: object is not a function" when trying to open Interactive Dashboard - Combination Charts
EXTJS-13639 Unable to move element from one tree to another in RTL mode on IE8 and IE9 - Two Trees (RTL)
EXTJS-13670 Excutive Dashboard, The grid doesn't collapse and open the groups
EXTJS-13693 Dashboard layout does not properly cleanup removed items
EXTJS-13699 TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating '') and crashes when clicking on Accordion Windows and then clicking on the refresh button many times
EXTJS-13761 "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of undefined" when trying to use the functionality within the example - Summary Grid
EXTJS-13765 Ext.ux.IFrame should updated to avoid usage of renderSelectors.
EXTJS-13841 Ajax Tool tip does not load when clicking - QuickTip example
EXTJS-13852 "Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression" when used parentheses in search - Live Search
EXTJS-13853 "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'apply' of undefined" when trying to alter data within the example in RTL - Summary Grid (RTL)
EXTJS-13856 Unable to show window if "Insert Image" button is clicked twice - Advance Dataview
EXTJS-13945 Executive Dashboard Example fails to load with 404
EXTJS-13959 Ks crashes when opening Interactive Dashboard and try to sort any column
EXTJS-13964 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getSurface' of undefined and unable to use Free paint example
EXTJS-14195 Unable to use desktop example when changing the theme
EXTJS-14244 Text Boxes inside the windows look cut off (ARIA example)
EXTJS-14248 Unabled to access to DataView Content using tab key - ARIA Examples
EXTJS-14283 JavaScript errors in ARIA demo
EXTJS-14292 The grid resize to the minimum size when you select the checkbox "Editable" and press Tab Key - Aria Examples
EXTJS-14296 Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null, when you navigate to the example - Simple Tasks example
EXTJS-14385 KS - Main menu cannot scroll on Ipad
EXTJS-14422 Kitchen Sink - Only two categories are displayed in the tree before collapsing some of them (Ipad)
EXTJS-14423 ARIA:Center Panel: Window Tab : When you kept the window open and change the tab, the components does not render the css correctly
EXTJS-14442 Loading ExtJS Examples in any IE version generates AppCache Fatal Error
EXTJS-14516 Page Analyzer fails to load
- Forms (23)
EXTJS-13495 Slider widget allows text selection upon mousedown
EXTJS-13675 Multiselect grid, touch themes. The "remove" ActionColumn escapes the grid.
EXTJS-13713 Form field triggers do not render correctly in classic theme/RTL mode
EXTJS-13752 In Firefox, multi-line labels cause input and triggers to expand vertically
EXTJS-13770 Spinner triggers in neptune-touch and crisp-touch wrap when the field is too narrow
EXTJS-13793 HtmlEditor iframe does not respect height config
EXTJS-13803 Fields with "grow:true" cannot have their size configured or set by layout
EXTJS-13818 DisplayField's body element should have vertical-align:top
EXTJS-13915 labelStyle no longer applied to label's style
EXTJS-13957 combobox does not scroll when using keyboard
EXTJS-14000 Combo boundlist duplicates content outside tpl tags
EXTJS-14004 Datepicker does not blur when clicking outside the component if showToday is false
EXTJS-14077 Numberfield crashes when holding the mouse down over one trigger and switching to another
EXTJS-14110 tagfield config filterPickList implementation doesn't filter list correctly
EXTJS-14154 TagField cannot be bound to a store dynamically
EXTJS-14157 Slider prevents tabbing out of the thumb
EXTJS-14163 Time field throws JavaScript error on validation
EXTJS-14259 inputType: 'search' causes text field to be rendered incorrectly
EXTJS-14305 HtmlEditor destroys iframe element twice which causes spurious warning
EXTJS-14310 HiddenName for ComboBox does not create hidden field
EXTJS-14312 Ext.picker.Date cannot be rendered as disabled
EXTJS-14450 Slider movement not reversed in RTL
EXTJS-14467 Date field trigger icon is wrong in RTL
- Grid (32)
EXTJS-10667 Column resize restrictions should not apply on locked columns when locked view is resizable or can scroll horizontally
EXTJS-13020 Ext.grid.locking.View: Listener leak
EXTJS-13290 Multi-selector grid does not load data when adding Employees
EXTJS-13519 Summary values are not being updated if summary is hidden before change values - Summary Grid
EXTJS-13580 Grids with auto height are created with buffered renderer enabled which does not support auto height
EXTJS-13688 GridFilters throws an error when removing custom filters
EXTJS-13703 Row Editing only updates the tooltip with the first invalid field.
EXTJS-13715 Reconfigure should move the buffer rendered body to the top.
EXTJS-13753 Grid - Summary feature not working with convert/calculate fields
EXTJS-13759 Rownumberer/Action Column causes error when updating row
EXTJS-13773 Grid reconfigure on a locked grid does not resize locked side correctly
EXTJS-13787 Grid filters store does not react after reconfigure
EXTJS-13805 Grid itemCls is set to 'x-dataview-item' but should be 'x-grid-item'
EXTJS-13814 Grouping/Summary grid features enable/disable broken
EXTJS-13816 Columns in "Quarter" category are unable to show after following certain steps - Executive Dashboard
EXTJS-13819 Typing spaces in a grid cell editor toggles checkbox in other column
EXTJS-13826 Resizing grid column with wrapping content causes random errors or misplaced grid view
EXTJS-13859 Grouping collapse crashes when using a custom groupFn on the grouper
EXTJS-14024 Gridfilters initialized with a value of Boolean false are not set as active
EXTJS-14073 widgetcolumns won't work with flex
EXTJS-14084 Horizontal scrollbar doesn't appear on Grid Reconfigure for empty Store (in FF and Chrome)
EXTJS-14227 Grid reconfigure with a new store fails when the store goes from grouping to no grouping
EXTJS-14232 Grid grouping headers can create invalid identifiers
EXTJS-14252 Big Data Grid Example - Cannot use check boxes
EXTJS-14258 Grid cell editors not destroyed when editors have not been activated
EXTJS-14262 getWidgetRecord() not binding correctly when adding records
EXTJS-14285 BufferedRenderer.onReplace sets refreshing flag incorrectly
EXTJS-14309 List filter should properly implement loadOnShow functionality
EXTJS-14387 Cell focus styling blocks mouse events
EXTJS-14440 Arrow key navigation does not select cells properly in IE
EXTJS-14441 Date picker focus conflicts with grid cell editing
EXTJS-14536 Locking grids cannot disable buffered rendering
- Layouts (1)
EXTJS-13751 Ext.layout.container.Box should require Ext.resizer.Splitter
- MVC (3)
EXTJS-13747 Plugins are not processed if the component is used in autoCreateViewport
EXTJS-13867 defaultListenerScope:true does not work on a View that has a ViewController
EXTJS-14282 ViewControllers do not clear listeners on destroy
- Menu (3)
EXTJS-13849 Unable to create menu before onReady
EXTJS-13895 Clicking a menu item with href config causes two click events
EXTJS-14298 The menu expanded does not close when change to another example in ARIA example
- Misc (2)
EXTJS-12096 The constructor of Ext.resizer.Resizer is missing a variable reassignation and results in an error
EXTJS-14295 Responsive plugin throws error when created from config object
- Panel (2)
EXTJS-13776 Ghost panel header does not respect titlePosition during drag
EXTJS-13791 Panel collapsed config cannot be used in data binding (need to have setCollapsed method)
- Selection Model (2)
EXTJS-13850 Ctrl+A not triggering 'selectionchange' event in grid
EXTJS-14255 Grid doesn't select newly synced records
- Tabs (3)
EXTJS-13679 Tab bar loses height when all tabs are closed
EXTJS-13723 Cannot add non-tab items to tabBar.
EXTJS-14366 Using tabPosition with non-tab items throws undefined error
- Theme (3)
EXTJS-13786 "Trial" text covers App Name in RTL mode
EXTJS-13899 Neptune's $grid-header-trigger-background-color-open cannot be overridden
EXTJS-14126 Checkboxgroup error border css incorrect
- ToolTips (6)
EXTJS-12041 Tooltips get overly wrapped on Safari
EXTJS-12511 Narrow tooltips in Safari Mac
EXTJS-13334 Tooltip is horizontally squished in Safari
EXTJS-13890 Error Quicktips not showing on floating form's fields when the form created at runtime
EXTJS-14086 IE9 tooltip layout cutting off text
EXTJS-14438 Tooltips don't accommodate text properly in IE9
- Toolbars (1)
EXTJS-13941 Navigation disappears when opening any form, Toolbars or layout example and change to another example
- Tree (11)
EXTJS-12962 TreeStore datachanged is not fired when data is changed
EXTJS-13049 Tree singleExpand is lost when store is changed via reconfigure
EXTJS-13346 Reader typeProperty is not respecting reader's namespace
EXTJS-13509 Appended nodes are not correctly parsed
EXTJS-13673 Buffered rendering is not enabled by default in Trees.
EXTJS-13727 Loading a Tree on demand doesn't work
EXTJS-13858 Tree navigation disappears when opening Hbox layout example and then change to another form example
EXTJS-13908 Rows disappear after collapsing and expanding the first row on the grid in Tree examples
EXTJS-14107 Tree fires double sortchange event when sort changes
EXTJS-14268 Treepanel relays old treestore node event names
EXTJS-9364 Cannot hide loadMask when using BufferedRenderer plugin on Tree
- Window (3)
EXTJS-13799 Ext.Window's maximizable config modifies the title position, causing the title position to move while dragging
EXTJS-14001 Windows do not constrain properly when maximized
EXTJS-14291 Unable to use the keys when opening window and close it (Aria example)
Total: 221